A Relay Race接力赛

时间:2024-02-28 09:29:23 英语作文 我要投稿
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A Relay Race接力赛

  The last event was a relay.There were four schools taking Part.It was an inter-school competition.When all the teams were ready,the starter fired his gun and the race began.

  It was exciting.Among the runners there were some good athletes who could run very fast.All the spectators watched as the boys ran down the track.They gave a loud cheer when the winner touched the tape at the finishing-line.The High School Team came first.Their team beat the other three teams and won the competition.

  Now the champion teams were on the stand.The Headmaster presented a large silver cup to the school who had won the first place.And each member of the team received a gold meal for himself.

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