
时间:2024-08-19 10:31:07 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Today, the world is globalized and more and more foreigners come to China to seek for business cooperation. Many years ago, a non-profit organization named the second Saturday of July as the International Day of Cooperatives. Its purpose is to call for more cooperations between countries.


  With the development of Internet, the world gets smaller, because the communication between countries has increased. America is the superpower all the time, but during recent times, there are so many business cooperation between Chinese people and American people. It is known to all that China’s market is full of vitality, so there is no doubt that cooperation between countries will be the main trend.


  The cooperation happens all the time and it promotes the working efficiency. People can share the information and technology. They learn from each other, so as to gain the precious experience and make progress. China is the future, so more and more foreigners learn mandarin. They want to find a place here and make their achievement. We also can gain a lot when we work with them.


学英语作文 篇2

  Hi, my name is computer, this is my friend Internet.

  Computer: “I am a very helpful tool. Now, almost everybody gets their own computer, workers use me for work, students use me for home work and school work.”

  “So do I.” said Internet, “If a computer doesn’t have Internet, it won’t be helpful any more. People have to find information from Internet, so I am a very helpful tool, too! “

  Computer: “Internet is more helpful than I!”

  Internet: “No. If people don’t have computer, how could they get on to the Internet? And if there’s no internet, computer maybe is a garbage now, right?”

  Computer: “People made me first, and they made me because they need me. Then people made you, it’s because they need to find Information from you. That’s why people made us.

  Internet: “But I still don’t understand how people get information from me.”

  Computer: “Lots of people put the thing that they know on the Internet, so they could share them with others and that’s why people made yahoo and google for, they help people to find information much faster.”

学英语作文 篇3

  Different people have different ambitions. When children study at school, they already have their own ideals. Stone want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Others want to be artists or businessmen. Still others want to be teachers or lawyers. But few want to be farmers. Unlike most people, I choose to be a farmer in the future and make contributions to development of agriculture. Agriculture is essential to the national economy and the people's livelihood. Without it there won't be grains on which people survive. Nevertheless, farmers are ignored, even looked down upon by urban people. I determine to challenge the traditional idea and contribute to changing this situation. However, lt is not easy to he a modern farmer in the 21st century. A modern farmer must be equipped with a variety of knowledge such as chemlstry, biology and meteorology. Therefore, I must study conscientiously from now on so that I can get the chance to study as a postgraduate in an agricultural university. I believe only a man with scientific knowledge can meet the challenge of the 21st century and assume the task of modernizing agriculture.



学英语作文 篇4

  As the saying goes, “Cheerfulness is health. Having a light heart is better than taking good medicine to relieve pain and sufferings”, I believe that it is important to keep a good mood as much as possible in our lives.


  First, keeping a good mood is a good for dealing with interpersonal relationships. All of us need friends and we all like to make friends with those who have a high spirit. Second, keeping a good mood is beneficial to our mental health. In other words, keeping a good mood is keeping a positive attitude. If we have a positive attitude, we will be easy to find out the true, the good and the beautiful in our lives, which is conducive for us to keep confident to our lives. In addition, keeping a good mood is a good way to develop our potentials. If we can keep a good mood or keep a positive attitude when we meet with some problems on the road to success, we will still be hard-working and confident in ourselves instead of complaining all the time. Finally, keep a good mood is a guarantee of efficient work and study. Keeping a good mood makes us stay in high spirit and concentrate on our work or study, which is a premise for our efficient work or study.


  Therefore, keeping a good mood is significant in our lives. No matter how things will go, how the future will be, what we should is keeping a good mood, being self-confident and working hard.


学英语作文 篇5

  Should cars be allowed into College Campus?

  With the rapid development of our national economy, private cars have become in large number; of course, quite a few cars are heavily driven into College Campus.

  In a significant way, these cars do not take up students places for study, but actually affect their daily life and study-- for instance, this crowd of cars may make noise and emit filthy gas to choke us to death. And the campus is jammed with lines of cars and seems to be parking lot instead of an academic institute. So cars have been strictly prohibited into many College Campuses. It seems that this is not convenience to some persons, indeed, but this is for the sake of our safety. Thus when someone enjoys convenience from modern tools, dont forget that it is dangerous to the students in the College Campus. Therefore, I agree that cars are not allowed into College Campus.

  By and large, with the price of cars falling significantly, cars will enter average families, and most Chinese will enjoy a luxurious lifestyle in their life. However, they are still prohibited to drive their cars into College Campus, which , I think, is a hard truth in the eyes of most people.

学英语作文 篇6

  谁是最喜欢的运动员? Who is your favorite player/ sportsman?

  Definitely Yao Ming! He is so great a basketball player. I never miss a single game of him. I love him because he plays basketball so well and most important of all, he is a Chinese. I am proud of him.

  我最喜欢的'季节 My Favorite Season

  There are fourseasons in a year and I like the spring most. Spring is the beginning of theyear. In spring, everything is new and fresh. The plants turn to grow andgreen. I rains sometimes and it makes the air fresh. Spring brings good hopefor people. We can make a good wish for the whole year and work hard on it. Ihave my wish, too and I will work hard on it.

  我最喜欢的运动 My favorite sport

  There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.

学英语作文 篇7

  As the saying goes “No rules no”. If people don’t obey the rules, our society will be a mess. So does our school. If the school doesn't have rules to limit students’ behavior, the whole school will be in chaos. Although some school rules seem strict to the students and without necessary, it makes a lot of contribution to manage the school. Thus, no matter what we treats the school rules, we should obey it.


学英语作文 篇8

  I am so afraid of the exam, because I want to be No.1 all the time, I just want my parents to be happy. Every time when I get the high marks, I will show it to my parents and they will be very happy and proud of me. But this time, I don’t do well in the exam, I am so careless, I am afraid that my parents will let down, I am not going to tell them the result.

  When I go home, my mother looks at me and I don’t seem to be happy. I rush to my room, then my mother asks me what happened, I decide to be honest and tell her the exam. She smiles and tells me that she doesn’t care my result, she is still proud of me, she believes me can do well next time. I am so happy to be honest to my parents.












