
时间:2023-10-18 09:46:07 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  高中英语作文 烦重的课业

  In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is too heavy. while it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults. high should be allowed more time for play. plying is not wasting time, as some think. it gives them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination. which tends to be stifled by too much study.

  Finally, the pressure put on high school students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. i do not advocate the elimination of schoolwork. i do think, however, that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to students and to the society as a whole.

英语作文 篇2

  You are writing a complaint to the manager about the hotel.



  On the whole, my stay here was satisfactory. The hotel was comfortable and the room was bright, but it was too dirty. What's more the food was compeletely awful and the service was really terrible. I have stayed in your hotel for several times and everything is getting worse, though the price is fair.


  Please try to clean the room a bit more often and find someone who is capable of cooking and who knows how to talk friendly to others.


英语作文 篇3

  I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in Beijing. It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. It's quite different from my old school. It's larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.

英语作文 篇4

  Today, we can see many excellent movies, when the movie gets popular and makes a lot of money, the producers will sense the business potential, they will be very happy to declare that the movie’s sequel comes out soon. When the audience go to the cinema to see the sequel, they will be always disappointed, because it is not as good as the first one, the plot seems to separate from the last one, they feel being cheated. I am very fond of watching movie, I will be very excited when I see the excellent movie, but when the producers make the sequel, I feel so worried, it is kind of ruining the movie. Some movies just don’t need sequels, the ending is perfect in the first one. If the producers continue to make the sequels, they must make sure the plot is logical and acceptable.


英语作文 篇5

  In a study in the Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation, researchers found that running shoes protected the feet, but at the expense of hips, knees and ankles. Molly Webster reports

  Your feet may love running shoes. But what about the rest of your body? New research finds that running shoes actually increase the pressure on ankles, knees and hips—more than high heels can during walking. That’s according to a study in the Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation.

  Researchers enlisted 68 injury-free runners who normally logged at least 15 miles a week. The subjects ran at their own pace on a treadmill, first in modern running shoes and then again barefoot. It turns out that running shoes upped the pressure, or torque, on knee joints by 38 percent over bare feet. Hips experienced a pressure increase of 54 percent. Walking in inch-and-a-half high stilettos only worsened knee torque by about 20 percent in previous studies.

  Since stressful joint pressure can cause osteoarthritis, should runners start hitting the pavement in bare feet? Probably not. True, some elite marathoners do run sans sneakers. But apparently letting the rubber hit the road is like various spiritual rituals: tough on the body, but good for the sole.

  —Molly Webster

英语作文 篇6


  1、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。

  "It is high time" 打头,为该句增色。注:that 后跟虚拟语气,后跟动词的一般过去式,表示“是某人做。。。的时候了”或者“是某人不做。。。的时候了”

  2、It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of ...该是采纳……的建议,并对……的进展给予非常重视的时候了。

  去掉一个"high",画风完全不一样,不用过去式,只需用"to do"来替代。

  3、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

  "there is no doubt that"+被动还是蛮经典的组合。

  4、Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that...显然,如果我们想做某事,我们需要……

  这句有些老生常谈,稍微不“常”的就是"essential" 替代了"important"。

  5、Only in this way can we... 只有这样,我们才能...


  6、It must be realized that... 我们必须意识到...

  把人人都会的"I realized"升格为被动语态,省略了主语,监考老师绝对会眼前一亮的!


  1、Obviously, if we don't control the problem, the chances are that... will lead us in danger.很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险。

  "the chances are that"替代了"may",果然说话拐弯的生物不止是中国人。

  2、No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that...毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,否则很可能会……


  3、It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展。

  "It is urgent that"+被动,效果不错滴。


  1、Many people insist that...很多人(坚持)认为……


  2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that...随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……


  3、A lot of people seem to think that...很多人似乎认为……

  "think"终于闪亮登场,但"seem to"为整个句子增添了点婉转之感,这种客观的方式貌似较受老外(尤其腐国人)喜爱。


  1、People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that....人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为……


  2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。


  3、People may have different opinions on...人们对……可能会有不同的见解。


  4、There are different opinions among people as to...关于……人们的观点大不相同。

  "different"虽拉低了水准,但"as to"又拯救了回来。

  5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。



  1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that...把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……

  很完全的答法,"take sth into consideration"短语的应用,加分。

  2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that...考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的.结论……

  "Take into account sth"短语似乎又比上句的"take sth into consideration"提升了一个层次。

  3、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that...因此,自然我们得出以下结论...... "Hence"一词用在文章中大气吧,但别平时口语中用,否则即使老外也用一种看老古董的眼神看你......

  再特意提一句:"we'd better"在这里不是“不得不”或“最好”的意思,而是一种自然而然,水到渠成的得出结论。

  4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。

  短语"there is no doubt that"上线,同时运用我们的老朋友"as well as"增加看点。

  5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有……是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。


英语作文 篇7

  One morning before class, when I was running into the classroom, I knocked over the ink bottle on the teacher's desk, and the red ink spilt on the desk. I was sure I would be scolded by the teacher. Just at that moment the bell rang and I went to my seat.

  “Stand up!” our monitor said loudly. I stood up and my legs were trembling.

  “Who knocked over the ink bottle?” Miss Ye, the teacher, asked. I kept silent. Many eyes were fixed upon me. Miss Ye walked to me and asked in a low voice,“Did you do it?”

  “No, no, I didn't, ” I said hurriedly. My face turned red at once. I didn't know why I had told a lie.

  “OK, I believe you.” She patted me on the head and then began teaching.

  I felt very sorry. I knew I was wrong. So I went to see Miss Ye in the afternoon. “I'm sorry, Miss Ye,” I said. “This morning I told a lie.”

  “I saw the whole thing through the window when I was outside the classroom, ”she said. “But I didn't scold you. I knew you would come to tell me the truth because I believe you are an honest girl.”

  I dropped my head without saying a word.

  “I'm happy that you have come,” she continued. “You haven't made me disappointed.”When I heard these words, tears filled my eyes.Form now on ,i determined to be a honest girl.

英语作文 篇8

  I am grade 9 student .

  I usually get up at 6:30 a.m. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.

  I always have a breakfast at 7 a.m.

  I go to school on foot. I am seldom late.

  We have four lessons in the morning. Then we have a lunch break from 12 p.m. The afternoon classes usually end at 4 p.m. I often play table tennis with my classmates after school .

  I go home at 5:10 p.m. My parents and I usually have dinner at 6:30 p.m. After dinner , I usually do my homework from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. I go to bed at 9:30 p.m.

  I think I have a happy but busy life.

英语作文 篇9

Dear editor,

  you can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper, turn on your tv set,or listen to a radio. language pollution exists almost everywhere and usually can be seen in the following places:

  1. chinese characters are written in the complex form. although simplified chinese characters were accepted for use years ago, it seems that more and more peopie like chinese characters written in the complex form.

  2. many goods are produced in china but carry foreign names, which sound strange and have no meaning at all.

  3. words and expressions being used have a bad meaning. "ba", which means bully in chinese, is one example.now there are a lot of goods, restaurants even factories or films, with "ba" in their names.

  4. there are too many incorrect grammatical expressions. some tv play series have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures. "ai ni mei shang liang", which means "1 love you without consulting", is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.

  some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with, which is an idea shared by myself and many others.











