
时间:2024-05-05 18:05:34 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Good idea is different for everyone and is distinct each time you receive it. Sometimes I receive advice and don’t realize what it is until I actually need to apply it.

  Whenever I seek guidance I turn to my friends, parents, acquaintances, and teachers because I respect their judgment. Given a difficult decision to make, even though I know what their response will be, I still look to them for help. I search for their understanding to reinforce what I already know I need to do. It’s easier for me to make a decision because when I hear the same solution being said by someone else I know someone is behind me, supporting my choice even if I mess up. They can show me options that would work for my situation and they won’t try and mislead me by giving advise that could cause me to get hurt.

  When I receive good advice I’m never led by the advisor to think that I have to do what they suggest. The advisor aids me in deciding what’s best for me. They lay down choices that I can make and then it’s up to me to decide the course that I want to take. I sometimes go with the most logical solution and then other times decide to take the consequences that come with deciding to go the other way.

  When we had written papers on why writing was important I had written that it helps people to communicate better because it teaches you how to express yourself, improving your communication skills. It’s the same idea with giving advice. The better grasp you have on language (which writing helps inquire) the more effective you’ll be at giving someone advice. They’ll better understand what you’re trying to get across to them and you’ll have an easier time of helping the advisee take your advice more seriously.

英语作文 篇2

  As can be seen from the charts, China's higher education, with the rapid growth of its GDP (gross domestic product), is also developing very fast. There were only about 110 thousand college students when New China was bornin 1949, while the number hit 3.5 million 50 years later in 1998. And what impresses us most is the college recruitment of 1999--1.56 million, which is 44% higher than that of the previous year--1.08 million in 1998.

  Several factors contribute to the booming of China's higher education. First, China's rapid economic develop ment lays the base. In 1952, China's GDP was only 67.9 billion yuan. In 1998, the figure soared to 7.94 trillion. Second, the Chinese government, counting on education to be another force to significantly further its economy, has made a series of preferential policies to quicken the development of higher education. One of the measures taken, for example, is the widening of college recruit ment starting from 1999.

  Seeing the education boost today, I have every reason to look forward to a still brighter future for China's higher education. I'm sure China will continue to in crease college enrollment in the years to come.

英语作文 篇3

  117、The following appeared in a newspaper feature story.

  There is now evidence that the relaxed manner of living in small towns promotes better health and greater longevity than does the hectic pace of life in big cities. Businesses in the small town of Leeville report fewer days of sick leave taken by individual workers than do businesses in the nearby large city of Mason City. Furthermore, Leeville has only one physician for its one thousand residents, but in Mason City the proportion of physicians to residents is five times as high. And the average age of Leeville residents is significantly higher than that of Mason City residents. These findings suggest that people seeking longer and healthier lives should consider moving to small communities.

英语作文 篇4


  i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happinein his heart .

英语作文 篇5


  I got up early this morning, because I had to go to my grandparents' home for a new year.


  Along the way, I am very happy to go to the dance and skip with joy, imperceptibly grandma.


  I like the little animals of my grandparents' family, with puppies, kittens, ducks, chickens and piglets, like a small zoo.


  I took the meat kenwan bones to play with a dog, the dog seems to exert their own unique skills, vacated my hands, bones that go, hiding in a place not far away with relish to eat up.


  You see, this is the lively and lovely puppy of the grandmother's house, is it very interesting?










