
时间:2024-06-23 16:18:22 英语作文 我要投稿





  Self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. If you want

  to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your ability. Otherwise, you may hardly achieve anything. Some people always complain about how

  difficult their tasks would be and how incapable they are. They often refuse to have a try, and therefore have no opportunity to overcome difficulties in order to get themselves improved. Apparently, this shows their lack of self-confidence. 自信心就是坚定地认为你能够做好某事。如果你想成功,你就应当对于自己的能力十分自信。一些人常常抱怨说,他们的任务多么地艰巨,自己又是多么地无法胜任。他们经常拒绝尝试,因为根本就没有机会克服困难,提高自己。很明显,这说明他们缺乏自信。

  be afraid of mistakes or failures, for we can learn from mistakes and “failure is the mother of success”.



  In the new semester, I have set a new goal for myself, which is to enhance my confidence.

  During the holiday, reading made me realize how important it is to have a confident state, and I always had a timid appearance before, which makes me feel a bit ridiculous in retrospect.

  Just like in class, when a teacher asks a question, they are hesitant to raise their hand even though they know the answer, and are called, which is also stuttering. I have decided to change this situation. After all, I am a student and I am here to study. If I answer incorrectly, it's okay. As long as I remember carefully, I will know the correct answer next time.

  And if you are right, then you need to learn to acknowledge your efforts, and don't just feel like it's just a fluke.

  When chatting with classmates, it is also important to learn to look at each other's eyes candidly. There is nothing difficult about this, but instead, one may bow their head and dare not look directly, appearing absent-minded and disrespectful to others.

  I am relatively tall and have a relatively rear seat. I have learned to straighten my waist and listen attentively. Even if there are classmates whispering at the back table, that is not the reason why I am not listening attentively. Believe that you can be undisturbed and focus solely on listening to the class.

  It's not easy to boost confidence all at once, but with such goals and determination, I believe I can get better and better.


  People say that self-confidence is half of the success that can bring you courage to stick to what you do. Without self-confidence, one can not do well in anything. Self-confidence is of great importance and value to a person. Firstly, self-confidence enables us to have the ambition of being successful. Only when you have the ambition to be successful, can you be successful eventually. Secondly, once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop you to success.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible previously. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should, or have to trust in ourselves. In short, self-confidence is the spiritual pillar of a person as well as the inherent power, which is of great importance and value to a person.


  Generally, girls are always the weak people, and some girls lose faith when they are very small, because people tell them that boys are smarter than them Nowadays, women make excellent achievement in all fields Now I have entered the best middle school and everytime when I get awards, my parents will be very proud of me So we should keep fighting.



  Self-confidence is one very important factor for success, but there are two other equally important factors: knowledge and sensitivity. All three are required for success in any area. One needs to feel one can accomplish a task. If one thinks he or she is incapable of doing something, he or she will not succeed. For example, if you think you are going to do poorly on an exam, you will probably do poorly. It is important to tell yourself that you can do well. If you have confidence in yourself, you will probably do well. Even if you have a great deal of self-confidence, you won’t be able to well on the exam without knowledge. You have to understand your subject very well. With knowledge and self-confidence you have a better chance of success. In areas other than exams, you will need to be sensitive to your surroundings in order to succeed. You will need to know whether to boast about yourself or be modest; you will need to know whether you should take the lead or let others. This is a difficult skill to learn, but an important one for success. To be successful in school or work, you need three qualities: self-confidence, knowledge, and sensitivity. Along, none of these factors will help you succeed. But together, they ensure success.


  It’s generally accepted that confidence plays a very vital role in one’s life. But do you really know what dose self-confidence mean? Well, it means that you have strong belief that you can do things and you will succeed in the end. If you want to do something well, you must have faith in yourself. Just like the old saying goes, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. Otherwise, you may hardly to do anything right. Some people love to complain how incapable they are or how difficult their tasks are, they never think about the problem in themselves, which is lack of confidence. If they fail, they will refuse to have another try. Then they will never ever have the chance to overcome difficulties.

  There are several reasons why people feel no confidence about themselves when they meet the challenges. First of all, they underestimate themselves. Second, they tend to overestimate the problems that in front of them. Last but not least, they are afraid of losing their face or making terrible mistakes if they fail.

  There are many ways for us to build up self-confidence. Emerson used to say: “Self-trust is the first secret of success.” Before we do something, we should make full preparations and try to encourage ourselves that we will success. If we fail, don’t be afraid, try again; or turn to others for help. If we can overcome the adversities this time, then we will gain some confidence. Step by step, we would become more and more confident. We should have a right attitude toward our abilities and should never look down upon ourselves. The chief thing to remember is: failure is the mother of success.


  I am a middle school student in junior high school, now the second year, I just first of the first time, always have no confidence, downcast, but now I am full of confidence. I remember this incident in the second semester of the first semester.Because I see it all the time, or when I hear someone saying it in front of me.Or whispering.I always feel that I am too ugly for the reason, or what reason.I didn't have the confidence to go out again.Always in class, a person sitting in position reading or listening to music.But someone will say I am.Back at home, even my family looked down on me.I was even less confident.I was supposed to be told that at school, I would be happy to return to my family, but it was imagination, and the reality was cruel.But I found light in a composition.I have also heard the teacher say, "no matter what kind of difficulties people encounter, we should have confidence to go forward, go our own way and let others talk about it."I began to recover, dare to go out to play, even if the people point to point is not to see. This is my beauty.I'm sure I'll make people look up to me.



  How many times have you hesitated or kept quiet when you knew the answer to a question? Then how did it feel when somebody else answered with the right answer and received praise?


  It's not unusual for teens to avoid answering questions in front of others because they're too shy or too afraid of being wrong.Sometimes a lack of self-confidence stems merely from a lack of experience. You may not feel so confident about answering questions out loud or acting in a stage play if you've never done it before. These feelings will change as you grow and experience more things in your life.


  Identify the Cause for Your Lack of Self-Confidence


  If you have a fear that people will see your perceived shortcoming, you will find it difficult to assert yourself. Your shortcoming or vulnerability may have to do with your looks, your size, your perceived intelligence, your past, or your family experience.


  In building self-confidence, your first goal is to develop a realistic understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll have to take a difficult first step and look inside yourself to discover where and why you feel vulnerable.


  Face Your Fear Head-On


  To get started on your self-exploration, go to a quiet and comfortable place and think about the things that make you feel bad about yourself. These things could stem from your complexion, weight, a bad habit, a family secret, abusive behavior in your family, or a feeling of guilt over something you’ve done. It can be painful to think about the root of your bad feelings, but it is healthy to root out something that is hidden deep inside and to work through it.


  Once you have identified the things you feel bad or secretive about, you’ll need to determine what you can do to change them. Should you change your eating habits? Exercise? Read a self-help book? Any action you take—even the act of thinking about your problem—is a step toward getting it out in the open and eventually healing.


  Once you have a full understanding of your problem, you will find that your fear decreases. When the fear goes away, the hesitation goes away and you can and will start asserting yourself more.


  Celebrate Your Strengths


  It's not enough to identify your weaknesses or your problem areas. You also have great aspects about yourself that you need to explore! You can start doing this by making a big list of things you have accomplished and the things you do well.


  You were born with some natural talent, whether you have discovered it or not. Do you always make people laugh? Are you artistic? Can you organize things? Do you navigate well?


  All of these traits are things that can become very valuable as you get older. They are skills that are absolutely essential in community organizations,in college, and on the job. If you can do any of them well, you have traits to cherish!


  Once you have taken the two steps above, identifying your vulnerability and identifying yourgreatness, you will start feeling an increase in your confidence. You decrease your anxiety by facing your fears, and you start liking yourself better by celebrating your natural strengths.


  Change Your Behavior


  Behavioral psychologists say that we can change our feelings by changing our behavior. For instance, some studies have shown that we become happier if we walk around with a smile on our faces.You can speed up your path to increased self-confidence by changing your behavior.


  Try smiling more. This will help you fight off feelings of negativity.Compliment others on their strengths. You’ll find that other people will return the favor and compliment you back.Exercise and get enough sleep. Both of these behavioral traits improve our moods. You’ll feel better inside and outside and look better too!Take time every night to plan for the next day. By planning ahead we avoid mistakes that make us feel bad about ourselves.


  Use a Third Person Approach


  There is an interesting study that shows that there may be a trick to meeting our behavioral goals more quickly. Think about yourself in the third person as you evaluate your progress.


  The study measured the progress in two groups of people who were attempting to make a positive change in their lives. The people who participated in this study were divided into two groups. One group was encouraged to think in the first person. The second group was encouraged to think of their progress from an outsider’s point of view.


  Interestingly, the participants who thought about themselves from an outsider’s perspective enjoyed a faster path to improvement.


  As you go through the process of improving your self-image and increasing your self-confidence, try to think of yourself as a separate person. Picture yourself as a stranger who is on a path toward positive change. Be sure to celebrate this person’s accomplishments!



  To be proud in life is to be congratulated; If you are disappointed in life, you also need to be kind and confident. Life is inevitably unhappy, and one may encounter turbulence and danger at any time. If you lower your head, you will only see danger and despair, and then lose your fighting spirit in dizziness and fall into hell. If you look up, you will see a vast sky. Full of hope, let's fly. How to lift your head, it requires a friend to have enough confidence.

  I remember that time, as the final semester approached, I gradually gave up because my math grades were not very good every time. My mother thought I was sick when she saw my lazy and listless appearance all day. So, he quickly came over and asked me, "Daughter, what's the matter? Why are you feeling unwell? I told her everything, and my mother encouraged me, 'It's okay, as long as you have confidence, it's okay to score over 90 points. If you try again, you might even score 100 points.'" I said with a frustrated face, "I always score over 80 points, this time..." My mother said again, "Oh, that's not necessarily confidence, I seem to have understood a lot, and since then, I have been working hard to study and welcome the arrival of exams.

  Ah, the exam results have been issued, and I am very excited. I dare not open my eyes to look at the scores on the paper, for fear of getting too excited and fainting on the spot. Ah, can't you? "I scored 95 points unexpectedly, and when I returned home, I cheered and galloped, feeling incredibly happy and happy.

  Confidence is a pillar that can support a beautiful sky; Confidence like a ray of sunshine, blowing away the haze in your heart; Confidence is a walking stick that accompanies you towards success.

  Friend, please believe in yourself.


  As we all know, 'Failure is the mother of success.' But I just want to say'Success is the baby of confidence.'


  First of all, confidence makes us happier in our life. Life is like a wonderful song, a bright and colorful painting. If confidence is with us in our life, we will find that life really becomes richer and more interesting.


  Then, confidence makes us brave and courageous. If we lack confidence in ourselves, how can we overcome difficulties we meet with? If we have no confidence in ourselves, how can we succeed in developing ourselves in the future?Without confidence, nothing can be accomplished. That is to say, if you want to win, you have to believe in yourself.


  Finally, I would like to use the following words as our mutual encouragement:'If you think you can, you can.'



  In our country, the only-one child policy has made more and more parents pay so much attention to their children that they would like to replace their children to do everything, including study, work and even marriage. This notion has given to many problems for children’s grow-ups. Therefore, our parents should learn to help their children to be independent.

  There are some suggestions given to our parents. For one thing, it is quite important for our parents to realize that their children will grow up and have their own ideas and thoughts as time goes by. Thus, children should be encouraged to make some decisions alone in some matters so that they are able to pursue what they want. And this would also make contribution to solve what we called “generation gap.”

  For another, our parents should believe that their children have enough ability to deal with their personal matters and differentiate between good and evil. Hence, parents should give some family chores to their children properly because it is a good chance to train them.Of course, I am not saying that our parents should not help their children when they are getting into trouble, but I contend that our parents should give their children a free hand in some matters to help them to be independent.


  Currently,self-confidence has bee the order of our life, which improves the theorythat nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.

  Itis obvious that self-confidence means trust in one’s ability. If we are full ofself-confidence, we’ll have creative power to live and work, helping us successor dreams e true. On the contrary, if we have no confidence in ourselves,there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always face failure.

  What’smore, no one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives us light when wewalk in the dark and courage when we face stumbling blocks. Withself-confidence, we can achieve goals in our life.


  The Importance of Self-confidence Self-confidence is very important to our a wise man once said,“If you have no confidence in yourself,you are twice defeated in the race of confidence,you have won even before you have started.”

  If you are full of self-confidence,your creativeness,your enthusiasm will all be aroused,and you will overcome a result,your dreams will come the contrary,if you have no confidence in yourself,there is little possibility that you would ever achieve ure will be following self-confidence comes only when you know should know both your weaknesses and after this can you be well in doing great things.

  Try something youve never done taking on a challenge,whether you succeed or not,can increase your a word,self-confidence is greatly important to our success.

  Directions : Write a short essay entitled Fast Food and Traditional Chinese Cooking. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:


  What is confidence? The dictionary says, "Confidence is believing in oneself." The teacher said, "Confidence is the condition for success." I believe, "Confidence can bring unexpected surprises to people

  Confidence has given me great success. I remember it was the day before the entrance exam, and the teachers of various subjects mentioned the precautions for the exam during class, telling us to be confident. Only with confidence can we achieve good grades. You still need to be calm. How can you do a good job without being calm? But how can I be confident and calm? After entering the exam room, I will definitely be so nervous that I will throw aside my confidence and calmness. I finally came up with a good idea. When I returned home after school, I thought to myself, 'I will definitely...' The next day, the moment that will determine my fate was approaching. I walked and thought of jokes. Sure enough, I relaxed a lot. Due to reciting 'I will definitely' a hundred times the day before, my confidence doubled.

  The first exam of "Ding Zero" began, and the teacher handed out the papers. As soon as I looked at them, it was still relatively easy, so I calmly answered them and carefully checked them three times. The bell rang again, and I handed in my papers. The same goes for the next two exams.

  When it was time to obtain my graduation certificate, the next time I came to school, the teacher told me that I did well in the exam and made it into the top ten in the county. I was jumping and jumping with joy.

  This is the result of my confidence. In this way, confidence can really bring surprises! In the future, I will have confidence in everything I do. Let confidence accompany me towards high school, towards university, and towards my future career! Also let confidence bring me joy, hope, and dreams!


  As it has e to be known,there's an increasing number of family in China that has an only one child since the inception of the family planning 's no doubt that children enjoy more love and care than ver, more attention should bepay to the phnomeno that some of them get used to depending on their parents which cause the lack of independence.

  To educate them to be independent,some effective metnods are adviced for their most,parents should help the child establish an independent consciousness from telling stores or playing games,parents can affect the development of their character dhood education is of great significance to the formation of addition,as a famous going says,Knowledge es from by offering more chance for children to face the world individually can they broaden their horizon and learn to find the right position in the but not least,parents should provide some advice and assistance when their children are in some trouble that they can not conquer by themselves.

  Personally speaking,it's parents that playing an essential role in children's growth. I strongly believe that parent should help their children be independent by instructing them in a proper way rather than planning and considering everything for them.









