
时间:2023-11-23 07:16:19 英语作文 我要投稿
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  Human beings have only one earth, which is a resource for survival. The earth is like our home, so we should protect the earth instead of destroying it. In recent years, the earth's environment has become worse and worse. Large areas of forests have been cut down, green mountains have been excavated, beautiful grasslands have become deserts, and clear rivers have become smelly ditches. There are fewer trees, bald green mountains, barren grasslands, black rivers, the living environment of people has deteriorated, and the air they breathe has deteriorated... Therefore, there are more human diseases. Although I am still young, I still understand the truth.

  Let's start with saving water. Maybe everyone will say that wasting a few drops of water can't damage the environment. Everyone in the world wastes a few drops of water. If everyone wastes three drops of water, five billion people in the world will waste 15 billion drops of water. How many people can be saved if these water is sent to those dry places! Everyone is responsible for saving water, so we should save every drop of water and don't waste every drop of water. Otherwise, the last drop of water on the earth will be human tears!

  Mankind has only one home - the earth, which is the place for human survival. We should protect it well.


  When protecting the earth was a child, I thought the earth would be forever young after drinking the elixir of immortality, but now I find that it's just imagination. Instead of being immortal, the earth is getting older and older.

  The earth has limited natural resources. Take mineral resources for example. It is not a gift from God, but formed after millions or even hundreds of millions of years of geological changes. The earth is selfless. It generously provides mineral resources to mankind. However, if mining is not controlled, it will accelerate the depletion of mineral resources on the earth. The water resources, forest resources, biological resources and atmospheric resources needed by human life could have been regenerated and contributed to mankind for a long time. However, because people destroy natural resources at will and abuse chemicals recklessly, they can not be regenerated, but also cause a series of ecological disasters and pose a serious threat to human survival.

  Within 40 trillion kilometers around the earth, there is no second planet suitable for human habitation. Therefore, human beings cannot expect to move to other planets after destroying the earth.

  I think we should work together to maintain this tiny, beautiful and fragile earth and protect the home we depend on for survival.


  Broken clothes can be mended, broken tables can be repaired, dirty shoes can be washed, but if mother earth is ill, there is no cure. Therefore, we must love our mother as we love life.

  Mother earth is 4.6 billion years old. She gave birth to human beings as early as 500000 years ago. She has been raising us with that sweet milk until now. Mother has green mountains, oceans, lawns and forests. What a beautiful and great mother!

  However, some ruthless people secretly hunt and kill Tibetan antelopes and giant pandas, which are protected by the state. Some people eat monkey brains in Guangdong and other places. Some small-scale chemical plants, bleaching and dyeing plants, galvanizing plants and pesticide plants are randomly discharging untreated sewage, resulting in the withering of trees, soil erosion and the homelessness of small animals. Many countries on earth have started SARS and avian influenza.

  Protecting the earth is everyone's responsibility! You shouldn't destroy the ecological balance! You shouldn't fight for money and appetite! If human beings become obsessed again, earthquakes, floods, "SARS", "bird flu" or other plagues will come. Please those workers' uncles and aunts, don't be stubborn and act quickly. It's not too late to act now. Don't hurt my earth mother. You not only don't repay him, but also destroy him. Should you?


  In my life, I often encounter many troublesome things, which always annoy me. I really want to have a special function to turn my troubles into happy and happy things.

  I have a very, very nnoying thing - losing weight. I have grown fat since I was a child. Sometimes one or two people at school say I am a "dead fat pig".

  I lost weight many times, but I never succeeded.

  Just a few months ago, I lost weight every time, but after a month, when I went to measure my weight, I always had the same weight as a month ago. My cousin used to be a little fat like me, but he lost weight for a few months and wanted to become a man. He became a little handsome man. It really makes me jealous.

  If I can have special functions, I will turn myself into a "little handsome man".

  Not only the worry of losing weight, I have another thing that bothers me - I'm a dwarf. I'm 13 years old, but I never grow up. Take Xiong junluo in our class for example. He is also 13 years old and tall, but I am a head shorter than him.

  I also have a very big wish, that is, I hope I have a lot of money, "millions". With this money, I will develop my hometown, which is a very poor mountain village. I want to develop the countryside and make my hometown more and more beautiful!

  If I have special function, I will solve this kind of thing!


  Through the ages, mother earth has fed countless generations with sweet milk. Originally, she was beautifully decorated by the younger generation. However, now human beings torture her for their own interests. Human beings have only one earth; The earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the earth" has become the strongest voice of people all over the world.

  I feel heartache for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. I think: if the young people who are the future successors do not understand the composition of the human environment and the seriousness of environmental problems, ignore the laws and regulations on environmental protection, do not enhance their awareness of environmental protection and consciously fulfill their obligations to protect the environment, our lives will be destroyed in their own hands, God will punish us severely. Therefore, I am determined to start from me, protect the environment, protect our home, and be a guardian of the environment.

  I'm intoxicated: the mountains are green, the water is blue, the grass is green, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant... This is the original me! Thank the children for returning my green mountains and rivers and my colorful style. I will give my children and grandchildren endless treasures and eternal happiness.


  Gradually, the river is no longer so clear, the flowers are no longer so beautiful, the trees are no longer so green, and everything in the world is no longer so beautiful.

  In the past, the river was very clear, and everyone also had a natural swimming pool, floating and sinking, which was very lively. Women wash their clothes by the river. They wash their clothes brightly without any dirt. The children went up the mountain to pick wild flowers. The wild flowers were as beautiful as the rosy clouds in the sky, as beautiful as the fairies in the world, and as many as the stars in the sky. The colorful wild flowers were picked. The girl ed the wild flowers in her hair, which looked beautiful and moving. The boy presented the wild flowers to his mother, who looked ten years younger.

  Now, the river is so dirty that everyone doesn't wash the mop, and the flowers are polluted black. More and more dirty water, domestic dirty water, industrial dirty water, dirty water is more than pure water.

  Humans, are you still stubborn? They keep talking about low-carbon environmental protection, but their actions are just the opposite. Hey! Protect the earth! Do you really want to bring the end of the world?


  The earth is the home for human survival and the mother of human and life. She is so kind and kind. She is so great and selfless to contribute her resources and energy generously to people. But in order to satisfy his greedy heart, human beings constantly destroy her and destroy her without restraint. The earth sends out serious cries for help to people again and again. It is useless to warn people of floods, droughts, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

  Let me give an example. Water, as we all know, we can't live without water, so water is a vital pillar of life. Groundwater is limited, so water is a resource that can easily disappear. As we all know, now the Ming Tombs Reservoir in Beijing has dried up, and Beijing is very short of water. People are starting a major project to transfer South-to-North water. Once the project is fully opened, the South with sufficient water resources may also face the dilemma of water shortage. Where will the water come from? Not only water, other resources are also very important. If people can't wake up, the earth will dry up sooner or later.

  People! Stop, you know the earth mother has been black and blue. Let's fight to be the little guard to protect the earth.










