
时间:2022-08-07 19:10:00 英语作文 我要投稿
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快乐的英语作文 篇1


  第一天去上课,我跟着妈妈忐忑不安地推开教室门,哟,已经有7个“小豆丁”端端正正地坐在那儿了,看样子是、三、四年级的,7、8岁的小孩居多,唯有一个和我差不多大,升五年级的。我傻了眼,呆呆地站在那。妈妈推了我一把,让我坐在第一个桌子旁,等着老师来。没过几分钟,一个二十几岁模样的大学生走了进来,她披着一头微卷的金发,长着一张漂亮的.鹅蛋脸,水灵灵的眼睛让人看得入了迷,红红的樱桃小嘴分外惹人眼红。大家发出了一声“哇”,老师笑了笑,用清脆的声音说:“同学们好,我是教你们音标的老师,你们可以叫我‘Sherry’老师。现在,我来为你们起英文名。”她走到我身边,问道:“你叫什么名字?有英文名吗?”“我叫胡磊,没英文名。”我 望着她,轻轻地说。“那就叫你‘Mandy’吧!”老师笑眯眯地说。“好!”我异常高兴。老师一圈走下来,大家都有了好听的名字:Jiji、John、Sandy、Jack……教室里是一片欢呼声,老师拍了拍手,开始教我们音标,她告诉我们音标有48个,分为元音和辅音,元音又分为单元音和双元音,辅音则分为清辅音和浊辅音。她给我们讲了5个元音字母相对应的元音音标,并告诉我们这几个音标的口型。大家听得仔仔细细地,连最小的孩子也不曾开小差。说完这些,老师又带我们玩起了“拍气球读音标”、“魔法手指”、“憋气”。同学们玩得不亦乐乎,个个脸上露出了灿烂的笑容……


快乐的英语作文 篇2




快乐的英语作文 篇3






快乐的英语作文 篇4


  My mother told me that today is a happy Christmas. My mother said to me again, "Christmas, Santa Claus will give you presents! I'm so happy! My ear rings like" jingle, jingle, jingle... " This kind of music. I was immersed in the joy of Christmas, imagining how Santa Claus gave presents. I think that's how Santa presents presents. He was wearing a red hat, a white plush ball on the top, and a big red dress and pants. When the needle pointed to 12 o'clock, he would drive a deer sledge to give gifts to every child who wanted to give them. But these children must be sensible and obedient.


  In order to get the gift, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and obediently gave my breakfast to my family. My family was very surprised, because I was not like this in normal times. I let go for a gift. In class, I try my best not to let myself go on errands. In normal times, I've been distracted. Finally proud to school.


  I thought, "will Santa forget me if he wants to give gifts to so many children?" so I wrote down the gifts on a piece of paper so that Santa would not forget them. In the evening, I had a beautiful dream that I got a big gift. But I didn't see any presents by the bed when I came together in the morning. I fell into my mother's arms and told her the whole thing. My mother stroked my head and said, "silly boy, Santa didn't forget you." You see, say, take a doll out of the back. I held the doll and broke into tears.


  I think it's a full and interesting Christmas.

快乐的英语作文 篇5

  Today, my mother and aunt accompany grandma to Green Manor and Pu Park play. As fast as fifteen, people get up.

  We first went to the Pu Park, we play from east to west. The first attraction is the Lotus Pond, now has lotus lotus Ikegami, but the water inside the lotus leaves many complicated and difficult to deal with the neck, partly hidden and partly visible at the surface, when I want to summer, there must be full of beautiful flowers!

  We always go to the north along the Gaoyang bridge, on the left is the Dragon Mountain, the right side is the children's playground, mom and I play a go kart, I open a mother, play really happy ah!

  Then we boarded the Longshoushan station to the top of the hill, the Pu park scenery glance. North dragon mountain is a skiing slope, there is no way, mom let me roll down from the grass, I put my hat on his head, and rolled down, who knows the rolling line, has been hit the ring, which made his mother and aunt and grandmother laugh, also took the opportunity to shoot me a few photos.

  The Dragon Mountain West. There are many military vehicles and artillery Tangke, we have seen before, the mother in order to catch the time to Green Manor would not let me play.

  The second station is a Green Manor, and as soon as I get into the Green Manor, I will run to the world. Here there are holes climb, climb, climb up and down the spiral rope, climbing and so on, I am very happy to play. As I enjoyed myself, my mother said, "go somewhere else!" Then we came to the water world, there are a variety of bridge pier, bridge, cement pipe bridge, chain bridge, bridge, bridge, double disc tire roller bridge, to allow people to see dazzling, but the water is very deep, some are the bridge diffuse live, mother afraid I wet shoes, don't let I go, I'm a bit disappointed.

  My stomach was so hungry that my mother said, "let's go to dinner." So we went home with a happy mood.

快乐的英语作文 篇6

  The Spring Festival is a very important festival in China.It's on the first day of the first lunar month.Before the Spring Festival,people have bought presents, like,meat, fruit,flowers drinks and somethings for themselves.

  The children are very happy because the Spring Festival is coming.Mothers have bought clothes for them child.The clothes are very beautiful.

  At the Spring Festival night twelve o'clock,people eat dumplings with money,stand for safe.

  It is really a happy festival.






快乐的英语作文 篇7

  Old people can keep cats

  Some old people sometimes feel lonely. I think they can keep cats as their pets.

  First, cats are not very big and they don’t eat too much. Old people don’t need to make them big houses or spend too much on the cat food. Second, cats are very clean and easy to take care of. Old people don’t need to clean the house very often. Third, cats are good companies. When old people watch TV or rest on the sofa, cats are always with them. They make old people’s life much happier.

快乐的英语作文 篇8

  Sunday, my father drove my mother and I went to the eastern outskirts of Zhoukou new botanical gardens play.Go a long way, finally saw the door to the botanical garden, which is composed of eight milky white stone, inlaid with fine shape and tread pattern. Into the door, on both sides of a road through the depths of the Botanical Garden, the road full of flowers and trees, exudes a fresh and fragrant. As if lined up to welcome us. End of the road, there is a garden big turntable, along the path to go inside the garden side, eyes suddenly light up, a beautiful artificial lake in front of us, the water is clear and transparent, gentle breeze rippled the slightest ripple. A group of white waterfowl, flying up and down in the lake. A tree-covered hills of the artificial lake surrounded together to form a beautiful picture.We walked along the road near Lake, there has been a blue stone arch bridge, on the bridge when the mother riding a bike a little difficult, downhill may cool, "call" a falling too far away, there is a real sprint a feeling of. We came to the lake island, the island is covered with soft sand, very comfortable riding on top. I immediately put shoes off, put his feet in the sand. Then sand carved houses, trains, ships and other models. I was so happy to see my mother, gave me photographed leaving a beautiful moment. Then my mother and I went to a small mound in the jungle, these different varieties of trees, the various departments and units of the aunts and uncles who planted voluntary labor. Although small trees, but after a few years, will become a towering trees, really predecessors trees, descendants cool ah!The botanical gardens, bustling city like Xanadu next, and I hope that it build a more beautiful and attract more people to play and leisure.

  星期天,爸爸开车带着我和妈妈一起到周口东郊新建的植物园游玩。走了好长一段路,终于看到植物园大门了,它是由八根乳白色石柱组成,镶嵌着造型精美图案和花纹。走进大门,一条公路直通植物园的深处,路的两旁种满了绿树花草,散发着清新和芬芳。好像列队欢迎我们。公路的尽头,有一个花园大转盘,顺着花园一侧的小路往里走,眼前突然一亮,一个美丽的人工湖呈现在我们面前,湖水清澈透明,微风吹过,漾起丝丝波纹。一群群白色水鸟,在湖面上下翻飞。一座长满绿树的.小山把人工湖环绕起来,构成一幅美丽图画。我们沿着湖旁的小路,出现了一座青色的石拱桥,上桥时,妈妈骑着电动自行车都有点吃力,下坡可就爽了,“呼”的一下滑得老远,真有一种冲刺的感觉。我们来到湖边的小岛,岛上铺着软软的沙子,踏在上面很是舒服。我立刻把鞋子脱下来,把自己的双脚埋在沙子里。然后用沙子雕成房子、火车、轮船等模型。妈妈看见我如此高兴,便给我拍了照片,留下了美好的瞬间。 随后我和妈妈来到小土山上的丛林中,这些品种不一的小树,是各机关单位的叔叔阿姨们义务劳动栽种的。小树虽然现在很小,但若干年后,就会变成参天大树,真是前人栽树,后人乘凉啊!这座植物园,就像繁闹城市旁的世外桃源,我希望它建设得更加美丽,吸引更多的人游玩、休闲。

快乐的英语作文 篇9

  this summer is evry surprised, because it is a special one,during the summer, i have beening done many work,for eample,chinese work,math work,physics work and so on.i have made a big progress ,i feel very confdence and very happy.

  since august 8th,,i watch many games on my computer evey day, sometimes watch the games at midnight.the olympic opening ceremony is very great. it make evryone chinese prond.even many foreigners feel surprising.we have got eight gold medals ,i am very happy and proud, i am chinese. i believe our players will win more gold medals.