
时间:2023-09-16 08:58:02 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  After the Waterloo Campaign, Napoleon was banished (流放) onto a lonely island named St Helena in South Atlantic.He became a prisoner for life. Facing the vast sea, he always thought of escaping from the island, but that was impossible.He knew nothing about the topography (地形) of the island!

  Once a good friend of his went to see him. Since there wa always someone keeping watch on them, they talked about only the old days. When they parted, the friend took out a set of chess made of tusk and nephrite (软玉), and said to Naooleon,"I give this to you. Maybe it will be of some help. ' Napoleon liked it very much. He used to play with the chessmen (棋子) and study chess manuals (棋谱), to pass the last days of his life.

  After his death, many of the things he had ever used were auctioned (拍卖). The set of chess was also sold and resold several times at very high prices. Finally it was collected by the National Museum in France. When the staff members were cleaning the chessmen, they found the bottom of Black King could be twisted off (拧开). They opened it and, to their great surprise, in it there was a detailed map about how to escape from the island. It was a great pity that Napoleon had never discovered the secret, and thus he nulified (使......无用) his friend's effort

英语作文 篇2

  Can Mne Bu Happiness?

  Can ne bu happiness? Different peple have different pinins. Se thin es, while thers hld the ppsite.

  Can ne bu happiness? Different peple have different pinins. Se thin es, while thers hld the ppsite.

  It is true that with enugh ne ne can bu all the things ne wants, and live a life f cfrt and securit. Hwever, it is equall true that lac f ne causes great distress. It is a cn view that "ne is the rt f all evil." The pursuit f ne drives an peple t cheat and steal. In se places there is nthing that cannt be bught with ne, resulting in crrupt scieties where everbd is iserable.

  S, ne des nt necessaril ean happiness. It all depends n hw it is used. If we ae hnest and sensible use f ne, it can be a stepping-stne t happiness l Althugh ne cannt bu happiness, it can ae happiness pssible if it is epled sensibl.





英语作文 篇3

  Hello , everyone ! My name is Ricky . I’m very happy to be here . Today I’ll tell you something about my dream .

  Everyone has a dream . Different people has different dream . My dream is to be a scientist .

  I want to invent many robots . These robots have many kinds of functions . I will invent a police robot . It can help people to catch thieves and direct the traffic on the roads . I will invent a maid robot . It can help people to do housework : cooking , mopping the floor , washing clothes and cleaning windows . It can do everything well . I’ll invent a machine cat . The cat has a white pocket . If you have this treasure , you will be unmatched in the world . When you meet a bad guy , you say to the pocket:“pocket , pocket , give me a weapon .” A powerful weapon will appear . When you are hungry . you say to the pocket :“pocket , pocket , give me some food .”The delicious food will appear in front of you .

  This is my dream . I believe my dream will come true .

  That’s all . Thanks for you lesionning !

英语作文 篇4

  I want to be a headmaster when I grow up. I think that’s a good job. My school is in the forest. It’s very beautiful. I go to work by Benz at eight o’clock in the morning. The teachers in my school are kind and patient. The female teachers in my school are good looking and young. The male teachers are handsome and strong.

  They are all hardworking so they gey. The children in my school have three classes in the morning. In the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest. They have no homework. They are very happy! At four o’clock in the afternoon, I go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my Benz. They are for my dinner.

英语作文 篇5

  According to some sociologists the most serious problem in the twenty first century will be the population problem because the excess people will create a lot more problems than governments can handle.

  First the overpopulation will lead to the food problem Food will not be enough to feed people and the scramble for food will lead to conflicts and wars Second the educational problem will also rise because of the student boom If there are too many students in a class (maybe over seventy or eighty) the teacher will find it difficult to give individual attention to them and devise effective teaching methods.

  If a child cannot be properly educated at home or school, he is likely to go astray, keep sliding into sin and bring a host of problems to society. The population problem should thus never be overlooked and the first step we should take in solving it is to push ahead steadily with family planning.










