
时间:2023-11-22 13:45:00 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  Today is the New Year’s Eve This is a special day in China. On this day we will do a lot of things, such as posting new year’s scrolls,eating dumplings a, watching CCTV Spring Festival Gala and so on.


  I got up early this morning to help my parents with the housework. We packed up the house. In the afternoon. I put my family and my grandparents’ home with a couplet. At six in the afternoon, I oppned the TV to wait the gala. At the same time. I have supper will my family. This is one day of mine. What about you?


英语作文400字 篇2

  One sunny afternoon, when I was merrily riding home, I heard "Help! Help!". I rode to the riverside and found a boy of about five in the river struggling. I jumped into the water, swam to the boy and dragged him to the river bank. the boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water. I asked him where his home was and sent him home. "Thank you very much!" the boy's parents said, when I left his home. Though I got home late that afternoon, I was very happy.

英语作文400字 篇3

  i went out to see a film after supper. on my way to the cinema, i met an englishman named john, who had lost his way. i gave up the chance to see the film and took him to his hotel. while going there, i told him the great changes that had taken place here in the past few years and john told me something about his country.

  though i had missed the film, i felt very happy, for i had not only helped john get out of trouble, but also practised my spoken english. if i had not worked hard at english, i would not have been able to help john.

英语作文400字 篇4

  "May Day" is a band with 5 youngsters I like.Their songs like their name,sounds really warm and youth.When the "Wen Chuan" earthquake happened,a songs was written,it means tells the people who was hit by earthquake don't give up then they give some money to those people.This is a reason I like them.

  If you heard their songs,you will enjoy in their songs.Even though,you may sings with them. "May Day" is a good band,so we should listen to their songs,to understand their songs.

英语作文400字 篇5

  In the afternoon, the head teacher came into the classroom and brought a new student. She had two plaits, a small mouth and big eyes, and stood cleverly and thoughtfully beside her teacher.

  The teacher made me a deskmate with him. She's going to be my friend.

  I had a good time with her. She didn't make many friends because she was shy. I encouraged her to talk more, study harder and make good friends.

  She is a gentle girl. She was encouraged by me. She became more and more optimistic. More and more people make friends with her. I'm so happy for her.

英语作文400字 篇6

  Seeing this picture, we know that these trees have been cut down. But as a very little baby in the picture, he must be puzzled.

  He will ask: What are these? Are these trees? Of course, in our imagination, trees must be tall, strong and green enough.

  Actually, his question shows humans a problem that is worth thinking about. The covering rate of the forest in the world has kept decreasing these years and it caused a lot of problems on environment.

  As we all know, trees are very important in our life.

英语作文400字 篇7

   坦然面对失败,才能赢得成功! 熬过了暴风雨那鲜花怒放的日子还会远吗?挺过了失败的苦楚,成功还会远吗? 题记 坦然面对失败,才能赢得成功! 人生的道路并非一帆风顺。有时,我们只差了那抹一点点,就与失败失之交臂。那么,我们要用什么样的心态来面对失败呢?有位智者曾说过:失败乃成功之母。告诉我们:失败不是件坏事,有了失败,离成功就有近了一步。而我的经验告诉我:弹人面对失败,才能赢得成功。 去年,学校要从级部选拔出3名同学代表学校参加全市的英语演讲比赛。我被老师提名。我当时高兴的要命!向窗外望去,天空的朵朵白云,也在为我喝彩似的,绽放开来!因为爸爸妈妈从小培养我的英语能力,对这种锻炼的机会视之如命,所以对我的工作大力支持。那天我高高兴兴地走进英语办公室,等待老师告诉我被选中的'好消息。可是,事与愿违,我于成功失之交臂:我落选了。原因不是口语不好,而是表情不丰富,感情不充沛。自此,我的天空再也没有那绽开的朵朵白云。整天乌云密布,天色阴沉。我懊恼极了。整天萎蔫不振,认为自己就是不行。赶不上别人。 后来,我落选的消息被爸爸知道了。他没有责备我。没有骂我。更没有说什么。我以为爸爸不再关心我,在意我。所以我选没选上都无所谓。直到有一天

英语作文400字 篇8

  This summer, for my vacation, I'm going to Hong Kong with my mother. I can visit Disneyland and lots of museums. It is also a wonderful place for shopping. I have lots of things to buy, for example, I want to buy some nice clothes, school things and interesting books. What's more, I can visit my aunt who works there, I think we will have a good time in Hong Kong.












