
时间:2023-03-06 15:32:24 英语作文 我要投稿




春天的英语作文 篇1

  In spring,our school becomes more beautiful. In our school garden, there are flowers smiling at you. There some are yellow,and red flowers.The trees turn green.They look so beautiful in green clothes.The sun is shining so brightly.

  Some boys are playing game in the sun.You can also hear a group of girls sing songs, about the spring .All these make me think that spring is here and spring is just in our school.

春天的英语作文 篇2

  Spring the girl went gently, the fragrance of flower, spring the faint scent of day also subsequently parting, wear only the aureate memory perpetuation that spring leaves, for a long time does not go... this spring is special to us, this has been us the last spring that 28 classmates spend together, we are cherished all the more. This spring and differ greatly before, quarrel, cerebrum... disharmonious thing each disappears from the scene, those who replace is mirth, solidarity... and do not say to be the same as the mutual help between the desk, when also telling spring outing spend difficulty in all, more do not discuss the care like the family member, but tell tell this athletic meeting. The athlete goes all out do one‘s best of one mind is class win honour for, cheering squad calls broken voice to be cheered to team member, classmates the pen does not stop n cultivated land contribute is contended forclass of optimal conduct propaganda... special spring, aureate memory -- lasting!

春天的英语作文 篇3

  spring comes!

  as the sun sprays its light, the air is pervaded by the smell of spring! when you look from the fourth floor of the no. 3 teaching building, a large picture you will probably entitle it fresh green is unfolded before your eyes. you feel astonished at the sight of the blooming white orchids along the road to the school canteen, especially at the amazing speed at which they climb up the tree!

  its spring, my favorite season, an outburst of hope.

  one day in spring, on my way back to the dorm, an unusual scene came into my sight. onto the playground ran a girl and three boys, followed by a large group of people. what was happening? oh, many a student was playing rope skipping there!some skipped on their own;others did one by one with a longer rope. it suddenly reminded me of the skipping contest on the following tuesday, attended by all the departments. no delay any more, i hurried to look for my classmates!

  here they were! i spotted them right away at one corner of the playground. apparently, the team had not decided upon the candidates to control the long rope. boys and girls, nearly every one on the scene tried once. but girls seemed to have a better command of the rope. so two girls assumed the key responsibility.

  pa, pa, pa, pa at a moderate speed, we began to practice.no one knew how well it would do as the team was just composed of volunteers who love sports. the first member rushed in and out, with a swift skip in the halfway. good! i whispered.then the second one repeated the same perfect performance.then the third, the fourth... great! i could not help crying out. a slight hope of winning sneaked into my mind, maybe we can win... pa! a loud crash disturbed my dreaming. the rope had stopping whirling for the first time. take it easy. its just a little... hardly had i finished my self-comforting than the second stop followed. a breath of wind chilled my heart. i could sense that everyone appeared to be clam, as they always were.without a word of blame, a big hand patted on the two unlucky ones. have one more try! as someone shouted, the rope came back to life again.

  sure, we should try!

  though full of hope, we were not blessed with perfect techniques at that time. the two unlucky ones had trouble again and again at the second round, third round... it seemed as if they had got lost in a psychological maze, trying to locate the eit in no time. however, against their good wish, it was more haste,less speed.

  a fit of desperation seized me, but i soon got over it. for i felt obliged to give comfort to the two poor guys, telling them not to worry and i knew a few words would bring courage to continue the practice! to my great joy, i was not the only one thinking in this way. slowly, all the despair melted away in the daylight. smiles, jokes, and friendly tones filled the air with warm spring smell. we found the sun still shining high up the sky, spreading light and hope.

  we restarted. although not much improvement was made during the first day of training, however, i knew no one cared,and no one cared about that prize. for we were progressing towards our goal. it was the precious teamwork and the hope of spring that we really cared.

春天的英语作文 篇4

  Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone.

  As my bike has been stolen, I have to run from one teaching building to another every day.

  The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a new journey. Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it. As soon as I get seated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes. Grass sprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turn the dull grey into fresh green. As I look up, I find those tall trees have also put on new clothes. Green, here and there, everywhere!Spring has come, I realize suddenly.

  A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance. I trace it,surprised to find several lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree. And there are even some singing birds! I am so delighted with all these tiny lives that my fatigue vanishes all of a sudden.

  The sky shows its purest blue. The sun generously gives out its heat and light, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of houses, on the people passing by, also on me,quietly and tenderly. There come a couple of young people,strolling leisurely. A group of students are sitting in a circle on the grass and discussing something heatedly. Some are reading English but in low voices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus. Others are lying on the lawn, having a nap, or just enjoying the sunshine as I am.

  I feel I am free, free of thinking anything. In such a pleasing environment, doing anything is a great pleasure. I am fully indulged in this tranquility. If only time could stop!

  I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music. Much to my disappointment, however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq. It is hard to believe that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding and death of war while others are enjoying a happy life.

  The sun is hidden by the clouds. After a few seconds, it shines brightly again.

  Peaceful life seems to have gone, but it will come back one day, I am sure.










春天的英语作文 篇5

  pring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring.Sometimes It rains a lot.Everything has started to change in spring.Look,the trees are turning green.The birds are singing happily in the trees.The flowers are showing their smiles to us.Spring is also my favourite season.Because I can wear my beautiful shirts .I can plant trees and go camping.I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring.Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too.In a word,Spring is a very beautiful season.I like spring very much. 春天是一年中的第一个季节, 一共有三个月:三月,四月和 五月.春天,天气变得越来越暖 和了.有时候,也会下很多雨.春 天,所有的事物都开始变化了. 看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐 地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸. 春天也是我最喜欢的'季节,因 为我可以穿上漂亮的衬衫,我 可以植树,去野营,我可以在春 天里过得很开心.当然了,我也 是喜欢春节.总之,春天是个十 分美丽的季节,我十分喜欢春 天. 祝开心!

春天的英语作文 篇6

  Spring comes, all things recover, the earth is a lively scene, spring, dreamlike season!

  Winter just quietly walked, the early spring is quietly coming. It is the coming of the earth to renew, let us say goodbye to the winter cold, ushered in the warmth of spring!

  In the early morning, I could see the swallows flying above and in the sky in the campus, as if they were saying, "spring is coming, spring is coming". Not only can the swallow feel spring, but I can feel it, because every time the breeze blows, I can smell a fragrance. And we took off our winter clothes and put on a fashionable spring suit.

  In spring, the earth rose from the cold, and was cut and cut out of the old grass, and the bud was strong. Without artificial cultivation, they are under the wind and rain moisten and caresses of sunlight, grow up, the sixth grade composition spring, fantastic season!. At this point, the vegetation, foil with red, white, yellow, such as flowers, the breeze is blowing the rich smell of grass pollen, drill straight to the heart. We open your mouth breathing the fresh air deeply.

  Spring is also a good season for flying kites. All kinds of kites are flying in the bright sky. Yesterday, the sun was shining brightly, and my uncle and I went to helong sports square to fly a kite. There are many people in the square, and the kite is so strange that all the people are intoxicated in the world of kites. Feel the warmth of spring!

春天的英语作文 篇7


  In spring, you take life and hope, ride the spring wind, step on the drizzle, walk lightly, fly over the mountains, jump over the rivers, come all the way, and all the places you go are full of vitality.


  When spring comes to the orchard, the bright red peach blossom, the snow-white pear blossom and the light pink apricot blossom are competing for splendor. They are actually open to each other. Looking from afar, a sea of flowers. The hard-working bees are busy in the garden, the beautiful butterflies are dancing, the birds are singing melodious songs, like saying that I love you in spring.


  When spring came to the fields, the green wheat fields waved to us, the yellow rape flowers showed a beautiful and moving smile, and the farmer's uncle's face showed a happy smile, breaking the silence and quiet meditation in the morning.


  When spring comes to the garden, pink cherry blossom, golden jasmine, white lily and colorful rose make up a beautiful star river. The little girls put on beautiful flower skirts, run around the fountain and fly a kite happily. The aunts put on the gorgeous dance clothes, and with the beautiful music, they danced the charming square dance.


  I love spring, love the recovery of everything, love its spring, love its flowers, love its vitality, love its flowers.

春天的英语作文 篇8

  Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring : March , April and May , The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring. Sometimes It rains a lot. Everything has started to change in spring. Look, the trees are turning green. The birds are singing happily in the trees. The flowers are showing their smiles to us. Spring is also my favourite season. Because I can wear my beautiful shirts . I can plant trees and go camping. I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring. Of course , I like the Spring Festival , too. In a word, Spring is a very beautiful season. I like spring very much.

  春天是一年中的第一个季节,一共有三个月:三月,四月和五月。春天,天气变得越来越暖和了。有时候,也会下很多雨。春天,所有的事物都开始变化了。看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸。 春天也是我最喜欢的季节,因为我可以穿上漂亮的`衬衫,我可以植树,去野营,我可以在春天里过得很开心。当然了,我也是喜欢春节。总之,春天是个十分美丽的季节,我十分喜欢春天。

春天的英语作文 篇9

  春天到了,小草变绿了,花儿开放了,蝴蝶和小蜜蜂匆匆忙碌着;小河的水变清了,鱼儿在快活地游来游去;东风吹来,风筝飞满了天;阳光里,不知名的'小飞虫在跳跃着;小蚂蚁也钻出洞 穴,忙着找食物;大树脱下厚厚的冬衣,发出嫩芽;小朋友们也脱下那厚厚的棉衣,换上春装,手拉手在暖暖的阳光下蹦呀。跳呀······春天真美!

  When spring comes, the grass turns green, the flowers open, the butterflies and the bees are busy in a hurry; the water in the river becomes clear, the fish are swimming around happily; the east wind blows, the kites fly all over the sky; in the sun, the unknown flying insects are jumping; the ants are also drilling holes Hole, busy looking for food; tree take off the thick winter clothes, send out buds; children also take off the thick cotton clothes, put on the spring clothes, hand in hand in the warm sun jump ah. Jump... Spring is beautiful!










