
时间:2023-12-16 07:43:56 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Chongqing Meimei


  chongqing is famous for its hotpot ecellent in color, smell and taste, and more famous for its girls. maybe with many up-and-down roads in this city, chongqing girls have to climb up and down since childhood, which makes their beautiful legs seual as well as slender.


  years ago, chongqing was only a sichuans subordinate city. for quite a long time, its brilliance was outshined by the provincial capital, chengdu. when it upgraded into a municipality directly under the central government, just like a daughter-in-law finally turning into a mother-in-law after many years, we surprisingly found that chongqing girls really had confidence and forthrightness worthy of a centrally administered municipality.


  chongqing is not a stylish city, and this is, of course, a pity to its girls, but with gods favor, they are born to have bright eyes, white teeth and a forthright character, which result in their strong personality, infinite glamor, burning passion and proper behavior. in general speaking, chongqing girl is fit to be female cousin -- ones unforgettable first love.

英语作文 篇2

  I never realIze that comfort means that much to me. but tens of test tell me the same result:comfort Is the most Important thIng In yr lIfe.thIs really surprIses me. I am not such people that pay much attentIon to luury thIngs, for Instance the only crIterIa of my shoppIng Is money worthy and comfortable. god, here comes the fIrst comfortable.

  sInce there has one already, Id lIke to sum these comfortabesup:

  1. I would lIve and work comfortably__ most of my thIngs are put In the obvIous places In my home and offIce. though thIs raIses the complaInts of my relatIves and colleagues___my place Is In a lIttle chaos In theIr eyes.

  2.I would travle whIch Is the most Important thIng In my current lIfe,comfortably.I never make the tour plan In detaIl,and rest whenever , whereever I want durIng the trIp. and I wouldnt follow the usual route, the unantIcIpated accIdents Is an IndIspensable part of the comfortable tour too.

  3.I wouldnt complaIn sb or sth, I can easIly fInd ecuses for unhappIness or pressures, cause I wIll not allow them to dIsturb my comfortable lIfe. hha

  so I got the answer--- I surely belongs to those who care for comfort most.

  hope everyone enjoy every comfort second .

英语作文 篇3

  Traveling is usually boring. There are always too many people in places of interest in China and it is crowded everywhere, especially on holidays. Just imagine that you are waiting in line, hungry and thirsty.

  “Why do I come here? To see the crowd?”you may complain. If you are unlucky , you may meet a bad guide who pushes you to shop here and there. It’s terrible, isn’t it? Also, you may have to get up early to take the plane or wait in the airport for hours because of the delayed flight. Therefore, I prefer to stay at home than go traveling after the examination

英语作文 篇4

  Before I go to travel, I get used to searching the information about the tourist sites and pay special attention to tourist guide, then I will follow the lines that the books advise. I will say no to the place that the author give bad comment. But a special trip change my attitude to tourist guide. I went to a small but famous city. When I reached my destination and talked to the owner of the hotel, I asked his advice for site seeing, then he told me to hang around, never followed the tourist guide, because the scenery you saw could make judgement. I started to think about my travel lines and decided not to follow the books. At last, I found the place that never mentioned in the book was so attractive and worth to have a look. I understand the words, to see is to believe.


英语作文 篇5




  DearBrown, IamverygladtorecommendLiMing,mygoodfriend,forajobinyourcompany.HeisagraduatefromBeijingIndustryUniversity.HismajorisComputerSoftware.Inthepastfouryearshehasgotthefirstgradescholarshipforfourtimes.AndthisyearhegotthetitleoftheExcellentGraduate. Henotonlystudieswellbutalsohasgreatcapacity.Heisgoodatsolvingdifficultproblemswithlogicalmind.Ithinkthathehasgreatpotentialities.Ifhecanjointhecompany,hewillbeabletogivefull




英语作文 篇6

  Rain, clear and leaking underground.

  Naughty rain like a drop of steel balls like the same drop on the river, splashing high water; like a sieve beans down straight down, broken like a mirror of the lake, scared away had wanted to jump on the water to see Look at the little fish in the rain. The heavy raindrops hit the windows of the people, pound.

  Rain, seems to want to play on people's umbrella, seems to want to play slides on the raincoats, up and down.

  The streets of the girls, the bright colors of the umbrella, like girls are lively and lovely; the old man in the name of a black umbrella, revealing the mysterious and majestic atmosphere; children's umbrella, full of fun, some or their own painting, show The children are innocent.

  Rain, still under ...






英语作文 篇7

  rain pouring, an old lady falls down. A passer-by is over whether to support her with his hand or not. 完全倒装句型

  Behind this

  message They probably fear that they are wrongly accused of knocking them down and even pay compensation. 倒装的虚拟条件句

  . Respecting the old is our Chinese traditional virtue. Not only can we bring out the best of . Moreover, if we are unwilling to help those in trouble, we might be ignored in time of emergency.

英语作文 篇8

  Asa middle school student, my priority is study, which occupies most time andenergy in my life. Therefore, my life sometimes seems a little boring. However,it’s not that bad. First, study brings me knowledge that will be useful to allmy life. Learning new knowledge brings me a sense of achievement. In addition, Ilike staying with my friends and classmates. We have much fun in daily life,which makes our life in school colorful. We play games or do exercises in sparetime. We share our happiness as well as support each other when we are upset. Allin all, life is beautiful, although we must spend most time in study. And weshould hold a positive attitude towards life.

英语作文 篇9

  Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.

  One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When the dishes were served, I found none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and wandered on the street for a while, hungry. Then I walked to school. When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me that it was my mother there that had brought it here. After opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.

  Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love is!










