
时间:2023-03-13 11:24:53 英语作文 我要投稿
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我的家乡英语作文 篇1

  When you look at the subject, you may wonder where Xinyang is Where is it beautiful? Not only you are curious, but I am also curious. So, on the May Day, my family decided to travel to Xinyang.

  Listen to my father: "Xinyang is located in the southern part of Henan province and Hubei province. It has beautiful scenery and charming scenery.". The most famous scenic spots are the South Bay Reservoir and the Jigong Mountain."

  May 4th was a fine day, and early in the morning we were happily on our way. I saw a car on the road and ran like a horse. Everything is going backwards...... Four hours later, we came to the South Bay Reservoir. As soon as the door came in, flowers appeared in front of us. All kinds, colorful, butterfly like, moon like, and fish like? Beautiful.

  We came to the pier, where the water is clear, clear water green, we sat on the boat to go to the three islands: Monkey Island, bird island, the island in the fire department, go to the Monkey Island boat, saw the trees all over the mountains and plains cover the day to avoid the back of the boat, whitecaps rolling, like a big Y. Like the tail of a fish. I saw a big island in front of me. I thought to myself, "it seems to be here.". Look, there are two red characters: bird island. As soon as the ship landed I couldn't wait to rush up. The island lush trees, flocks of migratory birds. I spent a tremendous effort on the bird Taiwan, from afar, a film, flocks of egrets flying, reportedly up to more than 100000 only. The swim island we take another boat came to the island, a door two hairy body in the trees left and right jump jump, they are happy. I was glad to see. Then we went to disappear Island, where the trees were beautiful! So the first day went by.

  In May 5th, with the arrival of the sun just waking up, we finished breakfast and came to Jigong Mountain. The mountain was so high that it looked like a green dragon. Dad drove the car on the mountain, the mountain is covered with a wild profusion of vegetation of trees. Half an hour later, we came to the music fountain, the water in the fountain dancing with the music, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes slow, sometimes anxious, music is always changing tone. We went to the water edge, just listen to the frog in the happy singing, a group of small tadpoles in the water of joy swim with small tadpoles with a big black head, two small black eyes, a tail in the water right and left ease yo yo. Finally, we went to the newspaper Xiaofeng, looks like a big cock peak, we managed to climb to the peak, looking down the beautiful panoramic view of the scenery. On the fourth day, we reluctantly returned to Zhengzhou.







我的家乡英语作文 篇2

  My hometown is YanCheng,it is a boom town in Jiangsu province.

  It has a population of 7.8 million.The city is known as the name "fishing town of rice".In the historythere were many great man in YanCheng.For examplethe author of Xiyoujithe Tai school of Qing Dynasty.

  YanCheng is rich in sea and beach resourcesit is named "the gold coast".

我的家乡英语作文 篇3

  My hometown Yibin is located in the Yangtze River, Minjiang River, Jinsha River and Sanjiang. In the territory of Yibin, the Yangtze River, Jinsha River, Minjiang River, and U river?, Fu Jiang, cross river, river, South River, Yellow River, these rivers have brought wealth to Yibin, but also gave birth to these rivers of Yibin River culture, the continuation of the cultural roots of Yibin. Yibin River culture, covering Long Chongbai, "Jing Chuan master" and repairing the town water tower, piers and other folk. Without Sanjiang (Jinsha River, Minjiang River, Yangtze River), there would be no such land as Yibin, nor the ancient city of Yibin. The river has enriched the mountains and plains of Yibin, and the river has shaped the original cultural model of Yibin. For thousands of years, the first cultural element that infiltrates the veins of the people of Yibin is the great river culture. River to accommodate hundreds of rivers, toward the sea spirit, to create the image of Yibin people, absorb anything and everything open and liberal, advocating freedom and the pursuit of truth and the spirit of temperament, which is the soul of river culture.

  Yibin is a famous historical and cultural city of China, known to the world famous Wuliangye, that is produced here, the wine industry developed to Yibin become worthy of the name "China wine". Yibin city is one of the earliest development of the Yangtze River, the oldest city, is the starting point of the Southern Silk Road, known as the "Southwest Banbi Goujon state" in the world. It has gone through more than 40000 years of history, space and time, carrying more than 3000 years of wine history, more than 2780 years of construction history, is the upper reaches of the Yangtze River development of one of the earliest ancient cities.

  Surrounded by mountains, the Jinsha River and the Minjiang River pass through the city, merging with the Yangtze River in Jiangmen. The old city of Yibin yard, backed by the country's second largest city of Forest Park, jade Park, fresh air, beautiful environment, is a rare treasure of Feng Shui, the Buddhist resort cultural relics of Buddhist temple, the temple is located in Nezha Nezha Palace cuipingshan Park, national key cultural relics protection units Zhenwu mountain ancient buildings located in the park Zhenwu hill.

  Located in the downtown area of Jiangbei Wuliangye ten wine city, is the national industrial tourism demonstration sites and scenic spots in Athos wine, Pengcheng Plaza, Lok Chuen, endeavor tower, Century Square, East Gate Plaza, wine history museum, wealth Hotel and other attractions.

  Yibin sprouts is a must, it is one of the four famous dishes of Yibin, also called "Xufu sprouts", was founded in the Qing Dynasty (about 1838), in which fresh vegetables cutting wire, dry to more than leaf gradually withered with pickled condiments. The main features are fragrant, crisp, sweet, tender, delicious and tasty. Yibin Black Tea is also good, it is one of the three famous Chinese kung fu tea, and "Mr red" and "black" par.

  What about? My hometown, Yibin, isn't it? Welcome to my hometown for traveling!

我的家乡英语作文 篇4

  My hometown is Mount Lushan. Have you ever been there? Mount Lushan is very famous for its beautiful scenery, excellent climate and long history.

  Mount Lushan stands on the south bank of the Changjiang River and the north bank of the Poyang Lake. It has many nice scenic spots, such as the Flower Path,the Five-Old-Man Peak, the Three-Step Waterfalls and so on. Thousands of people from other parts of China and foreign countries come here every year, especially in summer.

  Summeron Mount Lushan is very cool. It can' be called a huge natural air-conditioner in summer; Winter here is nice, too. Heavy snow falls every year. There is a popular saying: "Mount Lushan in summer is green like a clear fountain, and in winter is white like a white jade. "

  I'm sure you will have a wonderful time in my hometown Mount Lushan.

我的家乡英语作文 篇5

  My hometown is beautiful scenery, rich products, beautiful, and is a beautiful place.

  My hometown is in ji hills, although not a big place, it is a very intelligent and a town. In the west of her was a famous JiShan temple, the tomb. Is a national key protection object, trees lush, hill strewn at random have send, has now become a tourist area. Attracted many domestic and foreign tourists to come and visit.

  JiShan is rich in rice, fish, animal husbandry developed. JiShan fish sell well all over the country, JiShan dragon meters and color white, taste sweet, is famous at home and abroad.

  Every village of JiShan repaired smooth tarmac. It was built JiShan people, walk in the street, mood is extremely happy. In the field ?




