
时间:2023-10-31 08:02:27 英语作文 我要投稿





  According to the research, people will have many dreams when they sleep, but only few dreams can be remembered. So sometimes I feel very exhausted. I know I must have a lot of stories in my mind. My mother told me that the things happened in the dreams were a sign of the things that were going to come, but it was on the opposite side. At first I didn’t believe, but many facts showed the result. For example, one night in my dream, I was surrounded by the flood, then the next day, I picked up some money in the street. It was such amazing. The bad things in dream turned out to be good in reality.根据研究,人们在睡觉时会做很多梦,但只有很少的梦醒来后还会记得。所以有时候我觉得很累,我知道我脑子里一定有很多故事。我妈妈告诉我,梦中发生的事情都是将要发生的事情的.预兆,但是事实跟梦境却是恰恰相反的。起初我不相信,但许多事实证明了。例如,一天晚上,我在梦中被洪水淹了,第二天,我在街上捡到了钱。这真是太神奇了,梦中的坏事在现实中变成了好事。


  My ambition is to become a teacher. As a child, I had many dreams, but becoming teacher is the most thing I want to be. During the class, I pay more attention to teacher‘s instruction, and act as teacher ‘s helper. I think teacher has more influence on children‘s mind and behavior. There are many crimes and disorders in our society, as many of outlaws come from broken family and human‘s greed. If I can be a teacher, I definitely will ask my students be a honor and useful person. The goal of our life is to help each other and reach the harmony happiness. I hope my ambition and dream can come true. I am willing to study hard and become a teacher in the future.我的愿望是成为一名教师。作为一个孩子,我有很多梦想,但成为教师是最件事我想是。在学习上,我更注重教师的指示,以及教师的辅助行为。我认为,教师有更多关于儿童的思想和行为的影响。有许多犯罪和疾病,在我们的社会,因为歹徒许多来自破碎家庭,来和人类的贪婪。如果我能成为一名教师,我一定会问我的`学生是一种荣誉和有用的人。我们的人生目标是要互相帮助,达到和谐幸福。我希望我的野心和梦想能实现。我愿意努力学习,成为未来的教师。










