
时间:2023-10-15 16:16:38 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  He is waiting for the airline ticket counter when he first notices the young woman.She has glossy black hair pulled tightly into a knot at the back of her bead-the man imagines it loosed and cascading to the small of her back-and carries over she shoulder of her leather coat a heavy black purse. She wears black boots of soft leather.He struggles to see her face-she is ahead of him in line-but it is not until she has bought her ticket and turns to walk away that he realizes her beauty, which is pale and dark-eyed and full-mouthed, and which quickens his heart beat.She seems aware that he is staring at her and lowers her gaze abruptly.

  他第一次注意到那个年轻女人,是在他到航空公司售票处排队买票的时候。她的乌黑发亮的.一头秀发在脑后紧紧地终成一个发髻。那人想象着那头秀发披散开来瀑布般落在腰间的情形,只见那女人穿着皮外套的肩上挎着一个沉甸甸的黑色坤包,脚上穿着一双黑色软皮靴。他竭力想看到她的容貌,她就排在他的前面。但是,一直到她买好票走开,他才睹她的芳容:雪白的皮肤,马里发亮的眼睛,丰满的嘴唇。 他心族摇荡,狂跳不止。那年轻女人代乎察觉到他在注视着她,便突然垂下了眼睛。

英语作文600字 篇2

  Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring : March , April and May , The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring. Sometimes It rains a lot. Everything has started to change in spring. Look, the trees are turning green. The birds are singing happily in the trees. The flowers are showing their smiles to us. Spring is also my favourite season. Because I can wear my beautiful shirts . I can plant trees and go camping. I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring. Of course , I like the Spring Festival , too.

  In a word, Spring is a very beautiful season. I like spring very much.

  春天是一年中的第一个季节,一共有三个月:三月,四月和五月。春天,天气变得越来越暖和了。有时候,也会下很多雨。春天,所有的事物都开始变化了。看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸。 春天也是我最喜欢的'季节,因为我可以穿上漂亮的衬衫,我可以植树,去野营,我可以在春天里过得很开心。当然了,我也是喜欢春节。


英语作文600字 篇3

  To be a lovely Shanghainese(20xx年上海市英语中考题)


  学生作文:Shanghai is developing quickly everyday. Quite a few foreigners come to visit Shanghai. As the hosts of Shanghai, we must be lovely Shanghaineses to tell the visitors that Shanghai is an international city. To be a lovely Shanghainese, first, we should do our best to make the city more beautiful to show our enthusiasm. Next, we should be kind and friendly to everyone. We must do so to make our guests fell our zeal. Finally, we should study and work hard to rise our ability. Shanghai is developing and we should make progress to follow the epoch.


英语作文600字 篇4

  Hi! My name is Anny. My birthday is October 16th. It is in fall. The weather is very cool. On my birthday I wear my pretty clothes. Sometimes I go hiking and fly kites in the park with my friends. Usually I have a birthday party in the evening. My parents give me a big birthday gift. I am very happy to get it. I invite many friends to my party. We eat a big beautiful birthday cake and many tasty food. We can sing dance and play games in the party too. I have a very good time on my birthday!

  I like my birthday very much!



英语作文600字 篇5

  Today, I went to my old house. I lived in it two years ago. When I am at school, I often think of my old house because it made me happy in the past. My old house is very tidy but old. It has only one level and there are just two rooms in it. I slept with my mother and my father ever evening. My old house is between two high houses, so it looks very small but lovely. When I lived in my old house, I often played with my sister at the weekends. But now I can‘t, so I feel a little sad. Two years ago, I could share my feelings with my parents too, but they were separate at last.

  So my old house is my favourite place. If I have some trouble, I think of it and my parents, I’ll always get lots of energy. I will then forget the trouble soon. Do you think my old house is a wonderful place? Yes, it‘s my great “palace.”

英语作文600字 篇6

  With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.First,it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.

  Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without it.

英语作文600字 篇7

  Today is September 10. It is Teachers‘Day. Xiao Hua has been ill in bed for more than a week. Her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every day. In order to show their respect, Xiao Hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a present.They make a big red flower. When the teacher arrives, Xiao Hua presents the flower to the teacher. She fastens it to the breast of her teacher‘ s jacket, and says Happy Teachers‘ Day to her. The teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her lessons. Xiao Hua‘s mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the table.


英语作文600字 篇8


  I think smiling is as important as sunshine. Smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you aren’t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. Someone may say, But I don’t feel happy. Then I would say, Please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. You will really be happy again.

  You don’t like crying, right? So you must prefer smiling, because you know smiling will let people forget everything unhappy. Every day, we see teachers or students and say, Hi/Hello! How are you? At the same time, you are smiling, right?

  Smiling can let you have more friends. With a smile, people will know you’re a kind person. They will talk with you, so you will have more and more friends.

  So I say, smiling is like a flower, the sunshine, warmth. It will give you happiness.