My family

时间:2024-06-09 12:11:38 英语作文 我要投稿

My family(必备)

  My family includes me, my mother and my uncle who lives next door. Now let me introduce our hobbies.

  Mother is a learned Encyclopedia of human body, because she loves reading very much. She mainly reads books about spiritual growth and financial management. Sometimes when I have difficulties in my homework, I just ask her for help, and no question can be answered. I think she is a "living dictionary".

  Uncle is a Crazy Baseball fan. His mood will rise and fall with the team he supports. If he wins, he will cheer loudly. Sometimes even the whole community can hear him. But if he loses, he will be depressed all day.

  Finally, it's my turn. I like cookies and desserts best! I have made many kinds of cakes, such as sponge cakes, chocolate almond cakes, baked buds, strawberry Thousand-Layer Pie. Whenever I succeed in making a dessert, I feel very accomplished.

  In addition, we have the same hobbies, that is, climbing, traveling and watching movies together. Although we have only been to a few places, every trip makes me feel amazed and happy.

  If I hadn't these families, I might not have been who I am today, so I'm very glad to have these families, and all our memories are in my mind, because this is the happy time I spent with my family.







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