
时间:2022-12-31 18:34:55 诗婕 英语作文 我要投稿




  亲情英语作文 篇1

  I was born in an ordinary family, but I never feel lacking anything in my life. I receive love from my family. When I meet troubles, they support me without hesitation. The strong connection of kinship provides me the great power to move on.


  Chinese people pay special attention to the family reunion. No matter how far away they are, the family members will come home and have big dinner on traditional festivals. The meal means so much for everyone. People enjoy the moment to have communication with each other and strengthen the relationship.


  With the family’s support, we will be a strong person, no matter how hard the life is. When we meet difficulties, it is natural for us to think about our families, as they give us the motivation to get over the hard time. If we are tired, just go home and talk to our parents, then all the annoyances will be forgotten and they mean nothing to you compared to the kinship.


  The close kinship is the infinite power to lead us a positive life. I cherish all the love they give me.


  亲情英语作文 篇2


  In this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big three, watching her babies flying away. I think she must be very proud of her children,who are able to find their own food now. But she may also feel a sense of loss since they no longer need her day-to-day care as they used to. This picture shows very well the mixed feelings of parents when watching their children grow up. For my parents, things will be much easier. We will set up our family blog to post our photos,journals and audios. Once I leave for college, we can conveniently share our experiences and support each other no matter where we are. Their nest will never be empty.



  亲情英语作文 篇3

  I live in the poverty rural. My family is very poor, my family has two children and my brother. In my impression, my father always is very cold, I am very enthusiastic about your brother, just because I am a girl. It seems that your brother is his only one. Finally, I have taken a few kilometers from my family, and I can finally leave the father's body's loveless face, leaving this no equality, there is no warm home.

  On the day of leaving home to school, my mother helped me pack my clothes, and sent me to the station with my father. The father stuffed a little crumpled money in my hand, and said coldly: "Save point to use money, nothing to run in the evening, take a few crogens." I also indifferent "Well", no Remember, turned to the bus. Every weekend, the school is calm down, my good friends have left the school one by one, returning to their warm home. I have been alone, I have also thought of the family, I thought of my parents, I thought of my brother, but I thought of my cold words when my father left, my heart was hard, I just didn't go back! I have passed a half a semester, I have really bone, I haven't returned. Until the weather is turned cold, I think I want to go back to take some warm clothes. On Saturday, I found a classmate to borrow a bicycle, step by step. Suddenly, the sky is in the sky, the rain is ruthless, ruthlessly falls to my body, the rain is wet, my hair, my clothes, my shoes are wet, I am cold, but I still go home step by step. Set. When I returned home, it was already at night, but I only had a younger brother at home.

  He told me that Mom and Dad have cultivated fields in Tianli, and now have not come back. Then he gave me a cup of hot tea, asked me: "Sister, how is you not coming back, Dad always go to the village every Saturday evening, wait until the night, our family wants you, especially Dad. Dad also said that if you don't come back in the next week, he said that the school gives you some clothes and money ... "I slammed, standing on the bench like a power, what? Father, he ...? I thought about it, rushing to the village, just is it too rushing, I didn't see my father? Sweat, rain is flowing together to my face ... Some people say that maternal love is like a mountain, mother loves like a sea. And I said that father love is a sea. We are just a ship, which will never go out of the harbor; Father love is the sky, we are just a bird, never fly the vast sky.

  亲情英语作文 篇4

  Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation.Unconditional love corresponds in one of 'the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of every human being; on the other hand, to be loved because of one's merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt: maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me, maybe this or that--there is always a fear that love could disappear. Furthermore, "deserved" love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only because one pleases, that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used. No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love, as children and also as adults. The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is thehome we e from, she is nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such natural home. He has little connection with the child in the first years of his life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be pared with that of mother. But while father does not represent thenatural world, he represents the other pole of human existence; the world of thought, of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is "1 love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me." In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love, a negative and a positive aspect. The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved, that it can be lost if one does not do what is expected. The positive side is equally important.

  亲情英语作文 篇5

  People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.

  Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that. Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but



  亲情英语作文 篇6

  Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation.Unconditional love corresponds in one of 'the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of every human being; on the other hand, to be loved because of one's merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt: maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me, maybe this or that--there is always a fear that love could disappear. Furthermore, "deserved" love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only because one pleases, that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used. No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love, as children and also as adults. The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is thehome we come from, she is nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such natural home. He has little connection with the child in the first years of his life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother. But while father does not represent thenatural world, he represents the other pole of human existence; the world of thought, of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is "1 love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me." In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love, a negative and a positive aspect. The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved, that it can be lost if one does not do what is expected. The positive side is equally important.

  亲情英语作文 篇7


  Father's love is like music, playing wonderful music for me;


  Father's love is like spring water. When my mouth is dry, give me water.


  Father's love is like a pillar! It is father who supports the whole family with his high back.


  Father's love is great

  亲情英语作文 篇8


  There is a lot of love in the world. My father's love for me is something I will never forget. My father is a very loving person.


  I remember one summer evening, I was doing my homework, and suddenly there was a power failure. Writing homework by candlelight, sweat drips down my head, which is too hot to bear. Dad looked in his eyes and quickly found a fan. He used his rough hands to help me with the fan. The breeze blew all over my body, making me feel refreshed.


  Although my father's hand is black and thick, but it gives me a lot of warm, also full of father's love. Dad, I really want to say to you, "Dad, I love you.".

  亲情英语作文 篇9


  Parents love is meticulous, remember one winter when I was a child, my hand is very cold, so you pick up and learn to rub my hand to warm me.


  Or on rainy days, you always lean your umbrella on my side, lest I get caught in the rain.


  No matter where you are, you are always so kind to me. Dad, I love you, although all parents are like this, but I still think you are the father!

  亲情英语作文 篇10


  Father's love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm even in the cold winter; father's love is a clear spring, so that your emotions, even if covered with the dust of the years, are still pure and pure. Father's love is like a heavy book, intriguing; father's love is like a glass of sweet wine, with endless aftertaste.

  亲情英语作文 篇11


  Since I was sensible, my father has been growing up for my health and happiness, for my progress in learning and for my improvement in moral cultivation. Apart from his working hours, he has devoted almost all his time to me. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, its snowy and rainy. For more than ten years, he has been caring about me and cherishing me.


  Listen to Grandma: since the day I was born, the whole family has been working for me. They say that my mother is hard and its not easy to give birth to me. But my father has been running around the hospital day and night, carrying tea and water for my mother and changing my diapers. He hasnt had a rest for a moment. Even in the evening, we have to wait for our mother and daughter to go to sleep sweetly before he can have a rest I often have to cuddle at night. Dad hasnt slept well for three months.


  When I grew up, I was alone in front of the window with my childhood photos. When I was one to three years old, I grew up with the care of my parents every day. Looking at the picture, mom and Dad took me a happy bath, sleeping on the trolley alone, I knew that I must be very happy when I was a child.


  From the age of four to six, I began to enter my kindergarten. Every day, my father cooks breakfast for me. My father is responsible for sending me, picking me up, going to school and finishing school. Once, my father didnt come to pick me up at 4:30 because of something in the company. Seeing it was getting dark, I cried loudly. When my father came to pick me up, I didnt talk to my father all the way, because I was angry. Why did my father come to pick me up late. After going home, my mother always blamed my father, and my father kept apologizing to me. In the future, this kind of situation has never happened again

  亲情英语作文 篇12


  Some people say that father loves like a mountain. He will hide all his feelings on the back of his great shore in silence. With the passage of time, he will accumulate, and occasionally erupt like a dormant volcano. Father's love is as deep as a mountain.


  But I want to say: father love like water. He turned all his love into flowing water, flowing through my heart and accompanied me on my journey of life. Where there is me, there is the footprints of water. So the water fills my life. When I am sad and melancholy, there is the sound of water singing; when I am joyful and ecstatic, there are the words of water warning in my ears. Holy water from heaven, with wisdom and selfless love, flows in every space of my heart, comforts me, inspires me, warns me, washes my beating soul from time to time, and makes me grow up healthily and happily under the care of love.


  In the golden autumn, the fields are full of yellow rice. From afar, every grain of rice is twinkling with the joy of harvest. Only I came to this river city with heavy steps, with some sadness and loss. I sat under a silent osmanthus tree with my father, and osmanthus was floating around me, but I felt a bleak autumn. Jiangnan is not the beautiful Jiangnan in my dream. Everything is so strange, as if I were a red leaf. But after autumn, when the wind is bleak, who will throw it into the river, drift along the current, have no direction, and be boundless. How I wish someone could pick me up. It's better to put it into the poetry collection with the abandoned sadness and treasure.


  The next day, I went to the station to see my father off. When I was about to check in the ticket, my father handed me a book. I opened it and saw Xu Zhimo's poetry collection. To my surprise, osmanthus was sandwiched between the first and last pages of the book. Father said meaningfully: "son, carefully smell it! In fact, each one is fragrant. " Then go to the ticket gate.


  I stayed for a long time, imagining my father's sweet scented osmanthus on one page in the dawn, and I was moved to tears.


  Looking back, it turns out that Rongcheng is really beautiful.


  Father's love is like water, like water's softness, like water's delicacy, also has like water's kind of spray splash, the wave washes the sky's masculinity. Father's love, this poetic water of love with the sun on the way of my life.

  亲情英语作文 篇13

  mother's love wi people's praises for its selfle e . in fact, father's love is as great as that. they bury their love in the deep bottom of their hearts and will never show it. my father is of this kind. i remembered once i felt ill. mother wa 't at home at that moment. father acted as a father and as a mother as well. when he came home from work, he would cook di er for me first. the way he fed me made me think of my kind and tender mother. his eyes were full of love and expectation. i did feel a father's love at that time.

  motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation.unconditional love corresponds in one of 'the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of every human being; on the other hand, to be loved because of one's merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt: maybe i did not please the person whom i want to love me, maybe this or that--there is always a fear that love could disappear. furthermore, "deserved" love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only because one pleases, that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used. no wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love, as children and also as adults. the relationship to father is quite different. mother is the

  home we come from, she is nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such natural home. he has little connection with the child in the first years of his life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother. but while father does not represent thenatural world, he represents the other pole of human existence; the world of thought, of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure. father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. fatherly love is conditional love. its principle is "1 love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me." in conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love, a negative and a positive aspect. the negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved, that it can be lost if one does not do what is expected. the positive side is equally important. since his love is conditional, i can do something to acquire it, i can work for it; his love is not outside of my control as motherly love is.

  亲情英语作文 篇14

  All say that love is great and selfless, in fact, fatherly love is express volumes.

  My father is a carpenter, a black and a white hair, a pair of one's eyes brimming with radiating vigour eyes, big nose is a lovely catfish mouth. This is my ordinary father.

  My father is a real redneck, usually not much words, silent as a mountain. But the simple, honest, can not cover up the elegant temperament, he always pay attention to their words, in their own words and deeds to tell me the truth in life.

  Once, my father took a wooden work, nor let the father on the door to do color pretty, red. My father came home for dinner, thinking of this, watch TV and thinking about it. I couldn't help, complained: " Dad, you still think which! You play nice, people do not give you money, play is not pretty, and they will not give you the money, but also so much, why old miss! "

  Father says: " no no, play beautiful even though he does not give me money, but I the performance obtained his approval, he will be looking for me to do the work, n

  亲情英语作文 篇15

  I got up late this morning and went to school without feeding my cats.

  When I came home in the afternoon, the cats almost starved to death. They circled around me and crying for food. I took one fish out and threw it to the cats. I wanted to see who was the first one to catch the fish.

  Mother cat held it in her mouth and nm away quickly. She didn't eat it, but put it down, then called her children there. The four starving little cats began to devour the fish, but their mother just stayed there looking at them tenderly,without eating a little bit.

  On seeing that, I thought of my mother.

  She often does everything for me selflessly. This is a mother's love, I think.

  亲情英语作文 篇16

  Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It's a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mother's Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation is regarded as the flower for mother. In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe. In addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best Mother's Day gifts.

  亲情英语作文 篇17

  I got up late this morning and went to school without feeding my cats.When I came home in the afternoon, the cats almost starved to death. They circled around me and crying for food. I took one fish out and threw it to the cats.

  I wanted to see who was the first one to catch the fish. Mother cat held it in her mouth and nm away quickly. She didn't eat it, but put it down, then called her children there. The four starving little cats began to devour the fish, but their mother just stayed there looking at them tenderly,without eating a little bit.

  On seeing that, I thought of my mother. She often does everything for me selflessly. This is a mother's love, I think.

  亲情英语作文 篇18

  My mother is forty-five years old. She works in a factory from 7:20 a.m. to 4:00 p.m

  She works very hard, When she gets home. She does some housework.

  She often helps me with any tiredness on her face.

  When he I have difficulties,I usually ask my mother for help,

  She is not noly any mother, but also my friend. and my teacher.

  If I am not happy, She will make me laugh, I think my mother is the best woman in the world.

  I love you. Mum!








  亲情英语作文 篇19

  Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love.However,we often turn a blind eye to the love.One day I deeply felt the love.

  One day I hurried home for lunch after school,because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam.But when I got home,the lunch was not ready yet.I felt unhappy.When the dishes were served,I forund none I like.I ran out of my house angrily and wandered on the street for a while,hungry.Then I walked to school.

  When I got into the classroom,I saw a lunch box on my desk.One classmate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box,I found my favorite food inside.My eyes was moist with tears.

  Mother gave me her love without asking for return,How deep mother love is!

  亲情英语作文 篇20

  All the people often say:"mother's love is the greatest in the world! "Yes, mother's love is very great.We mother give us very too much love. But a big number of us, don't know our mother give us too much love. Mothers are very tired. We don't realize that we should make them to rest. Mothers are thirsty. We don't realize that we should give them a cup of tea. When we beacome father or mother. We will know our parents have gave us much love .So,at this moment. We must reture a good grades to our parents.










