
时间:2022-06-04 03:49:53 英语作文 我要投稿
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  Today, when I was looking for something at home, I saw a picture. A little boy pulled a small shopping station at the supermarket doorway, laughing happily. I fell into memories.


  One day my mother asked me to go shopping in the supermarket. I was happy to jump three feet high, because that was what I had never been to now. I pulled the little cart that my mother gave me and walked into the supermarket. I first put my car in the supermarket and found a public car in the supermarket, pushing the supermarket. There are so many things in the supermarket that I see a lot of things. The first thing I wanted to buy was four boxes of 0.5 of lead. I couldn't find it. And at last, I found 0.5 lead under the stationery category. But I'm in a dilemma. There are two kinds of lead that are not color lead after color lead. The color lead is a little more expensive, and the ordinary lead is not very expensive. I'd like to go and buy the color lead at the end, because a few cents, or a beautiful one.


  Then I bought a lot of other things and went to the cashier's desk to pay. I put all the things I sold on the cashier's desk first, waiting for the aunt to finish the money. The money bought this time is 40 yuan, I gave aunty 100 yuan, aunt gave me 60 yuan. When I put everything in the car I brought, I'll go home


  Through this purchase, I reaped myself.



  In my memory, there are many unforgettable things in my childhood, but there is one thing that makes me most memorable.


  This thing now think of it, I feel very funny, that is my first tooth for tooth! When mom took me to the hospital, the doctor give me the anesthetic, yet loose teeth abruptly to pull down, listen to the doctor does not pull the growth of new teeth will be affected. In second teeth, I deeply appreciate the taste of permanent teeth. The first is a little loose teeth, eat to feel a little out of the way, but does not seem to affect what. So I shook it with my tongue and no pain when I had nothing to do. I always thought it would drop early, but it seemed as if it was falling fast, but it couldn't go away. It gradually became more and more loose, and I felt as if only a little bit of meat was connected to it, but it could not be lost.


  One day at noon, my mother made my favorite spareribs with brown sauce happily, I eat it, eat it, suddenly, I bite a piece of hard things, I think I bite to the bone, the spit out a look, with blood white teeth, in fact the teeth did not hurt, but it really is not the time, that delicious ribs can not eat, really let me regret.


  Although this matter has passed a long time, but the teeth made me very memorable!



  Everyone has experienced many unforgettable things, and the first time I learned new knowledge, the first time I personally tried it and mastered it.

  今天是星期六,爸爸妈妈都去上班了, 我想买两本课外书,于是联想起电视上介绍的“网上购物”。打开电脑,我进入拨号网络,找到了新华书店的网站,首先出现的是出版物的种类。我 “单击”一下进入图书类,然后进入书的海洋。我选定了儿童文学类,不一会儿儿童文学书籍便入我的眼帘。光这类书有几百种看得我眼花缭乱,最后我选定了《我的妈妈是精灵》这本书,提示框里出现了许多选项,问我要不要看这本书的简介,要不要买这本书。我“点击”了购买键,在订购单上输入了我的家庭住址、电话。

  Today is Saturday, mom and dad go to work, I want to buy two extracurricular books, so I think of the "online shopping" introduced on TV. Open the computer, I entered the dial-up network, found the website of the Xinhua Bookstore, first appeared the type of publication. I "click" to enter the book class and then enter the book's ocean. I chose children's literature, and in a little while children's literature books came to my eyes. This book has hundreds of light to see my eyes, finally I selected "my mother is a wizard" this book, the prompt box appears in many options, asked me to look at this book, do you want to buy this book. I "click" the purchase key and enter my home address and phone on the order list.


  A few hours passed, the doorbell rang, and I thought dad was back. Open a look is a strange uncle holding a book stand in front of the door, I immediately understood his motive, it was a pleasant surprise. I took the book and jumped up with the money. How can I be not excited by my first attempt to succeed?


  "Online shopping" lets us buy what we need without going out of the house. It is time saving and labor-saving and convenient! In the future, I will also learn to try more new knowledge.


  Ah! One of the most memorable things.



  I am the most memorable thing is one thing this summer to travel to Gannan in gahai.


  On this day, the weather is clear and the sun is bright. We are a family of three in Gahai door, saw a big stone, top write Gahai two characters, we also took a few photos.


  Then we came to the grass behind this stone. There were all voles in the field. Some of them were in groups, some of them were alone, they would run out of the holes and go in again. We saw a pavilion in the distance. On the way to the small pavilion, we saw a vole flying into the cave. Behind it, there was a dog with speed and electricity. There were a lot of people around to watch, and we were also curious to get together. Everyone watched for a long time and wanted to see the result, but the dog left the vole hole for a long time and did not see the vole. Some people say, "you still have the dog!" The vole has run away from the other hole! " I said in my heart, "when the dog comes on, you'll find that field mouse." The dog, in spite of the onlookers of others, dug and dug, dug, and finally dug out the vole and had a full meal. People say that none of your business, today I really eye-opening!


  This innocence makes me memorable. Though it's been over for a year, I still remember this day. I want to learn puppies, do everything and concentrate on it. I will succeed in the future.



  In my six years of primary school, I have experienced a lot of things, most of which have been forgotten. But a thing as if it happened yesterday, it's always in my heart.


  Whenever I walk through three (6) classrooms, the unforgettable snippets flashes in front of my eyes, drawing up what I had in class three (6)...


  Remember that it was a hot summer, the relentless sun parched the earth, the heat that raise a hue and cry in the tree. I came to school, and the sweat of the bean was left from my head. I went into the classroom. I was looking for a cup and drinking water, but there was no cup. I want to direct the water into my mouth, I see the four person, is to drink, just to gather together in the past, Mr. Zhang saw. The teacher called me past, I really don't know what is going to happen next. I low head, the heart is complaining of heaven: let Mr. Zhang do not come early, late, at this time to make me ugly.


  The teacher snapped, "Chen, do you know what you are doing? You are doing the harm. If all people are like you, a sick person is like you, and it will be transmitted to others. Do you know? " "I know." I whispered. The sound was very small, buzzing like a mosquito.


  The teacher said, "it's not allowed in the future. Well, do you go down?!" It is the first time I scolded, heart is very sad. Tears had turned in my eyes. I forced my tears, but I was still crying.


  It will stay in my mind forever, and I haven't happened again after that. The thing that I often learn a lesson......



  In my mind, there are a lot of things that make me memorable, and many have forgotten. But there is one thing I can't forget. When I was four, my father and mother took me to visit Hainan.

  到了海南的.沙滩上,我们在那里开沙滩车,爸爸带着我,妈妈坐在后面。爸爸开了一会,我就对爸爸说让我也来开一会,爸爸高兴的就同意了。我就双手握住摩托车的把,忽然看见前面来了一辆沙滩车往我这里开来, 我当时很紧张,就踩刹车,由于个子小踩不到刹车就乱踩,最后终于踩到了,由于刹车太用力,差点把我弹了下来,我当时的屁股就在座位上来回的跳,我心里想;‘大难不死,必有后福’。爸爸这时对我说,‘遇到事情一定要冷静,不要慌张,不会的东西不要去碰,会的东西尽量不弄坏。'

  On the beach in Hainan, we drove there on the beach. Dad took me and mother sat behind. Dad opened a moment, and I told my dad to let me open for a while. Dad was happy and agreed. I hold the motorcycle, suddenly saw in front of a car to the beach car here. I was very nervous on the brakes, because small not to step on the brakes trample, finally stepped on the brakes too hard, because, I almost got bounced off when I ass in his seat and jump, I thought; "the spoils escape from death in a great catastrophe.". Dad said to me at this time, 'be sure to be calm, don't panic, don't touch anything that can't be touched, and the things will be as bad as possible. '


  My father's words are still firmly remembered. I won't forget this thing all my life.



  There are many things that make me memorable, such as the spring games, the fun games, the fall rope skipping game...

  但是,有一件事是令我最难忘的。记得那时候我才四岁,妈妈给我买了一个很漂亮的粉色游泳圈,又买了两张门票,陪着我去游泳  泳。我换上了游泳衣,戴上了游泳圈,只听“扑通”一声我跳进了水里。 “这的水可真暖和啊!”我对妈妈说。

  But there is one thing that makes me most memorable. I remember when I was four years old, my mother bought me a beautiful pink swimming circle, bought two tickets, and accompanied me to swimming. I changed my swimming suit, put on the swimming circle, and only listened to the "flop" and I jumped into the water. "The water is so warm!" I said to my mother.


  The tragedy happened just as I was happy to play. Somehow, my swimming circle was leaking. I fell into the water, choked some water and drank a few of the water. My mother and the lifeguard hurried into the water to save me. After being lifted up, mother hastened to take out the bath towel and water from the bag. I said to my mother, "Mom, don't you think I didn't drink enough?" "Throwing" a sound mom smiled. I laughed too.


  Although I was choking with water during the swimming season, this is the most memorable thing for me. At the same time, I will give other children a negative teaching material so that they can pay attention to safety when swimming.



  Everyone is an unforgettable thing, and I am no exception. My most memorable thing is to happen in a cold winter.


  That day we just after school began to large snowflakes. These small snowflakes like the same for us with beads, a sky snow curtain. And self - sealed "woman Superman" I do not call the cold, just walk carefully. "Alas." I slipped and fell and fell down. This is, a nearly thirty of my uncle, I pulled it up. At a loss, I was only busy thanking, and then I hurried away. I touch the pocket "huh, the key?" Then I thought again; it must have been stolen by that uncle. I was very angry, did not think the heart is like wolves kind uncle surface. I'm busy extremely pressing, turn around and go, when I saw the face of uncle came, he gasped; little friend, your key. I quickly took the key; without demur, away from him, turned away. Later, I listened to my classmates saying that I left the key in the ground when I got up. The uncle picked up to chase me and listened to my shame.


  This is one of my most memorable things.