Staying at Home Alone

时间:2024-06-05 07:35:59 英语作文 我要投稿
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Staying at Home Alone

  Thusday Nov. 16, 20xx FinI took my school rport and cam back hom cautiously only to find mothr wasnt at hom. Sh wnt to my aunts and wou!d com back in th vcning. I knw that fiom a not on th tabl. I was still a littl bit frightnd as if mothr would com back suddnly.Sing th low marks on th school rport and rmcmbring mothrs cold fac, I almost trmbld with far. lf mothr know I got so low marks oa th subjcts, spcially nglish, sh would tar all my cartoon books which ar my fovourit. I hav bn trating thm as my own lif for a long tim. But mothr always thought cartoon divrtd my attntion from study and had a bad ffct on m. Frankly spaking, I had ralizd it. Mothr hatd thos books. Sh had warnd m if I got low marks onc mor sh would gt rid of thm. I Still wantd to kp thos books vn if I would mvr touch thm from thn on. What should I do? I knw that any prsuation was in vain. I would prvnt mothr from doing that.A good ida strok m. I gathrd all th books and put thm in a box. Thn, I hid th box undr my bd. Having don it carfully, I had a brathing spll.Opning th nglish book, I sat at th dsk and bgan to rad. It was rally th tim that I larnd nglish carfully, I thought.

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