
时间:2024-07-25 17:35:06 英语作文 我要投稿






  Chinese has penetrated into our life in an all-round way, and there are more ways to learn Chinese. As it happens, we just accepted the teachings of Mr. Kong: "those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are not as happy as those who are good". Interest is the best teacher. And computer games are one of my major interests. To be honest, I can also learn Chinese in playing games.


  As for the games with large amount of characters and plots, my biggest benefit is to know many words, and I still remember the words that I know through this way very firmly.


  In the past, when we played the chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, there was an instruction in military and political affairs called "conscription". This word "conscription" is really difficult for us. Then when we discussed together, various nouns appeared: "huibing", "Weibing", "conscription" and so on. There are different opinions. At this time, we just opened the dictionary and knew that the word read "zh ng". It's funny to think about it. If we see this word in reading, who will be interested in looking it up in the dictionary? Maybe it still reads "micro", "Hui" and "Mu" in our mouth. Moreover, I remember this word very firmly since then, which is not like the forgetful me in the past!


  The four famous titles are required for middle school students to read, but they are not comic books or comic books. It seems that classical Chinese is still very powerful. I think the romance of the Three Kingdoms is very attractive, but if you read it directly, you will still lose in classical Chinese. At this time, I played the game, which made it easier for me to accept. Soon, I had a question: how could Zhou Yu of Wu state, a man of refined culture and military skills, be angry? So I immediately turned out the romance of the Three Kingdoms. I couldn't help but understand the classical Chinese. All kinds of reference books also went to the battle. It was quite like "breaking the sand pot to ask the end". As a result, I read the battle of Chibi in one go. Maybe not playing games will not arouse my interest in reading the original, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" I do not know how long it will be sealed.


  The most beneficial role-playing games are all kinds of role-playing games based on ancient China. In the games, you can learn about the historical time, anecdotes or folklore of those years. It's a little one-sided to say that it's just to know some famous things: seeing Wen Tianxiang's willingness to die rather than surrender, we can really understand the deep patriotic feelings contained in "who hasn't died since ancient times, and who keeps his heart and history", and we can really be deeply impressed by his national integrity; seeing Li Xiaoyao and Zhao linger's painful separation, we can understand how great love is, From then on, I will no longer be fascinated by the love between children and girls in reading; only when I saw the killing crime of Japanese army in China with my own eyes, did I have a resonance with Lu Xun, understand his indignation, and let me be surrounded by a sense of national mission


  In a word, despite people's criticism of computer games, saying that they are harmful but useless, I still believe that in the game, it really makes me closer to Chinese and learn Chinese. In laughter, in thinking, in feeling and feeling


  The computer in the student apartment is a buzzword on campus. More and more students can afford or rent computers. They are happy to have the opportunity to learn computers in their own apartments.

  Without the embarrassment and shyness of entering the computer hall and feeling uneducated, the world is changing at an unprecedented speed. Students believe that computers play an important role in this change. They agree that they must have computer skills before they can To survive in today's world, it is no longer the computer illiteracy on the information superhighway.

  Students without computer knowledge should not enter the future, and students are striding to catch up with the information superhighway. They should be alert to the problems of buying or renting computers, playing games or surfing the Internet aimlessly. Otherwise, any attempt to learn computers will become a fantasy.




  The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution. Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space, the computer is now becoming smaller and smaller and scientists have made it more sophisticated and accordingly more useful.

  As is generally known, the computer can do a wide range of work, including complex computation and analyses. People now also use it as a teaching aid in designing. An infinite variety of software can be put into the computer, which explains why it is so powerful.

  There is, however, one thing which we should bear in mind: that the computer cannot think but man can. So there need not be any fear that someday the computer will control us and all we should expect is try our best to bring it to perfection. A computer age is not a pipe dream and there will come a day when most of our needs can be met by this wonderful machine.


  Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of themare very small people like playing computer. Computer has many functions,so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies,listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful andconvenient. Various people can make good use of computer. Children can usecomputer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I thinkcomputer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer verymuch.


  computers in students' flats are a catch word on campus。 an increasing number of students can afford or hire computers。 they appreciate a chance to learn about computers from the comfort of their own flats, without the embarrassment or shyness of going into a computer hall and feeling not educated。

  the world is changing with a speed like never before, and students feel that computers are playing an important role in that change。 they agree that they must have computer skills to survive in today's world。 they get on board, cease to be computer illiterate on the information highway。 no student should enter the future without being computer literate。

  while students take giant steps to catch up on the information superhighway, they should be alerted to problems of buying or renting computers。 playing games or surfing aimlessly on the internet will do much harm。 otherwise, any attempt to learn computer will end up as nothing but an empty dream。


  It's more and more popular and nessesory to use computers in our daily life. For example I use computer all the time in the office and also use it for entertainment at home. Here I have some experiences and tips on how to make use of a computer in your daily life.

  First you should know what you need or want to do by using a computer. For example I need search some information on internet then I have to learn how to use IE to find out what I need . Second Ineed to learn how to use some softwares so as to make things done easily or to have fun .Finally you must realize that computer is not everything you are the boss to choose wheather you need to use it or not and then you can arrange your time and your own way to use a computer properly.

  Whether using a computer is useful or not that depends on how you use it. Remember that the computer is just a tool to help you. That is all my advice on how to use computer in your daily life.


  Nowadays playing computer games is a very common hobbies, especially among young people and teenagers. However there are many arguements on whether computer games are advantageous to people or not.

  Although many people doubt the advantages of computer games, if used wisely computer games can actually be used in educational purposes, for example typing games to allow students to learn typing English or Chinese. Also another advantage of computer game is that the games may be played together among friends or family members, which may improve the relationship between family members and allow parents to know more about their children on their hobbies and interests.

  However computer games if misused can also have very bad effects on human beings. Firstly spending long time in front of the computer screen will bring to various health problems, such as eye sore, back pain and headache. Also if people spend too much time on computer games rather than the work they should do, for example school work for students and projects and presentations for employees, it may have bad effects on their real life and social life status.

  It is true for everything that it is beneficial if used wisely, therefore although computer games are widely said to be bad for people, it can still be used as a good tool if used wisely.






  The Difference between a Brain and a Computer

  he difference between a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word: complexity.

  Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can't compare in intricacy with the brain. Computer switches and comportents number in the thousands rather than in the billions.What's more, the computer switch is just an on-off device,whereas the brain cell is itself possessed of a tremendously complex inner structure.

  Can a computer think? That depends on what you mean by"think". If solving a mathematical problem is"thinking',then a computer can"think'and do so much faster than a man. Of course, most mathematical problems can be solved quite mechanically by repeating certain straightforward processes over and over again. Even the simple computers of today can be geared for that.

  Surely, though, if a computer can be made complex enough, it can be as creative as we are. If it could be made as complex as a human brain, it could be the equivalent of a human brain and do whatever a human brain can do.

  But how long will it take to build a computer complex enough to duplicate the human brain? Perhaps not as long as some think. Long before we approach a computer as complex as our brain, we will perhaps build a computer that is at least complex enough to design another computer more complex than itself. This more complex computer could design one still more complex and so on and so on and so on.

  In other words, once we pass a certain critical point, the computers take over and there is a"complexity explosion". In a very short time thereafter, computers may exist that not only duplicate the human brain--but far surpass it.

  原文翻译:要形容人脑与电脑的区别只需一个词,即:复杂。 即使是迄今为止人类制造出的最复杂的电脑如果与人脑的复杂相比也望尘莫及。电脑转换组合出的.数字只有千百万种而不是千百亿。更重要的是,电脑的转换器只是一个开关装置,而大脑细胞本身就具有极其复杂的内部结构。 电脑会“思考”吗?这就要看你所说的“思考”是指什么了。如果解一道数学题是“思考”,那么电脑会“思考”,而且比人脑快得多。当然,绝大多数数学题都可以通过一遍一遍机械地重复简单的程序而得到解决。即使是现今简单的计算机也能做到这点。 然而,电脑如果能造得够复杂,它也能和我们一样富于创造力。如果它能造得同人脑一样复杂,它便能与人脑相媲美,并能做到人脑能做到的一切。 但是,要造出一个与人脑一样复杂的电脑要花多长时间呢?或许不会像有些人想象的那么长。在造出与人脑一样复杂的电脑之前,我们也许可能要先造出一个电脑,它复杂得至少能设计出比它本身更复杂的电脑。那个更复杂的电脑又能再设计出比自己更复杂的电脑,如此反复。 换言之,我们一旦突破了某个极点,电脑将盛行起来,并导致“复杂性爆炸”。不久,电脑将不仅复制人脑,而且将远远超越人脑。



  It is known to us all that the computer is the most important invention in the 20th century. It has been developed a lot since it appeared. Also, our daily life has greatly changed because of it.

  A computer can think and remember things like man, but it is millions of times faster than human begins. As a result, computers have been used in the fields of agriculture(农业), industry(工业), education(教育) and so on. For example, we can learn our lessons at home by using a computer instead of going to school.

  Computers have entered our daily life. So it is important for us to learn how to use a computer. And we must start right now.


  In recent years, a growing number of students at colleges are using laptops. Still more students are asking their parents for one. However, is it a necessity for their study? I don’t think so.


  On the one hand, it is safe to say that a laptop is of great help to some students’ study. This is especially true as far as the hard working students are concerned. With the enrollment ever growing at colleges, the school resources available to the students are quite limited. In this case, having a laptop is no doubt convenient for their study. With a laptop, they can get access to the Internet, searching for academic information, learning foreign languages and working on their graduate papers. As for these students, they can equally do well in their study without a laptop. On the other hand, there are a lot of students whose laptops are used in quite a different way. Some use it to play computer games and watch movies on the Internet, and still others even use it to gamble. Instead of helping them with their study, the laptops are a waste of money and time. To these students, a laptop is a luxury. It spoils them rather than benefits them.


  In conclusion, we can say that for some students, a laptop is of some help to their study rather than a necessity, while for others it is absolutely unnecessary.



  It was weekend yesterday .So I can play computer games yesterday. On weekdays, my parents don,t ask me to play it. They said it's bad for my study.

  Yesterday I can play it. It is very interesting. I can play chess on it.And I can do many things on it.But I like to play TiaoQi best.

  At first, I always lose.But afer a while I learn how to win the other.At last ,I won the other many times.I was very excited.


  Computers 电脑

  Computers are changing our life. You can do a lot of things with a computer. Such as, you can use a computer to write articles, watch video CDs, play games and do office work. But the most important use of a computer is to join the Internet. By joining a computer to Internet, we can get the latest information in all fields. We don’t need to leave home to borrow books from a library or to do shopping in a supermarket.

  Computers help us live a more convenient life. With the development of computers, the word is becoming a large family


  Computers are becoming more and more important in our daily life.Do you know the history and the changes of computers?Computer was invented in 1946.At that time,The machine was huge and it was aslarge as a big house.It weighed about 30 tons.

  Computer is a very useful tool in our life,in our study as well as works.For example,computer can

  send some messages to foreign friends by E-mail.The computer can open our eyes to let us know more.Computer is the most helpful invention in the world.Computer can help us in study or work.There are many computer functions We can listen to music or play the game on computer.It makes us relax.It's hard to imagine what our life would be like if we had no computers in our daily life.And in my opinion,computers are going to change our life completely in the near future.





  I majored in electrical engineering four years ago and have since been interested in the computer science. After college I got a job as an electronic engineer. My job has brought me into close contact with the computer and as a result my interest in it has kept growing all the time. A computer is after all a man-made machine; therefore, its effectiveness depends upon man’s ingenuity. So long as we can program it using mathematical models, it can do almost anything we want. Of course, the capabilities of a computer depend upon its size---whether it is a microcomputer, a minicomputer, or a large computer. We can’t use a microcomputer in complicated digital processing or sonar signal processing. If we do that, the time it spends in such processing would be longer than we expect. On the other hand, if we use a large computer to do only a small job ordinarily assigned to a personal computer, the cost would be very high.


  As we can see, from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with. Under each one of them, there are two Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”. Obviously, the two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of computer, people’s writing ability has deteriorated.

  This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of computer. There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to the conveniences computer has brought. However, people have depended so much on computer that they can hardly do things well without it, which results in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability. In this sense, computer has made us go backward.

  Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side effects of computer. As far as I am concerned, we should limit the time we spend on computer and try to develop as many good habits as possible in spare time.












