
时间:2024-06-02 10:31:43 英语作文 我要投稿





  "One person alone cannot accomplish much., only the trees are the pines to be closely related and mutually dependent. One flower does not make a spring, only one thousand million flower branches low, only the beauties of springtime."

  In the animal world, cooperation is everywhere. There is a crocodile in Africa that opens its mouth every time it eats the food. At this time, there will be a Plover flew into his mouth, for it carefully cleaning teeth, the teeth between the food residue pecking clean. The crocodile was comfortable, Chidori also fill the stomach. If the crocodile closes his mouth without notice, the bird will prick it with its pointed wings, and the crocodile will open its mouth. This is an example of the power of cooperation. The crocodile and the Plover tacit cooperation to allow easy to remove the crocodile teeth thing, also eat the plover. They cooperate in each other, save each other, and how good cooperation ah!

  The weather is not as good as the weather." It is the famous saying in Meng Zi that once again illustrates the importance of cooperation. Not only cooperation between animals can produce strength, but cooperation between people can produce great strength.

  Everyone knows the story of "offer a humble apology.". In ancient China, Zhao general Lian Po lvzhanlvsheng, but he was not the prime minister Lin Xiangru in the eye, everywhere he, in court on ridiculed him. But Lin Xiangru is always treating him like a lamb. Some people ask him, but he replied: "we are Zhao's heavy official, let others know that we are not, will certainly take the opportunity to attack."." He was very guilty, then carrying Vitex qingzui home. Later, he and Lin Xiangru worked together to make Zhao a very powerful country. He was moved by Lin Xiangru's cooperative attitude, understand the power of cooperation, so we can take the initiative to admit. It is because of their cooperation that they have powerful Zhao state.

  In peacetime life, I also realized the strength of cooperation. Remember a spring outing and go boating in East Lake. Take a ship for every 4 people. In the lake, we decide who will reach the other side of the competition. I and the other 3 sit on a pedal boat, two pedals, and a steering wheel. At first, we had different opinions and different rhythm. Finally stopped in the middle of the lake, not forward. Later, we work together, a person in the palm direction, and the rest responsible for taking turns pedaling pedal, orderly, won the applause of the students. We understand the power of cooperation in the joy of success.

  "Help the soil soil into the wall, to help people become king." Yes, cooperation is very important in the cooperation of crocodiles and Plover, Lian Po and Lin Xiangru in cooperation, I also participated in the cooperation. So, friends, learn to cooperate, because cooperation is strength.


  Competition and Cooperation

  Competition is a very common phenomenon in our social life today. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say, to some extent, competition is one of the motive force of the development of society.

  We often find competition and cooperation occurring at the same time. Think of a basketball game. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. In most cases, we can’t compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While advocating competition, we can’t forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially important because most work is fulfilled with and through other people. So we must combine competition with cooperation to obtain our goals.


 On Competition and Cooperation

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, customers, money, and so forth. We can say, to some extent,competition is one of the motive forces of the development of society.

  And we often find competition and cooperation at the same time. Think of a basketball game, each team is competing with the other team. But each member of the team is cooperating with his or her teammates. In most cases, we cant do competition without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While we are advocating competition, we cant forget cooperation. Nothing is to be carried to extremes. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures. Competition together with cooperation help us a great deal in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs, especially in modernizing our country.








  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of cooperation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Cooperation can help people achieve our objectives more smoothly. If everyone in a group can cooperate with each other actively and play each other’s strength sufficiently, those once-deemed-unachievable tasks for one single person can be successfully accomplished through shared efforts. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: after the financial crisis swept the whole world in 20xx, how could the world economy recover/restore/revive/revitalize at such a rapid speed without cooperation among countries all around the world ?

  We should Always bear in mind that in such a competitive world of today, no individuals or organizations can achieve success without cooperation. Furthermore, when coming across setbacks or challenges, we should not dismiss ourselves as a powerless individual, instead, we should discover advantageous resources initiatively, collaborate effectively with people around us, and thus overcome all the things that lie in the way to success.“Coming together is a beginning . Keeping together is a process . Working together is a success.” Henry Ford once said.



  Cooperation with others is something that everyone should learn in the 20th century. At first, I didn't cooperate with others in a tacit way, and I didn't succeed in one time. But last Saturday, I made a happy and partner with Hu Qiuyou, which I will never forget!


  It was a Saturday. I asked Hu chuyou to come to my home early to make a model spaceship, and stipulated that he must arrive at seven o'clock. Because there were no screws or hammers at home, I told him to take them. I stood at the door and looked around. At this time, a man in white short sleeves and white trousers appeared in the bustling crowd. I looked at him carefully. He was about one meter 42, slightly fat, with two crescent like eyebrows, ponytails, a small mouth, and two black jewel like eyes on his round face, forming a day He is really lively.


  When I stood there, I thought he would not bring what I asked him to bring. Unexpectedly, he walked around with something. I asked, "what's wrong with your feet?" He shook his head and said, "it's OK!" "I accidentally hit it with a hammer." "Oh, I'm glad it's OK!" I asked him in while I was talking.


  When I started to make the model, I grabbed all the parts for myself. I was in a hurry, but I still scolded him impatiently. He didn't answer. He just wiped my sweat silently. At this time, my heart was like an electric shock.


  After a while, we made the model, and he gradually disappeared into the crowd.


  Teamwork is essential for the success of any organization. When individuals work together towards a common goal they can achieve more than what they could have accomplished individually. Teamwork fosters creativity collaboration and efficiency and it is the key to solving complex problems.

  One of the main advantages of teamwork is that it brings together diverse perspectives and skills. Each team member brings their own unique strengths and experiences which can be combined to find innovative solutions to problems. By valuing and respecting each other's opinions team members can benefit from a variety of viewpoints and approaches. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative and well-rounded solutions.

  Furthermore teamwork promotes collaboration and synergy. When team members work together they can combine their individual skills and knowledge to achieve better results. By dividing tasks and responsibilities among team members the workload is distributed allowing for a more efficient and effective completion of projects. Additionally team members can support and motivate each other boosting morale and overall productivity.

  Lastly teamwork improves efficiency and saves time. When multiple individuals work together tasks can be completed faster and more efficiently. Each team member can take on specific roles and contribute their expertise reducing the time required to complete each task. Additionally team members can provide feedback and suggestions to one another allowing for continuous improvement and faster problem-solving.

  In conclusion teamwork is vital for the success of any organization. It brings together diverse perspectives promotes collaboration and improves efficiency. By working together towards a common goal team members can achieve more than what they could have individually leading to innovative solutions and overall success.


  Chairman Mao once made a famous remark about competition, “To battle with God is great fun! To battle with Earth is great fun! To battle with people is great fun!” His words, although seeming a bit too aggressive, have illustrated that competition is never regarded as something formidable by a brave.

  Competition exists throughout the evolution of nature and everyone’s life. Creatures compete to survive the merciless environment, eliminating weaker ones; Nations in the world compete for resources and power, and whichever fallen behind is beaten. As for individuals, ever since the very first day of our lives, we are forced into a competition with thousands of others around us, including taking examinations, applying jobs and striving for promotion, the results of which definitely determine our fate. Competition is as real a fact as the air around us that can neither be evaded nor be ignored.

  Thus, my dear friends, do not fear competition. Accept it and enjoy it. With competition, you grow stronger, and you gain so much precious experience worth remembering of, regardless of what the outcome would be. Without competition, you cease to grow; you become a dead moth sealed in its own cocoon.

  . phenomenon 现象

  But their so-called prosperity is only a temporary phenomenon.


  International terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon.


  2. motive 动机,目的

  Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime?


  Her prime motive was personal ambition.


  3. ultimately 最后,最终

  His rashness led ultimately to his ruin.


  Every value they created ultimately redounded to his boss.


  4. advocate 主张,提倡

  I don't really believe in capital punishment, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.

  我并非真正主张应该有死刑, 只是故意唱唱反调罢了.

  He advocates reducing military spending.



  Cooperation - the source of beauty, the pulse of harmony, the root of wonders. Without the spirit of cooperation, one has no soul and success has no pillar. The students must come out of the blackboard together, this can be calculated as a model of cooperation! If students don't cooperate, how can they have a nice black sheet? You see, "jingling bell... When the bell rang, the students went out to play with only a few of our hard-won designs. School is over. My classmates went home and I wasn't there. These are all superfluous and the important thing is that we have the spirit of cooperation, if we don't cooperate the blackboard report will be finished on time? There is also a small story that can be said about the importance of cooperation. You must have heard the story of "fishing rod and fish basket". The two young men went out, for they were lost, and the farther they went, the chance to save them, but the two of them starved to death. A few years later two people like them also met the old man. Because of their sincere cooperation and success! Therefore, the successful cooperation should not only have a unified goal, but also try to do well in the division of things, to think of others, to think about the collective, to have the spirit of self-sacrifice! Students, modern society is a competitive society, but it is also a more cooperative society. Only learn to cooperate with others to achieve greater success!!合作-----美丽之源,和谐之脉,奇迹之根。没有了合作精神就等于一个人没有了灵魂,成功没有了支柱。



  可见,成功的合作不仅要有统一的目标,要尽力做好分内的事情,要心中想着别人,心中想着集体,有自我牺牲的精神!同学们,现代社会是一个充满竞争的社会,但同时也是一个更加需要合作的社会。只有学会与别人合作才能去的更大的成功!!团队合作英语作文 篇5

  In the increasingly fierce competition in the 21st century, in order to better survival and development, no matter small to a person, or to a country, a quality team cooperation are extremely important, it can put an isolated force together, in order to a common goal, work together to maximize the power of the team, in order to obtain greater benefits. In the past and present, the success stories of teamwork have been numerous and worthy of our reference. Without teamwork, a small group of tiny ants could not be turned into a giant "ant" army sweeping across South America's rainforests and unrivaled in a swarm of disciplined and disciplined organizations. Without teamwork, European countries would not be able to compete with the mighty United States on the international stage after the union, becoming a strong European Union. If there is no teamwork, Japanese companies are also can't be reached after enterprise alliance a concerted effort to carve up the world market from all walks of life, Japanese companies are unlikely to become the world's ability to operate with the strongest, the highest annual profits of enterprises. This is the strength and strength of teamwork. It shows its unusual efficiency and strength in the competition, whether in human society or in nature. Of us, however, some friends might say, "the 21st century is a self, personal talent and ability of era, the team will bury talent and creativity of the individual on this issue?" It is true that the full display and embodiment of individual talent and individuality is indeed the pursuit and recognition of today's democratic society. It is because of the emphasis on the embodiment and play of individual ability that the elite of our society has the space to fully display the self and the talent, which has created a large number of successful people in the society. It is precisely because of respecting the individual development and interests of each individual that western democratic society will have the cultural manifestation and strong strength of today's hundred schools of thought. The United States is also precisely because with prominent "personal heroism" national personality traits, will attract the elite from all walks of life, from all over the world to make everyone can do their only, all show, accomplished the most powerful in the world today, in the dominance of the United States. Therefore, teamwork and individuality are not contradictory. Teamwork does not mean that people are the same. Making an open personality doesn't mean there is no cooperation. I think that it should be a complete system to truly play the advantages of teamwork and individuality and to really reconcile their relationship with each other. Under this system, we can give full play to the ability of self, and can be a strong team, I think, to make such a sound system is our true wisdom choice; It is the only way for us, our country, and our nation to succeed.在竞争日趋激烈的二十一世纪,为了更好地生存与发展,无论小到一个人,还是大到一个国家,团队合作都是极其重要的一种素质,它能够把一个个孤立的力量集中在一起,为了一个共同的目标,齐心协力地将团队的力量最大化,以获得大的利益。古往今来,靠团队合作而一举成功的事例可谓不胜枚举,值得我们去借鉴。






  Cooperation and competition are both important. They are attributes(归因于,属性) which are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his life.

  Learn to be cooperative. No one likes a selfish, greedy, or arrogant(自大的) individual. However, everyone likes a considerate(体谅的) and cooperative person. Everything we do today, whether in doing business or making friends, depend upon our ability to get along with one another. In our society, most tasks demand the cooperation of many individuals so that they can be accomplished effectively. In this situation, we must be supportive(支援的) and cooperative. Each person is like a small part of a machine. If only one part is out of order, the machine can’t be running well. Besides, transportation and communication systems are rapidly developing and people all over the world can get in touch with each other more easily. It is hard for a person who is isolated(孤立的) from the society to have a deep understanding of the world he lives and to accomplish(实现) a feat(功绩) in his career. Cooperation is becoming more and more important for a person to earn a good life.

  Being competitive also has a place in life. If you want to achieve more success and be better than others, you must work harder, study more diligently(勤奋地), and adapt yourself to competition. The desire to succeed and do better than others inspires(激励) us to work harder. If there were no competition, a sports meet would never be exciting and successful, and we would never have champions(冠军的地位).

  No doubt, we often find there is an inseparable(不可分离的) relationship between competition and cooperation. In a football match, either team is competing with other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates.

  We cooperate with others to be more competitive; we compete to earn a better environment for cooperation. Thus we can make progress(前进) continuously. Only competition together with cooperation leads us to realizze our goals and satisfy our needs.







  Competition is a common phenomenon in our society. We compete when we play games, we compete in our study, and we constantly compete for jobs, customers and profit, etc. We can say that competition is one of the motives of the development of society.

  But we often find competition and cooperation go hand in hand. In a football game, one team is competing with the other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates. In most cases, we can't compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While we are advocating competition, we can't forget cooperation. Nothing can be carried to an extreme. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failure. Only when competition combines with cooperation can it help in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.


  Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion,everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society.

  First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each

  other. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.” Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon.

  Teammates in a team can learn something from each other because they are from different places, owning various experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of

  increasing our knowledge. Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship. Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful, which make a great contribution to establishing friendship. Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships.

  To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really necessary and important and we should try to enjoy it.译文:





  In nowadays, it is quite common that we compete with each other for various competitions. However, it is also essential for people to cooperate with each other for we are members of society. When confront with cooperation and competition, people seems to have a difficult time in choosing them.

  Some people tend to compete with each other for they believe they can win rewards by defeating others. Some hold that we should cooperate with each other. Some think that we should not only cooperate with others but we should compete with others as well. In my opinion, I think that competing is more important for us. Reasons are listed below.


  First of all, competing is more important than cooperation in our society. In school, we compete with others by doing better in our study. When we are looking for jobs, we compete with others applying for the same position. When we go to a competition, we fight with others for rewards or fame.


  Secondly, we can be stronger by competing. If we want to win others, then we have to be stronger than others. Thus, we have to improve ourselves constantly. Consequently, our skills will be enhanced and we will get more experience to avoid failure.


  In conclusion, competition plays an important role in our society as well as we can become stronger.



  Teamwork and cooperation is significant forman's activities, including the business work, family life, social activities,even the social development. In the current stiff competition of our society,teamwork is the protection of executive force and the improvement of greatefficiency. In terms of maintaining teamwork spirit, cooperation is the most significant.

  With the rapid technological specialization and social development, more and more tasks need to be accomplished with a collaborative effort. On the other hand, social development can’t be without social division of labor, as the saying goes,many handsmake light work. Through cooperation within the team, member of the society complement each other’s weaknesses with their strengths. Then the efficiency ofsocial construction, production, and other social activities could get great improvement. The society like a big machine composed of many a part, cooperation is the grease which ensure its good running. While parts of the machine drop, it stops working immediately.All these tell us that union is strength. Only by doing the teamwork and cooperation well, so can the potential creativeness be fully reached and the over all goal of the development be achieved smoothly!


  In modern society, there is an eternal topic, that competition and cooperation, one can't live independently in the society, the competition and cooperation between people is the survival and development of our society. Tree length, water QingZhuo, sentient beings busy Yu Daqian world, they are inseparable from the competition and cooperation.

  So-called competition is two or more individuals or groups, in an activity naturally each other's behavior, also is the two sides compete for a goal, and only one party can win, and the cooperation is two or more individuals or groups, to achieve common goals in an activity the behavior of the joint cooperation, both sides have a consistent purpose, and the two sides Shared the results.

  For competition, you must present won't feel strange, without the competition of examination, we would not be standing here, to make a quarrel, however, the lack of cooperation, "north-south dialogue" "south-south cooperation" will become empty talk; The lack of cooperation, the establishment of the international space station will be nothing; The lack of cooperation, we will today still live in the shadow of the "SARS", in the midst of bird flu.

  But the competition and cooperation is not the opposite, some students are too opened, and they share some talk about competition not only talk about cooperation. When someone asked him a question, also don't go back to jilt a "don't know," think of other people's problems solved is to develop a rival, against their competition, so the person is selfish, will eventually be eliminated by the society, others think that the competition is not necessary, only pay attention to cooperation, which leads to the status quo, no enterprise miserable state, when he was a comfort in doing a dream, the world has forgotten them. So, the above two practices are not correct. We should put the competition and cooperation are equally important position, let them make, for me to use, to reach a higher level.

  If compare life to a scene, the competition is the audience pairs of discerning eyes, and cooperation is a friend with you. The classmates, let us treat competition and cooperation correctly, produce the most gorgeous flowers.







  Ancient so-called competition, is really a life-and-death, often accompany the rise and fall; Modern society, the competition pattern change also means that the ups and downs of fate and the world. All successful competition, however, is not accompanied by another important skill - cooperation. Think that year in The Three Kingdoms ii, is that the liu cao competition; Allied troops, red cliff on fire, the first world war three pillar. I'm plaint: at this time have no vie for! Lens to switch to the Anti-Japanese War period, between the national rise and fall and another party, we resolutely chose the former, the joint resistance against Japan, the news of victory to excited every Chinese descendants. Shu wu cao resistance to three cent world, cutting kou book good news of the war of resistance against Japan, the kuomintang and the importance of this is enough to prove the cooperation?

  Taking history as a mirror, the past, the young people of the new century must understand the relationship between cooperation and competition. In the study life, our competition is the result, cooperation method, the two complement each other forever. I heard someone every Tibetan mask their learning materials, don't even want to discuss with others complex mathematical problem, just let a person think. Perhaps someone through this method to make their own achievement for slightly higher than the others, but I don't envy. On the contrary, I think. To understanding learning requires interaction, discussion, exchange can collision out sparks of wisdom, to study the competition and cooperation is a two-way street, and complement each other, the process of cooperation, improve together, win-win, isn't it? Can guide the cooperation, competition and cooperation, promote the competition - the power and channels, only both have, success can only be seen in the conductor of electric current.

  Rushed to need, competition to match the level; Keep an open heart, sincere cooperation and common improve. Believe me, we will be successful!









