
时间:2024-02-18 16:54:11 英语作文 我要投稿
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我的朋友英语作文 篇1

  Friends can be classmate, can be meet by chance, also can be to forget... Since the childhood, we all have friends, but there is always a best friend.My best friend is a little rabbit. Rabbit this name is very suitable for her, she is thin, wearing a pair of glasses, on her always find innocent and lovely.In sports class, she can be fast! She ran like the wind, to pull a lot, you always don't know what she was thinking.In class, she always listening, always not distracted; Next class, she will be very happy to play with us; Generous, but singing, there is always a little shy; After school, her laughter echoed in the quiet of the path.One day after school, I and he is in a secluded road, see a cute kitten is "meow meow" cried, and its fur is white, the ear is pink short beard, it's like an emerald eyes glowing aura. Little rabbit slowly moves the line of sight, "ah!" Little rabbit exclaimed, "it's a calf injury, we take it home to bind up once!" Little rabbit say that finish, with poor looked at it, and looked at me with pleading eyes, for fear that I don't promise to her. "Ok." I agreed. She was glad to picked it up and gently stroked it a few times, said: "let's go." We quickly returned home.Back home, we see it wound cleaning, and for gauze bandaging the wound, to feed it a little bit of biscuit, drank some water, we really like about it for a patient.Later, the kitten's injury is good, already can walk, it was glad to shake the tail, naughty blunt we call incessantly, seem to express our rescue of it. We also often go to see it, take care of it, the three of us became good friends.I would also like to thank the kittens, if not it, friendship between rabbit and I wouldn't like gem denim!

  朋友可以是同学,可以是萍水相逢的人,也可以是忘年交……从小到大,我们都有朋友,但总有一个最好的朋友。我最好的朋友是小兔。 小兔这个名称很适合她,她比较瘦,戴着一副眼镜,在她的身上总能找到天真可爱的.气息。上体育课时,她跑得可快啦!她跑起来像一阵风,鬼点子很多,你总不知道她在想什么。上课时,她会认真听讲,总不分神;下课时,她也会很高兴地和我们玩耍;很大方,但唱歌时,总是有一点羞涩;放学时,她的欢声笑语回荡在僻静的小路上。有一天放学后,我和他走在僻静的小路上,看见了一只可爱的小猫正“喵喵喵喵”地叫着,它的毛是雪白的,耳朵是粉红色的短短的胡须,它那绿宝石一样的眼睛里泛着灵气。小兔慢慢地移动了视线,“呀!”小兔惊叫一声,“它的小腿受伤了,我们把它带回家去包扎一下吧!”小兔说完,用可怜的目光看着它,又用恳求的目光看着我,生怕我不答应她似地。“好吧。”我答应了。她高兴地把它抱起来,轻轻地抚摸了它几下,说:“我们走吧。”我们飞快地回到了家里。回到家后,我们把它的伤口清洗了一下,又找来纱布把伤口包扎了一下,给它喂了一点饼干,喝了一点水,我们对它可真像对一个病人呀。后来,小猫的伤好了,已经可以走路了,它高兴地摇摇尾巴,淘气的冲我们叫个不停,似乎在表达我们对它的救助之恩。我们也经常一起去看望它,照顾它,我们三个成了好朋友。我还要感谢这只小猫呢,如果不是它,我和小兔之间的


我的朋友英语作文 篇2

  Book is the ocean of knowledge, and I am a small boat sailing freely in the ocean. Book is a gate, let me enter the world of knowledge; books are wings, and make me fly in the sky of knowledge.

  I have really been in contact with books for three years. Change my attitude to the book that is indifferent love. I think the book is like a lonely and lonely friend, like a flame when I feel cold.

  It's like a light in the dark. Now, the "one eye light" has become an essential part of my life. There was a morning in a clear sky. I woke up and went to the study to "gnaw" the book. My eyes over the bookcase, suddenly found a "treasure", "naughty little horse jumping", I took it with relish to read, my mood as the story of ups and downs, the mother came in and said: "in the morning, don't read, please go to english!" I just reluctantly pick up the English book.

  I hold my English book in my hand and sweep my mother with my spare light. That's great. Mom is out. I quickly grabbed the extracurricular books and looked. All of a sudden I felt a little wrong. Looking back, my mother didn't know when I was standing behind me. The book was taken away by mother, and finished... The book can't be seen.

  There is a time of writing, the scenery is writing, I accumulated statements like yeast like attack. I showed the composition to the Chinese teacher, and the teacher gave me 28 points. If before, I will only on the composition of the stare, now is not the same, the more I love this book friend.

  I think: yes! It is the book that broadens my horizons and increases knowledge; it is the compass that books enable me to find in the knowledge world; it is the book that enables me to get spiritual nutrition and let me grow slowly in learning. The story of my book and I will never draw a rest, but it will be more and more perfect. Because it's the book that changed me!

我的朋友英语作文 篇3

My mother is a good mother.She is 158 cm tall.

  She help me on life .I very grateful to her.Last weekend,she had stomachache. After take some medcizine,she feel better.I very happy.The day is first holiday.Our mothers sad,we don't happy.They happy,we happy too.We must grateful to them.They are very hard. Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention

  to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don't think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives 我的妈妈是一位好母亲。 她是 158 厘米高。她帮助我的生活。我非常感谢她。上个周末 ,她胃疼。花一些 medcizine 后,她感觉更好。我非常高兴。这一天是第一个假期。我们的'母亲难过,我们 不开心。他们很幸福,我们很高兴。我们必须感谢他们。他们是非常困难的。 金钱的确很重要,但钱不能买到一切。一个吝啬鬼可能认为“金钱万能”,但如果你 只给你注意到赚钱时,你可能会失去很多东西,比如健康、友谊和爱。我认为我们不应该 认为金钱是一切。钱只是一个工具,可以帮助我们解决问题或使我们过上舒适的生活。 我们应该做的是合理使用它,而不是变成了守财奴。这种方式,我们都能领导一个快乐的 生活

我的朋友英语作文 篇4

  I have a good friend. she is a beautiful girl. she has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. her voice is better. she is good at singing. She is a clever girl. She likes reading books , playing computer games and chess. she is also nice. she often helps us . our classmates like her very much.


我的朋友英语作文 篇5

  I have a good friend. He is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom.

  I have known him since Senior One. We are both interested in English. Once both of us entered for an English contest. How eagerly I expected to get a prize! On hearing that I had failed in the contest, I could hardly hold back my tears. "What a pity!" I murmured to myself over and over again. I felt that the world had become cold and everyone seemed to be laughing at me.I love English and have gone all out to study it since my first day in the junior middle school. I have even dreamed of entering a foreign language institute. So I felt very sad.

  Just at this time, I received a short letter in English, saying, "Failure is the mother of success. Cheer up! Don't lose confidence. Keep on your study and you will succeed!" I knew it was from the good friend of mine.These words encouraged me greatly. I forgot all my sadness. From then on, I studied English even harder. In the next English contest, I got the first prize. Of course, he was delighted with my success.

  I am very lucky to have such a good friend. I'm thankful to him for his help.

我的朋友英语作文 篇6

  I have not only a lot of common friends, but also a special friend. he is my father. my father isn’t tall but he is very kind and lovely. he usually helps me with my maths and physics in the evening. at weekends he plays chess, cards with me. when i am in trouble. he always help me in time.

  I prefer my father to any other friend. I think he is not only a good father, but also one of my best friends.

  I love my father very much.

我的朋友英语作文 篇7

  I have a close friend whose name is LiBing。 He is half head taller than me。 He likes to dress in blue jeans and he is very friendly to people。


  Once I was ill at home。 He lived far away from my house but he came and helped me with my study。


  He always says, "A life without a friend is a life without sunshine。" My friend has done the same as he says。 I'm happy to have such a friend。 If he is in trouble, I'll try my best to help him。

