
时间:2024-01-16 13:42:26 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  With the changing times, people's awareness of environmental protection is also growing, the earth has become a beautiful mother before.

  Go out the door, I see the green forest is full of green, this green and green Qianshan a Bi, seems to be a vast ocean, boundless; this green green Deli drop, sunshine, as if there are many elf in the above Beating; this green evergreen, as if it is always so full of vitality.

  In this green forest, the colorful little fruit and small wild flowers to the green handkerchief into a beautiful landscape. Turned the head, but also a green scene: green leaves, green grass ... ... the lake is green, the earth is green, looked up at the sky, and even days have been green. I seem to be in the green world. Out of the door, I smell the fragrance of the soil, the fragrance of flowers, the fragrance of vegetation, as well as fruit trees in the orchard of the sweet, these rural gas together in the together, compared to those who have perfume is gone! The aroma accompanied by a breeze, accidentally, hit me walking, I greedily suck this fresh air, how I wish to put these aroma into his pocket ah!

  I continue to walk in the green forest, "Jiji grumble", lovely bird, singing a pleasant song to meet me. The dog in front of me lead the way, while walking excitedly wagging his tail, "barking" to tell me about their story. Many insects still pollinate plants! I walked with these lovely friends. "Tinker Bell", I was awakened by a burst of alarm clock, the original all the dreams ah? Hey ~ it was just a dream ah However, I think this dream will one day come true.

学英语作文 篇2

  My room is the place where I talk to my family.

  Every night, we always lie in bed, gossip and family, light the night lights and listen to soft music. The whole family loves to lean on their heads and hand in hand to talk about today's dribs and drabs. Here, my happiness can be shared by mom and Dad; when I am injured, my father and mother give me comfort.

  Mom and dad always stretch out the warm hands, hug me, and in a little while, I will take my mom and dad full of love, into a sweet dream.

学英语作文 篇3

  Today is our motherland’s birthday-National Day. On TV, I know China is great, Chinese people are brave and hard-working. And I know that fifty-five years ago, China was very poor. And Chinese people suffered a lot. Only the Communist Party can lead Chinese people to build New China. The Chinese people can become the hosts of the country. As a word says: Without the Communist Party there would be no new China.

学英语作文 篇4


  于是,我问他:“东怎么读?”他答道:“west”,我倒吸了一口冷气,又问:“北怎么读?” “east”他毫不犹豫的`答到。天啊!全颠倒了。我一时被他弄得哭笑不得。我先教表弟复习了英语26个字母,随后,我又叫表弟给我背了一遍音标。然后我才真正的教弟弟学今天学过的单词,我一个单词一个单词的教,他一个一个的跟着学,我们俩一边写一边读,经过一番苦战后,他还是没有学会,怎么办呢?我想起我学英语时我的老师教我的小窍门了,我就把这些小窍门教给他,我对他说:“你可以用小句子来记单词,如:chess就可以很快的记住。”我说完后,就教他说饶口令:两条蛇、下象棋、坐车里。他随着我放的音乐,也跟我说了起来,后来,我又教他用这种方法记那四个词语,他不一会就记会了。


学英语作文 篇5

  I have a good friend,she has long hair and big eyes.She is very outgoing.We are in the same class.She likes dancing very much and she can dance well.I like dancing,too.But I only can dance a little.So she can teach me to dance.We go to school every day.I hope we can be the best friend forever.After all,I hope she can be very happy.I will send my love and best wishes!


学英语作文 篇6

  Learning English is not just a matter of knowing some grammatical rules and memorizing a number of English words, although those are important activities not to be ignored. Mastering a foreign language is learning a skill, as well as acquiring the language knowledge. It's as much like learning to swim or ride a bike. Then you should not only memorize new words and understand grammatical rules, but also practice speaking, writing, listening and reading.

  Here are some suggestions about effective practice.

  First, make your month or hand do what your mind is learning si multaneously. Second, study continually day by day and do not expect to learn English well overnight. Third, occasionally go back and review old topics and texts to consolidate what you have learned. Fourth, do not be afraid to make mistakes, otherwise the fear can be a mighty ob stacle to learning a language.










