
时间:2024-03-13 12:06:31 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  For I want to spend my holiday fully,so I plan to go on a trip,I want to go to hongkong for 2 weeks,because it is not only a shopping paradise but also

  The heaven for children.

  It’s very far away ,so I plan to go there by plane,it is the most convenient way to go there,

  And I decided to stay there for 2 weeks ,while I can thoroughly to feel the local customs there

  I also want to go taiwan,I want to go to a concert in xiaojudan,such as listen to a concert .

英语作文300字 篇2

  There is some water in a bottle near a big rock.A bird is very thirsty.

  He comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle.But he cant drink the water,beacause the bottles neck is very long.

  So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away.

  After some time,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle.

  He flies away and flies back again and again.He puts many stones into the bottle.

  The water in the bottle comes up to its neck and the bird can drink the water.Hes very happy.


英语作文300字 篇3

  Happy Family

  Everyone has a family. I have a family, too. I name it Happy family, because everyone in my family is happy.

  Come and meet my family, please! My mother is kind. I love her, and she loves me, too. My mother is pretty. She likes beautiful clothes. I call herDressy Mum。 My father is a boss. He is tall and thin. He has a small head. I give him a nicknameSmall Head Father。 I am fat and lovely. I have a big head. I give myself a nicknameBig Head Girl。 I study hard. I am a good student.

  We are happy every day!

英语作文300字 篇4

  My new pen pal is an American boy. He is 13 years old. He is a middle school student. He often exercises, so he is very strong and tall. For food, he likes hamburger and salad. His favorite subjects are P.E. and physics at school. He likes playing basketball and going to the movies. Because he loves to tell jokes, he is very popular in his class.

  I hope we can have a beautiful friendship.

英语作文300字 篇5


  1.When asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bit differently.

  2. When it comes to ...., some people believe that…. Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter.

  3. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that..... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether.....

英语作文300字 篇6

  Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She

  writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She

  is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.


英语作文300字 篇7


  我打开书包,就一下子傻了眼,我的牛津书呢?急着做作业的我就一股脑地把书包里的东西全倒了出来,然后仔仔细细地搜查了一遍,但还是没有找到。这下我可就有些灰心丧气了。等妈妈回到家,我就把事情的经过一五一十地告诉了她。妈妈对我说:“小马大哈,明天到学校再去找找吧!” 今天一大清早,我便爬了起来,来到了学校。我一到教室就看了一下所有人的桌肚,但却一无所获。做广播操时,尹老师问全班同学有谁看到我的英语书。这时几只手举了起来,尹老师就问第一个举手的小习,她慢吞吞地说:“昨天晚上,我在书包里看见了两本英语书,并且另一本还没有写名字。”听到这儿,我心里暗暗地想:我的书就是那本“无名氏”。拿到书后,我打开了首页,啊!果真是我的,收到书的`我非常高兴。但书为什么会进她的书包?原来,上完了课,我随手把我的笔放进铅笔盒,不小心碰落了书,书正好掉进了她饿书包。


英语作文300字 篇8


  上课刚不久,MISS林就开始讲课,讲着讲头着,我就开始无聊,心里想:有没有搞错啊!下课铃怎么还不响啊!不一会只听见MISS林说“女同学都站起来…… ……”女同学“呼”地都站起来了,可俞郁雅却半站着,本来她半站着也没事,可偏偏这个时候江胜鸿这个多管闲事外加多嘴的家伙说了一句:“俞郁雅你是男生啊?”我看了MISS林一眼,心想:幸好没被发现。谁知老天爷是不是跟我过不去。江胜鸿这只“害群之马”还是被MISS林的火眼金睛给盯住了。MISS林顿时火冒三丈,我不由在心里祈祷道:上帝啊!你可千万不要让MISS林惩罚我们!就在此时,MISS林发话了:“第四小组有人在说话,罚抄第五页十遍!”听了这话,我全身就像被倒了一盆冷水,我真想冲上前去把江胜鸿打个半死才解气。


英语作文300字 篇9

  Tiger is to, on world, be close to the one of animal that becomes extinct , as our China , now, northeast of China has had no Northeast Tiger(in China) on genuine meaning , now, the tiger that we see runs from Russia. So, do not also let our northeast have no tiger well.

  Now, a lot of countries also more and more pay attention for animal have protected. I believe , error can not how long, in the northeast of China, we can again see Northeast Tiger(in China) again










