
时间:2024-07-11 18:25:01 美云 英语作文 我要投稿




  信息时代英语作文 1

  Its the age of information now and information is very important in the society.we need verious of information to live a normal life.we need to know the lastest news ,listen to the weather forecast,learn about the newly published books and many other things we are interested in and want to know.

  There are many way of acquiring information,for example we can watch TV,listen to radio, read newspaper and magazines and go on line which is to most popupar ,convienent and effective way now.

  Living in such an age of information,what should we to to face up to the challenge of it?I think we should try our best to learn as much knowledge as we can and try to master the new techonology.

  信息时代英语作文 2

  Computers are playing a more and more important role in modern society. They are already widely used in industry and in universities to do extremely comp1icated work in all branches of learning. They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. Because they work accurately and keep at high speeds, they save research workers years of hard work. They play a key role in automation. Besides, they have found applications in business, transportation, education and other fields. Computers have brought important social consequences.

  Computers are also entering ordinary families. As computers are being made small, cheap, and at the same time easy to use, more people buy computers for their homes. We use computers to control the work of washing machines, TV sets, electrical cookers and other electrical appliances. We use computers to process and store all kinds of information. We also use computers to entertain ourselves by playing games on them. There is no limit to the application of computers in our lives.

  Despite all the advantages t computers can never take the place of human brains. Although computers work much faster and much more accurately than human beings, they cannot “think". They need detailed instructions from human beings in order to be ab1e to operate. They can never lead independent lives, or “rule the world” or "rule the world "by making decisions of their own. No matter how capable they are, they are our servants, not our masters.

  信息时代英语作文 3

  “knowledge is power.” this is more obviously true with the advent(到来) of the information age. with the rapid development of science and technology, man’s knowledge is increasing very quickly. more and more books and scientific papers are published every year. it is said that the total of man’s knowledge doubles every ten years. besides, information spreads very quickly through television and computer networks, and people in different countries can share their knowledge and information in a fantastic(惊人的) short period. like population eplosion, information eplosion in our times.

  at the beginning of the industrial revolution, a countrys comparative(相对的,比较的.) advantage depended largely on the natural resources endowed(天生具有) by nature. then, people eperienced several phases(阶段) in industry revolution: the primary industry(agriculture), the secondary industry(manufacturing 工业), and the tertiary(第三的) industry(服务). now, we are in the fourth industry stage----the information industry.

  it is argued that in future people should no longer be classified(分类的) as white collars(衣领) or blue collars, but rather as knowledge or non-knowledge workers. the knowledge workers can not only read and write, and perform rote(死记硬背) tasks, they must meet the basic requirements(需要) of computer literacy(读写能力) and constantly(不断地) conceive(想象,构想) new way to match(相适合) the changing demands of increasing productivity(生产率,生产力).

  it is people mastering the most advanced knowledge who will take the lead. systems developers(开发者), computer scientists and programmers, management analysts and inventors are in most demand in the industry countries.

  the challenge(挑战) facing every country is to resuscitate(复苏) its investment(投资) and training. the only way to get greater knowledge is though education and training. knowledge, like capital(首都) and material resources, has become an essential(不可缺的) factor of production. therefore, the educational system of a society ought to enable its members to make a rapid transition(过渡) to adapt to the knowledge-based war. otherwise, that society will inevitably(不可避免的) lag(落后) behind.

  信息时代英语作文 4

  I am good friends with computers. Computers can be very helpful for me in both life and study.

  In my daily life, I go to the Internet to search for high-quality and inexpensive goods in the mall; If you want to have a conversation with distant relatives, I will send an email. Computers have gradually made our family prosperous, and the distance from the standard line of a moderately prosperous family is getting closer and closer.

  In terms of learning, I have enriched my knowledge by collecting a lot of knowledge on the computer and practicing exercises and papers that are not available in books. Sometimes, when I have nothing to do at home, I search for information related to the text online, which makes me a "little doctor" in the class; In terms of leisure and entertainment, I chat with adults on websites, ask some questions, and gain a lot of insights. Sometimes, adults may not answer my questions, which adds a bit of confidence to me.

  The computer age has brought abundant information, and I cant do without a computer in modern times. Ah。 Computer, my good friend.

  信息时代英语作文 5

  We are often moved and impressed by the profound concern, hope, and love contained in the letters of famous people. Reading Lu Xuns letter to Xu Guangping, you will find the gentle and approachable side of the gentleman. Reading Wen Yiduos family letters during his stay in the United States, you will clearly feel the discrimination and humiliation that citizens of underdeveloped countries face in other countries. Reading the letters of Ba Jin, Xiao Shan, Shen Congwen, Zhang Zhaohe, and their families, you will understand how fate connects reverence and admiration, allowing lovers to endure the storms of time and the vicissitudes of life without regret. Family letters are undoubtedly the best epitome of historical development.

  However, in the information age, home letters have been replaced by phone calls, mobile phones, email, MSN, text messages, and more. The famous French philosopher Derrida interrupted in his masterpiece postcard: "The changes of the telecommunications era are not only changes, but will undoubtedly lead to the end of literature, philosophy, psychoanalysis, and even love letters.". Famous American scholar J? Hillis? Miller also believes that the new era of telecommunications is leading literature to an end by changing its premise and symbiotic factors.

  Indeed, with the rapid development of television, computers, and the internet, many people no longer have the patience to sit down and read literary works seriously, and there are also many people who are too lazy to write letters or take notes.

  信息时代英语作文 6

  Have you ever thought about how information will be transmitted in 100 years? Perhaps you think its too far away and havent thought about it. Its okay, lets imagine it together. Maybe, 100 years from now

  A multifunctional watch will be produced in 100 years. Its like a computer, you can chat and search for information online. Someone may ask, where is the keyboard? Dont worry, there are two options: you can choose a sliding keyboard or turn on touch screen mode, and thats it. In addition to accessing the internet, you can also make video calls, play games, read e-books, listen to music... Dont look at such a small watch, it contains many functions!

  In 100 years, there will be an electronic carrier pigeon specifically responsible for sending letters. This carrier pigeon is no different from a real pigeon except for a small screen on its body. You just need to write down the recipients city, name, gender, workplace, and school on the screen, and then enter the content. You just need to press the "send" button, and the electronic carrier pigeon will fly to the recipients hand. Dont think its slow to deliver messages, nor do you think it will be shot down. The maximum time it takes to deliver a message is no more than 3 minutes. Moreover, it is equipped with a defense system inside its body and will not be shot down.

  What have you fantasized about? Are you like me? I believe not. You must have your innovation, even better than mine, right? How will information be transmitted 100 years from now? I fantasize that 100 years from now

  信息时代英语作文 7

  We are the flowers of our motherland, embracing the information age. We are the sun of the world, burning with a beautiful future.

  Television has entered every household. Children watching cartoons fill them with imaginative imagination, gain a lot of knowledge, and become smarter. Adults watching TV dispels the fatigue of the day, increases understanding, tolerance, and improves the quality of life. Especially for elderly people who watch TV and immerse themselves in a joyful atmosphere all day, their lonely lives are full of colorful sunshine.

  The development of the Internet has made great changes in our lives. When students have problems, they will always scratch their ears and cheeks, feeling restless in their hearts. With a gentle search online, the answer jumps in front of you, and the problem is easily solved. Going shopping on the street is a hard job, and no one wants to walk sweating profusely in the scorching sun. Nowadays, we can freely choose our favorite items under the air conditioning at home, and even buy things from abroad. The Internet lets us look at the world and understand it.

  Entering the information world, as elementary school students, we should also keep up with the times. We should have an innovative mindset. Modern society requires innovation, otherwise it will fall behind. We need to acquire more knowledge to challenge ourselves, practice ourselves, and have the courage to innovate.

  Let us follow the train of the times, step forward, and set sail!

  信息时代英语作文 8

  With the development of the internet era, the internet is becoming more and more convenient and concise. The internet is everywhere, and more and more people are using it. There are countless advantages and disadvantages.

  The information age has evolved from the ape man - beacon fire, carrier pigeon, courier... It has become our current Internet, the Internet age.

  We can use the internet to help us. When encountering problems that we dont know, we can search online and learn new knowledge. On the internet, there are also some online writers who publish their own novels and some e-books. With just one phone, you can see most of the good articles. Through the internet, we can buy good goods from all over the world, and there are more beautiful clothes. The brands we know also broaden our horizons. The internet has enriched our knowledge, made us smarter, and made our lives simpler and less troublesome.

  Even the best thing has two sides. The internet makes us lazier and more homesick. We can order meals and anything online, and there are no more people willing to go out. We stay at home every day, as long as we have a mobile phone. The internet also makes our time less and our family relationship less and less. Picking up my phone, I unknowingly missed breakfast and the morning passed. I didnt do anything I wanted to do, didnt say a word to my family, and wasted time. There is also online violence, which can often be seen in comments where someone is criticizing and criticizing others. Blaming online without distinction, and not knowing how much effort others have put in to achieve todays success, it is said to be fake or bought. This makes the basic etiquette between people disappear. Respect the efforts of others and reject online violence.

  The Internet era has helped us a lot and changed us a lot. Lets develop in a positive direction.

  信息时代英语作文 9

  We live in an information age, where we listen to radio, watch TV, read newspapers, read books, browse the internet, communicate with relatives and friends, all of which are brought about by the information age. In modern society, the amount of information is increasing, and the speed of information transmission is getting faster. People have a wider range of ways to obtain information. The era has created heroes, and the era has also created a miracle -- the Internet. Its birth has subverted our traditional life and pushed life to another unknown field.

  In the classroom, the teacher imparts knowledge to us, which is information; On campus, listen to school leaders speaking, this is information; Outside of class, watching TV, surfing the internet, and chatting with friends are also information. Over 2700 years ago, our ancestors invented several ways of transmitting information - beacon fires. Beacon fire, commonly known as "wolf smoke", is a tool used to burn dry wolf manure as fuel, mainly used to transmit military information. Another way - using a courier, the transmitted message is very accurate. In modern times, technology has become even more advanced. In the 1830s, Morse invented the telegraph. Later, Bell invented the telephone, which made information transmission faster. With the birth of the first multimedia electronic computer in 1984, people embarked on the "information highway" in 1993. Nowadays, computers are developing rapidly, updating almost every ten years, making it faster and more convenient for people to transmit information.

  Information not only brings us convenience and speed, but also brings us many negative things, such as pornography, violence, online fraud So, lets not believe in these scams. Otherwise, we will embark on a path of no return.

  The 21st century is the world of information. Let us learn knowledge well and create a better tomorrow.

  信息时代英语作文 10

  My time online may not be as long as some experienced users, with only a short two years, but I have deeply experienced the wonders of the online world. The online world is wonderful and infinite, with countless changes... This is indescribable!

  I often go online, but the "thrilling" online games that I hear my classmates discussing in school do not have any attraction for me. When my classmates hear every fun game, they just need to go online and put in a lot of effort to study the games that they are very obsessed with.

  Perhaps I am a bit dull, I just treat the game tool in my heart as a wise and knowledgeable teacher, with a respectful attitude, to understand and search for knowledge that he knows but I have some confusion.

  I not only see it as my teacher, but also as a brilliant and wonderful place to relax my mind. When I am in a bad mood, I will search for songs from well-known singers online, listen to the true essence of their hearts, feel the beautiful melody, to relax, release the oppression and unhappiness in my heart.

  Whenever I go online, it is a very happy time for me because I can learn some knowledge again, and I can read many famous works. It allows me to adjust my mood and purify my soul.

  Whenever I read in books, newspapers, TV, or online about certain young people in society who have become obsessed with online games and have committed crimes or even committed suicide, I feel conflicted and wonder why the tools that can help us gain knowledge become the culprits?

  The internet is very wonderful, it makes me deeply immersed and dependent on it!

  信息时代英语作文 11

  Information transmission is changing our life. The Internet is our best friend, our most beloved teacher, and our most dedicated boss. The Internet is a double-sided spy, which will bring us both advantages and disadvantages.

  Benefits of the Internet

  If you stay at home and have nothing to do or feel lonely. You can find your intimate friends on the Internet, chat with them, and soon you will be happy and cheerful. If you feel tired from chatting and typing, and want to relax a bit, open QQ Music and play a melodious and free song to listen to. Plant vegetables and water the plants on the farm. If your academic performance is not good and you are worried about being scolded, you can learn from a renowned online teacher to prevent you from getting sick. If you cant find a job and sigh all day, you can find a job online... The Internet gives us joy, knowledge and work.

  Disadvantages of the Internet

  Although the Internet has many advantages, it is a real eye and emotional killer. It is said that 75% of the worlds people are addicted to games every year, and 25 to 30 of the 50 primary and middle school students are nearsighted. People are crying, but the Internet is laughing! And the killer of emotions is even more terrifying. When you play with too many computers, due to the radiation, some peoples eyes become numb, forgetting about friendship, family, and anything. They have no interest in anything, and all their emotions disappear, just like a "bio robot". The Internet. There are both advantages and disadvantages, like a big spider crawling around on Earth, but I believe that as long as you believe in it and make good use of it, you will not let the disadvantages crawl onto you.

  信息时代英语作文 12

  With the rapid development of information technology, the technological level of human society is constantly changing. Information technology is integrating into everyones life.

  Why is it said that todays society is an information society? Information technology has brought great convenience to our lives. If we want to say goodbye to the trouble of queuing to buy tickets, we need to learn how to buy tickets online; If we want to break free from the shackles of cash, we need to learn to use mobile payments; If you want to shop while lying in bed, we need to learn how to use mobile phones on Taobao.

  Information technology is not only reflected in social life, but also indispensable in our learning and life. We can use network technology for advanced learning, or we can use network technology to understand problems that we dont know. You can also use network technology to review any points you dont understand during class.

  In this era of informatization, we have no other choice. Only by constantly integrating into it can one survive in the cracks. There is a story about a freshman student who needs to use a computer to complete homework and receive homework information through WeChat. There is another story: an elderly person who is over eighty years old must learn video chatting if they want to meet children from afar frequently.

  Indeed, information technology has integrated into our lives, but in this information age, our personal existence cannot be guaranteed.

  There are various traps on the internet, and first of all, there is the big trap of online fraud. When people put money into their phones, they also have more concerns. Then, there is also the theft of various types of information. For example, the QQ account was stolen. These are indeed major loopholes in the information age, and they also pose a threat to our personal existence.

  However, between personal existence and the information age, I am still more inclined towards the information age, which is a trend of social development. With the development of information technology, loopholes in personal existence problems will eventually be fixed, and the two will also be able to balance.

  信息时代英语作文 13

  The current society is full of confidence and challenges. Various types of information come one after another, providing us with enlightenment, knowledge, and spreading culture. And in the flow of information, what should we do to maintain ourselves?

  Nowadays, there is a flood of information everywhere. The first thing we should do is to keep our eyes open, maintain a good attitude, and not be deceived or confused by these false or untrue information. These pieces of information should be well recognized and removed by us. Only in this way can we improve our information chain and allow more useful information to enter our brain, rather than being a gathering place for many useless pieces of information.

  Then information should also serve as the starting point for our progress. We can acquire knowledge and abilities from various types of information in order to better enhance our professional level and guiding ideology. Information should not flood us like wild beasts, but rather bring us strength like a trickle. Our precious information resources must be identified and better preserved, so that we can better utilize information!

  Information is the best thing in this information age. It not only brings us many unprecedented things, but also enhances our personal abilities. Information has become the best witness of our era. Only by mastering information, knowing how to process and dispose of it, can we grow in it, rather than treating it as a burden, but rather as a driving force for us to move forward.

  We should muster the courage to become experts in the information age! Yes, all kinds of information bring us progressive ideas.

  信息时代英语作文 14

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon shuttle like a shuttle. With the passage of time, humanity has passed one century after another. A brand new era has arrived.

  In this century, the most common thing is robots. The number of robots here has already exceeded the number of humans by several times. These machines have very powerful functions.

  Intelligent control robots use ultrasonic waves to send time information to unobstructed computers throughout China. A non blocking computer is a type of computer that has no resistance at all. After 0.001 seconds, all computers and smartwatches received a message and immediately began timing: "Didi Didi, Duo - now it is July 21, 2500 at 7:00:00 Beijing time with a temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. Major event: The global warming and ozone hole problems facing the world have been resolved."

  I was awakened by the sudden time report. Today is the weekend, and I plan to go out and play for a day.

  I walked out of the house, pressed the "travel" button on my smartwatch, and immediately an automatic small spaceship appeared in front of me. Riding it can reach any corner of the world within ten minutes. I wrote "Mongolian grassland" on the screen. It will arrive in less than ten seconds. After a while, I was a bit hungry, so I quickly took out the food robot and inputted what I wanted to eat. A few minutes later, the delicious food spread all over the ground. After a full meal, I took out my computer and started shopping. After reading for a while, I finally realized what I wanted to buy, so I immediately paid for it. In no time, the things I bought appeared in the retrieval device on the computer.

  Little birds were rarely seen on the Mongolian grasslands in the past. But with the advancement of technology, the ecological environment is getting better and better, and not only can birds be seen on the Mongolian grasslands, but also machine birds.

  Nowadays, high-tech is becoming more and more advanced, making our lives better and more convenient. And the natural environment of the Earth is getting better and better.

  信息时代英语作文 15

  It is said that during the 2008 Olympics, Master Tang and his disciples passed by the Beijing Birds Nest and met a little girl - me.

  At that time, cheers and applause came from the Birds Nest, and Tang Monk casually asked a passerby, who was actually me. Tang Sanzang asked, "Female benefactor, we are monks who went from the Eastern Tang Dynasty to the Western Heaven to worship Buddha and pray for scriptures. What happened to all this noise here?" "You dont even know about this? The Olympics are being held inside!" As I spoke, I covered my mouth and chuckled, "Its been some time, and even" Female benefactor "laughed at me to death.". "What kind of competition is inside?" Tang Monk asked. "Well, Im not quite sure. By the way, isnt your eldest disciple Sun Wukong very talented? You can ask him to take a look. I also want to compete with him to see if Sun Wukong is powerful or high-tech." "Yes, Monkey Brother, compete and let her see your seventy-two changes." Zhu Bajie also joined in the fun. Sun Wukong really agreed. "Your master will be the judge. As long as someone tells your master the answer faster, they will win." I told Sun Wukong the rules. "My grandson can do a somersault for 108000 miles. Youre definitely not as fast as me. Lets start now." Sun Wukong couldnt wait any longer. The competition started, I sat down in place, slightly moved my little finger, and then told Tang Monk the answer. Sun Wukong shouted out the somersault cloud, flew to the center of the birds nest, looked at it, and flew back. "Master, I will..."

  Before Wukong finished speaking, Tang Monk interrupted: "Wukong, needless to say, the benefactor won." Wukong was not convinced, so I told him, "There is a secret: this thing in my hand is called a computer, dont underestimate it, as long as you connect to the Internet and gently move your finger, it is like connecting the whole world into one. No matter how far away, you can know the news there in a moment. So Wukong did not lose to me, but lost to high-tech." Wukong suddenly realized, and said to Tang Monk, "Master, I must learn computer after I get the scripture" Then he said to me, "I will compete with you next time!" "We also want to learn computer." Pig Bajie and Sha Seng said.

  After bidding farewell to the four masters and disciples, they embarked on the path of obtaining scriptures. I watched them leave




信息时代The information age05-19






