
时间:2024-06-13 16:24:10 英语作文 我要投稿





  In XX month of 20xx, typhoon "XX" hit us hard. We suffered the once-in-a-century flood. Tongguang village in the street is one of the most severely affected villages. The flooded area is nearly 100%. Agriculture, enterprises, infrastructure and other fields are generally damaged, and the economic losses are huge.

  In response to the sudden flood disaster, Party committees, governments at all levels and all sectors of society are concerned about the disaster area and their compatriots, and have extended a helping hand one after another. With the strong leadership of the superior departments and the help and support of relevant departments, Tongguang village has spared no effort to organize and carry out disaster resistance and relief work, set up three resettlement sites for victims of new and old office buildings and Tongguang primary school, and transferred more than 1000 affected people.

  At the critical moment when the people of the whole village are threatened by floods, brother counties and cities, relevant municipal departments, enterprises and institutions, social organizations and people from all walks of life have extended a helping hand, carried forward the great love spirit of "one side is in trouble, all sides support", made enterprising donations and materials, and cordially called for condolences.

  The caring people of the Red Cross, the Federation of educational entrepreneurs, enterprises, the Safety Supervision Bureau, the Safety Supervision Bureau, the municipal limited company, Xian, Shanghai Union, Ningbo society and Cixi, brother counties and cities, are your first time to rush to our village to send emergency supplies to the affected villagers and ensure that each disaster victim has water and food to eat. It is also your thoughtful and careful research, Emergency medicine was sent to us to protect the people in the disaster area from bacterial infection. Your selfless generosity has given great love and warmth to the villagers in our village, greatly inspired the courage and determination of the people to overcome difficulties and resume production, and helped us build up our firm confidence in rebuilding our homes.

  Here, Tongguang village, on behalf of the villagers of our village, expresses heartfelt gratitude and high respect to the units and individuals who have assisted us! Thank you for your selfless care and assistance, because you have made us feel the warmth of the world and the love of the world, and because you have raised our expectations. Please rest assured that all social circles and friends who care about us must live up to our expectations and spare no effort to do a good job in post disaster recovery and reconstruction in the spirit of self-improvement, hard work and courage to fight!


  The torrential rain raged and the rivers soared. Waves of flood peaks fiercely attacked the Yangtze River embankment. Just entering the early summer, a catastrophic flood rarely seen in a century came unexpectedly. Millions of soldiers and civilians were mobilized urgently, and the arsenic column flowed in the middle. They fought continuously day and night for 100 days and nights, sacrificing their lives" Take strict precautions! People are on the bank! " This is the sonorous oath of the army and the people.

  Take strict precautions! People are on the bank! What a powerful eight words. In front of my eyes, a word emerged: stick to it.

  Nowadays, "stick to" is not often mentioned. What people pursue is "natural and unrestrained" and "cool". Persistence was once weak and difficult due to the lack of its content, so that sometimes it sounded as far away as the carriage age.

  Across the century, we, who shoulder the heavy responsibility of the times, often seem unable to bear the "connecting the past and the future" that we are often proud of. At the juncture of two centuries, the situation and choices we face are unprecedented, but because of this, we often show more impetuous and frivolous emotions. The same unprecedented state is that many things have become somewhat vague and specious in front of us. We have never encountered the parents' going to the mountains and the countryside, nor can we be as happy as the children born in the 1990s to have Barbie dolls. Living under this "gap", there are many gaps that need to be filled one by one. We intuitively find that there is not enough time. Therefore, the angle we accept for persistence gradually shrinks, even almost empty, and we have almost forgotten its meaning. Unconsciously, "persistence" is shelved by us. This artificial neglect and "giving up" makes us gradually lazy; Moreover, we can easily list a lot of reasons to justify ourselves.

  Because of these, I once pessimistically thought that the number of people who could stick to it was as few as giant pandas, which was beyond my reach.

  However, the fact is that the people who stick to it are not far away. They are right beside us. From the hope project to flood fighting and rescue, from the gardeners who stick to the poor and work hard to the children who are not afraid of difficulties and dangers and sacrifice, I undoubtedly saw the existence of perseverance and felt the impact of the strength of perseverance.

  So, stick to what? For our parents, this question seems superfluous. However, in front of us - looking around at us who are struggling before too many choices - it is indeed a serious life proposition that requires you to calm down and think about it.

  Of course, stick to faith and ideals. I don't doubt the potential ambition in our hearts, but sticking to it means strong perseverance and hard work. We must and should have stable psychological quality, so that we won't panic when difficulties and blows come.

  Stick to it, a word with boiling blood when you think of it; Persistence is the spirit we are looking for; Behind the persistence, I see our great nation standing tall.









