
时间:2024-04-29 14:35:48 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Hi! I’m Amy. I’m going to have abusy eekend. On Saturday, I’m going to the bookstore by bike. I’m going to buysome books. In the afternoon, I’m going to play football ith my friends. OnSunday morning, I’m going to do my homeork. Then I’m going to clean my bedroomin the afternoon. In the evening, I’m going to atch TV . hat about you ? hatare you going to do on the eekend ?

学英语作文 篇2

  Nowadays we see supermodels on almost every magazine cover and one might wonder what life will be like being one of them. Such assumption may be painful for most of the magazine readers who are already over the age when they can get taller. In response to the ”Getting taller trend”, some goes so far as to pay doctors to cut their legs open and let surgeries do the job to get just two centimeters’ higher.

  In spite of all these that are happening, some of my taller friends desire to give up this superiority for they just don’t want to be the center of the crowd, saying that they would kill to be a 4 feet child. Girls, maybe you can’t remember the time when you were younger and you need to jump really hard to catch a glimpse of up-the-table world? But being taller, even the upper world of the refrigerator top is no longer a myth and your mom and dad can’t hide your snacks up there any more! As time goes on, you can easily see on the table the beautiful lavenders or lilies stretching themselves in their own fragrant smell, the shining toaster popping out warm tasty toast, or the little drops of water glittering under bright sunshine after your mom wipes the table. Don’t you just love to see every phase of the moon even when they are not that high up in the sky?

  Well, I do. Being a 5 ft 10 myself, I am also taking the advantage of buying a larger outfit at a same price. Also, I get a cleaner view of the blackboard even when sitting far away from it. I run faster, jump higher and can think positively. I am proud to say that I possess the ability to see the upside of almost everything. I guess it is because I am closer to the clear blue sky above our heads.




学英语作文 篇3





学英语作文 篇4

  There is a boy who lives next to me, he is about five years older than me. Everybody speaks highly of him, I always hear his name from my grandma, she tells me that he is a good guy. Some day, when I walk home after school, I see this guy is helping an old man pick up the fruit on the ground. He is such kind that I understand why everybody likes him.


学英语作文 篇5

  Bus:This is the most common transporting means, because it's so cheap andefficient. You can go to other cities by bus, but it's very slow in rush hours.And sometimes it's dangerous to take the bus, because the traffic accidents mayhappen at any time on high ways.

  公交车:这是最常见的交通运输工具,因为它是如此的便宜和高效。你可以做公交车去别的城市但是在上下班高峰期是很慢的.。 有时候坐公交车很危险,因为在高速公路上交通事故是随时都可能发生的。

  Train:It's suitable for the long trip. Not only it is fast and convenient, but alsoit's so economical. Most people can afford it. What's more, it's more pleasantthan taking any other means of transportation. You can walk around and open thewindows on the train. Besides, you can have a rest when you feel tired. Andthen you'll get to your destination the next day.


  Plane:Air travel is very fast and enjoyable. It seems that our world is a small placeto live in, but it's too expensive for many people.


  Ship:Even though ship voyage is slow, it's still exciting, for one can enjoy thebeautiful scenery on the sea and feel the soft sea wind.


  Subway:It can be easily seen in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. It's socomfortable, convenient and always on time. You can take it to every part ofthe city. As it's built underground, you needn't care about the traffic jams.Now it becomes more and more popular.


学英语作文 篇6

  children of the future age,

  reading this indignant page,

  know that in a former time

  love, sweet love, was thought a crime.

  in the age of gold,

  free from winters cold,

  youth and maiden bright,

  to the holy light,

  naked in the sunny beams delight.

  once a youthful pair,

  filled with softest care,

  met in garden bright

  where the holy light

  had just removed the curtains of the night.

  there, in rising day,

  on the grass they play;

  parents were afar,

  strangers came not near,

  and the maiden soon forgot her fear.

  tired with kisses sweet,

  they agree to meet

  when the silent sleep

  waves oer heavens deep,

  and the weary tired wanderers weep.

  to her father white

  came the maiden bright;

  but his loving look,

  like the holy book,

  all her tender limbs with terror shook.

  ona, pale and weak,

  to thy father speak!

  o the trembling fear!

  o the dismal care

  that shakes the blossoms of my hoary hair!










