
时间:2022-07-05 04:17:48 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1





  Fatness is one of the serious problems which have a bad effect on our health. And at present the situation in the teenagers is even worse, As to this, a discussion was carried out in our class.

  Some students think fatness does harm to our health, so it is necessary to be on a diet and take suitable exercise to prevent it. Those who are overweight should take measures to lose weight to be healthy.

  But others have a different opinion. They say losing weight will be bad for the teenagers during their growth course, as well as their studies. So there is no doubt to leave it as it is.

英语作文600字 篇2


  她有一双明亮的眼睛,一张可爱的圆脸,我非常喜欢她上课。虽然她教我的时间不长,但是我却跟她有了难舍难分的感情。 她的幽默诙谐,以至于课堂气氛从未处于紧张状态,始终是活跃的,常常讲一些让我们开心的话,或者直接放首歌,让大家开心开心,还没见过这样的老师吧?问:“谁是最可爱的人?”答:“英语老师呗!”


  她有时候也很严厉,当同学不认真时,她总会摆一个POSE——双手叉腰,眼神凶狠,一副气势汹汹的样子,望而生畏! 我们有几个“耍宝王”被老师请到办公室了还和老师笑,但是老师呢,也已经渐渐喜欢我们了,每次我们干什么事她也会轻轻地笑一下,因为他觉得我们也十分可爱,这样的老师那里还找的到呢?我要感谢上帝让我在这么好的学习环境下成长,而且 邓老师的工作责任心强。她全心全意地教我们。尽管她讲话语速快,但她的'声音总是洪亮的,我们都能听清楚,因此我从不把她的语速快当作缺点。邓老师不光说得快,她写得也快。当我们做练习时,她只需五分钟就能把黑板写满了。这样你就明白了,我们的英语课是既短而又紧凑的,因此我们要珍惜英语课,不能浪费,而其他科目也是一样的,我希望邓老师永远是我的英语老师,然而这是不可能的,因为我会慢慢长大,从初中——到高中也就是几年的时间,虽然时间短暂,但是我也要珍惜时间,我以后如果即将离开五中的话,我会送所有老师和母校一个礼物——那就是我的学习成绩提高,老师一定要相信我,不会让你失望得。 我们的邓老师还是一位慈祥的,热心肠的妇女。她的教学经验丰富。我喜欢英语,喜欢我的英语老师。

英语作文600字 篇3

  I have a grandpa, he is nearly 70 years old, it sounds old for him, but in his heart, he is really young.

  Two years ago, when I was in summer holiday, I went back to hometown and visited him. When I used my cellphone, my grandpa could say out which brand it belonged to, he also told me the advantage and disadvantage of my cellphone. I was so surprised, my grandpa said since I went to school, he had nothing to do, so he became interested in the digital products. He is familiar with all kinds of digital products, he is so cool to me. My grandpa is so lovely, he is so fashionable, he is never old.


英语作文600字 篇4

  Hello , everyone ! Let me introduce my friend Tony to you . Tony is from England . He is 22 years old . He is studying in a university . He likes sports very much . He can play football well and he also likes traveling . Last winter , when I was visiting the Great Wall , I met him . Since then , we often write to each other . We are good friends now . Last week , he came to China again . He hopes to meet more Chinaese friends . So I introduce him to all of you . I hope we can get on well with each other . And Tony is planning to climb Mountain Tai this summer . I hope he will have a good time in China . That’s all . Thank you


英语作文600字 篇5

  People are starting to recognize the importance of social communications.Interpersonal communications exist in many forms:friends greet each other on their way to school; children discuss with their parents about a family vocation plan; scientists have conference with their colleagues to talk about the future of certain scientific region.Everyday life is composed of interpersonal communications.

  Therefore,it's logical and reasonable to conclude that interpersonal communications play a very important role in one's life.Therefore,it's also very important to develop and maintain good interpersonal communication skills.Good interpersonal communication skills can help one succeed in one's career,social life,and many other circumstances.










