
时间:2023-10-17 08:03:08 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  今天,爸爸妈妈领着我公园去划船。哇!划船的人真多啊!有大船和小船,我们租了一条大白鹅船。白鹅昂着头, 尾巴翘的高高的.。爸爸妈妈划船,我掌握方向盘,像船长一样,大船慢慢向前行走,好 开心啊!忽然一下撞在别人的船上,爸爸给我讲了讲怎么掌握方向,我越来越熟练了。忽然我看见湖面上漂着条鱼,我划过去一看,是一条死小鱼。湖面上波光粼粼,风景美极了。转眼间,一个小时过 去了,我们该上岸了,我依依不舍的离开了游船。

  Today, mom and Dad took me to the park to row. WOW! There are so many people rowing! There are big boats and small boats. We rented a big white goose boat. The white goose held its head high and its tail high. Mom and dad rowing, I master the steering wheel, like the captain, the ship slowly walked forward, so happy! Suddenly I hit someone else's boat. My father told me how to master the direction. I became more and more skilled. Suddenly I saw a fish floating on the lake. I rowed to see it was a dead fish. The lake is sparkling and beautiful. In a twinkling of an eye, an hour later, we should go ashore, I reluctantly left the cruise ship.

英语作文 篇2

  Directions: For this part, you are asked to write a composition on the topic: Dating Is Popular with College Students. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 大学生对校园恋爱并不陌生;对此方方面面态度不一;谈谈你的观点 Dating can be more meaningful

  At present, dating is popular with college students. They are dated some because really fall in love with each other, and some for a face, some because of lonely, and what will they do when they are dating? The answer is that they usually do something romantic while dating.

  In addition, most lover almost follow like a shadow every day, they eat together, have a class together, to go to the movies together. Every time in the evening, they always spend most time to chat on the phone until midnight. In final, they abandoned studies.

  I think we shouldn't fall in love like this. college is an

  important period to exercise and improve ourselves, we can not abandon the learning and growth because of dating. of course, I

  am not against dating in college campus. I just think that we cannot just do those romantic things while dating, we can do something more meaningful such as study, discuss the issue and go to social practice together, encourage each other, and grow up together. It not only can appreciate each other more, but also have a good memory.

  All in all, we cann't just do something romantic while dating, we can do something more meaningful!

英语作文 篇3

  I want to be a model student. what shall Ido?

  I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should walk in the corridors. I should throw rubbish in the bin. I should be quiet in the library. i shouldnt walk and run on the grass. I shouldnt throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldnt run in the corridors. I shouldnt fight. I shouldnt be noisy in the library.

  How about you?

  its september. autumn is coming. but where is autumn? i am told that the sky looks higher with few clouds in autumn. i raise my head and look at the sky. it makes no difference with the sky in summer. and trees around are still green. then i come to the fields. i find the corn in the ear. apple trees nearby are fruiting well. the harvest season is coming. i jumped with joy. this is autumn. i found it!

英语作文 篇4

  After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. "Pang!" The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish left.In the end, my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.


英语作文 篇5

  1) 易混淆词语的误用;

  例如 effect & affect, sensitive & sensible

  2) 词性的误用;

  例如 Concrete structures are found to be more strangely(stronger) when they subjected to 3-dimension compression.

  3) 代词的误用;

  例如 The myth of the city as a promised land, that(非限制性定语从句,that 应改为which) attracts immigrants from rural poverty and brings it flooding into city centers.

  4) 介词的误用;

  例如Chapter 1 analyses the influence of continental climate to(on) buildings in China.

  5) 连词的误用;

  例如 To make a living the whole family, even if(even) their 8-year old brother, had to work in a factory.

  6) 冠词的误用;

  例如However, the(删除,因此处的是泛指而不是特指某个讲双语的'人)bilingual people rarely have equal level of competence in all aspects of the two la

  7) 专业术语的误用、或是习惯用法使用错误;

  ① plank n. 铺板,厚木板,支架,(政党的) 政纲条款


  ② Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods(time).

  Ⅱ 语法错误

  1) 主谓不一致;

  例如 The whole monstrous growth rests on economic prosperity, but behind it lies(lie) two myths:.........

  2) 时态错误;

  例如 Where tuberculosis vanished(had vanished), it came back......

  3) 主/被动语态错误

  4) 虚拟语气;

  例如 If something have(had) been done, the accident would not have happen.

  5) 非谓语动词的误用

  例如 Consider(Considering) the great need for improving many aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified......

  Ⅲ 逻辑关系错误

  例如 Although most important factors on concrete durability have been extensively investigated, lots are still (添加not) completely understood.




英语作文 篇6

  My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is two years old now. She likes to eat fish every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute. I like to palsy with it after school.

英语作文 篇7

  Gd rning, ladies and gentleen,

  Se f us are having prbles with ur parents, as the ften l int ur schl bags r read ur diaries.

  Ce n, friends, it is nt a big deal and there is n need fr u t be wrried abut it, because with prper was u will get rid f ur truble easil. Here is advice:

  T start with, u shuld understand ur parents. Whatever u d, the nl want t tae gd care f u. On the ther hand, u ught t nw the reasn that the ften d that. In pinin, the reasn is that ur parents want t nw re abut u in rder t ae sure u are nt getting int truble. Last but nt least, u ust find the was f slving the prbles. Of curse, I strngl believe ne f gd ethds is t build trust between u and ur parents. At the sae tie, what&rsqu;s the st iprtant is that u shuld cunicate with the regularl. Onl b cunicatin, will u ae ur truble gne.

  Than u!

英语作文 篇8

  人口问题(The Problems of Large Population)

  It is reported that the world’s population was 6 billion in the year 2,000, and it is growing faster and faster. The world’s population problem is the greatest one because it brings lots of problems, such as water resources problem, more and more people losing their jobs and so on. These problems are mainly in the developing countries because the population of the developing countries is over 4/ 5 of the world’s popuation. So China, the largest developing country, has kept the policy one couple, one child.










