
时间:2022-06-02 17:28:02 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  We need to prepare some delicious fruits, such as round orange, golden pineapple, yellow banana, bright cherry tomatoes, green and green plums, deep pink bayberry, red apple, etc. we also need to prepare knives, toothpicks, plates and other appliances.

  First, rinse the fruit clean and cut up with a small knife. Then mix them together and finally freeze in the fridge. Also can put some sugar, make the taste better.

英语作文 篇2

  The desire for good health is universal. Especially nowadays, the possession of good health is regarded by nearly every one as essential to a happy life as well as a successful one. Only in good shape can you expect to live comfortably or work ef fectively. In contrast, without good health, ambitious and promising as a person may be, he will eventually turn out to be a wreckage of modern life.

  How to stay healthy, then? First, enough time should be set aside for perse vering in exercises in addition to sleep and rest. Second, you must give up the habits that damage your health, such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Finally, be sure to have your physical checkup regularly. Whenever you are found to haveany disease, you should have it timely treated.

  As for me, I have always been taking care to have proper sleep and relaxation. I have also been alert to any discomfort in my body. In my spare time I like running, swimming, and playing table tennis. So, I can keep fit and pursue my career with great facility.

英语作文 篇3


  Youth is like a mountain, you call it, there is no response, so you go to it.


  I have that gorgeous youth, so I have a vibrant world. Youth is like a rich and tranquil manor, and great hopes and happiness are waiting for my passing. There is no waiting fruit in youth, only high morale to harvest. Although we have not pointed out the heroic feats in youth, there is no lack of deep accumulation for thin hair.


  We applaud for the variety of youth, for the lofty aspirations of youth, but also for the short-term youth sigh. Our youth does not look back suddenly, but is full of the ambition of "asking for a tassel to take a sharp journey, and crossing qingheluo directly with a whip". We travel around the world with our youth in hand to experience the majesty of the truth of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. To experience the majestic mountains and rivers of the Great Wall, but also to grasp a grass to face the same as the spring of the land of Jinsong smile. Similarly, our youth also has the pain and helplessness of falling, and also has the disappointment and sadness. However, in youth, we have learned to be strong through the baptism of pain. In the wind and rain, we are determined to rise.


  In our youth, we also chew the cultural heritage carefully. We are eager to "view the ancient and modern in a moment, touch the whole world in a moment". So we listen to the sharp sounds of nature of Shu state together with Li Bai and look forward to the nature. We travel with Xu Xiake to the motherland and sigh for the miraculous work of heaven and earth. We also share the three officials with Du Fu and lament the sadness of ancient times. In our youth, we are full of curiosity and kindness Odd. So in the ocean of knowledge, we are tireless.


  We build our own youth, weave our own dreams, talk with the majestic mountains and the sacred motherhood of the Yellow River. Oh This is our youth, no regrets, we strive for the first, enjoy the harvest. Youth is picturesque, and the interaction of life is more vitality and vitality.


  Youth is a song, beating notes to witness us always head up forward, all the way sassy, all the way splashed.

英语作文 篇4

  —An insight of " The Shawshank Redemption " "The Shawshank Redemption" is a drama / crime film, directed by French director Frank Darabont, but the audiences feel that he is more suited to be a screenwriter than a director. The two major actors Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman shape successfully the two roles Andy and Red. The "Shawshank" is a film about freedom, legal and other things, everyone has different thinking after watching the movie. Thinking of myself, it gives me a lot of inspiration in person’s attitude towards daily life, the film encourages people to fight for freedom of persons, to think about the wonderful life and hope, and the most important thing is never give up at any time! In 1947,the banker Andy was accused of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment and kept in Shawshank prison. At the follow days, Andy knows Red, and they become good friends. Life in prison is long and boring, on the one hand, Andy writes to the governor, applies for a library funding, and then Andy builds the first prison library ,helps the newcomer learn knowledge, through all kinds of methods, he completes a self-redemption; on the other hand, he digs an escape tunnel every night, and successfully escapes from Shawshank prison to greet his new life after 19 years in prison. At last, Red eventually successfully releases, They meet each other again in Mexico and intend to open a new life together!

  I have seen the leading role's attitude towards life from the film" Shawshank " , there is a poem written by Russian poet Pushkin, the poem says: If by life you were deceived, Don't be dismal, don't be wild! In the day of grief, be mild: Merry days will come, believe Heart is living in tomorrow; Present is dejected here: In a moment, passes sorrow; That which passes will be dear

  The leading role Andy is an optimistic person, even though he is sentenced to jail, He uses an optimistic attitude to face his encounter and boring days, and he keeps changing his daily life, helping other fellow prisoners around him. We should look at ourselves through his performance and learn his attitude towards adverse situation. In our daily life, a lot of disappointments and unfavorable things make us be in trouble, the question is what should we do, Some persons say: just make it! If we have to pinch pennies for everything, there will be nothing left in the end. Others say: just ignore it! The meaning of one’s life is meeting difficults and challenging yourself, we must fight for it with an effective

  way, such as Andy’s. There is a Chinese old saying: A great man knows when to yield and when not. When to yieldwhen we have the strength and be ready to fight for it, but before this time, all we need to do is just keep quiet and keep hope in your mind, In the long days, there is one thing we must do all the time, that is looking for every possible opportunities to make ourselves become much stronger than before. Do some meaningful things to keep hope in our mind, when the proper moment comes, We must make every effort to resist until it is defeated, as Andy says: “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”

  When Andy comes the prison the first day, He doesn’t resist, just keeps quiet! When the guards are worried about taxes, he volunteers to help them, makes fellow prisoners have the opportunity to enjoy beer. Later, he is appointed to be a librarian, He tries his best to raise books and money there, builds a good library for his fellow prisoners’ learning and entertainment. One day, a young man comes to the prison, breaks Andy’s life in prison, the young man knows the real murder who kills Andy’s wife and her lover, that is to say Andy is guiltless, but when Andy want to prove his innocence, the warden refuses his request and kills the young witness in a illegal way. Andy becomes depressed. The highlight of the film is when Andy gets out of the jai: in a thunderstorm night, Andy gets through the tunnel he had dug before, he puts forth his strength to pound

  sewer pipeline by stone when the thunder comes, as if the God applauds him. And then he gets into the sewer and escapes from the jai, when he reaches the end of the sewer he extends his arms toward the sky in the heavy rain, he is welcoming his freedom and his new life. At that moment, I see the faith win the darkness, hope is the best thing in the world and struggling with injustice is the best way to get freedom.

  If life deceives you, don't be dismal, keep hope in your mind!

英语作文 篇5

  In the history of biological development, there are many kinds of species appearing and disappearing, and the dinosaurs are such an example. Once in the earth, the invincible position occupied PA dinosaurs 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous. After that, it mysteriously disappears, leaving a man talk about the topic. For the extinction of dinosaurs, there are many hypotheses in the world, such as poisoned theory, aging theory, environmental deterioration theory, eggshell metamorphosis theory, supernova explosion theory, meteorite impact theory and so on. However, after the scientists have verified that there is not a doctrine with great persuasiveness. But can dinosaurs be resurrected? Once seen the science fiction movie Jurassic Park, it drew a scene for us: the extinct dinosaurs were resurrected, and these giant creatures were ramping up in our city. Do we ever think of the possibility of the resurrection of dinosaurs, while we are feeling the high content of science and technology?

  In the best of spirits we went on a car slowly moving forward, came to the other people fascinated Changzhou China dinosaur park. There, the most engraved in my mind is "through the Jurassic". We queued up to the gate of "crossing the Jurassic", where we saw the crowds of people. After half a day, we sat on the boat happily. Imperceptibly, the small boat gradually entered the "Jurassic era", and suddenly it was black and black. All of a sudden, a strange and fearful roar of the dinosaur was called, and I was frightened and frightened. With a slowly moving forward, with a bloody Tyrannosaurus neck, anger tone stood in front of me, as if to see its situation engulfed the whole world, it is no wonder that ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex was dominated on the earth!

  Then go forward, where many fossil specimens are stored. They are all covered with glass. In addition to dinosaur fossils, there are fossils of plants, insects, fish and other animals of that age. It turns out that these are some patterns on the rocks. I also saw the dinosaur eggs. This egg is very big, like a big stone. If you don't tell me that this is a dinosaur egg, I can't see it. After watching the fossils, we went to see the skeleton of the dinosaurs. A dinosaur skeleton was arranged to form a skeleton of a bone to pay for the dinosaur. If you add some meat, it's like a dinosaur. I saw that the skeletons of these dinosaurs were very large, so I thought that dinosaurs must be a super large animal. Now no animal in the world can be bigger than it. Then we went to see some pictures again. Looking at it, I felt like I had come back to the age of dinosaurs. It was really fun.

英语作文 篇6








英语作文 篇7









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