
时间:2022-03-07 14:37:02 英语作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1

  First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, the burden on their child and his wife is

  unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficu< if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.首先,二孩政策对于一些独生子女来说是天赐的礼物。对于一些家庭来说,也许父母都是独生子女,而他们也只生一个孩子。抛开孩子的孤独不说,当他们的孩子长大了,而他们也变老了,他们的孩子又和一个独生子女结婚,这样的话,压在他们孩子和孩子妻子肩上的压力是不可想象的。他们的`孩子和他的妻子不得不照顾两对老人。通常,一对年轻的夫妇照顾一


中国英语作文 篇2









  Western festivals and China’s traditional ones

  With rapid spreading of western cultures, there is a growing number of Chinese people prefer western holidays to traditional ones. When Christmas or Valentine Day comes, youngsters flood into bars, restaurants, or department stores to celebrate these festivals, while they know little about Chinese traditional festivals.

  The reason behind such kind social phenomenon is obvious: in a society dominated by mass media and consumerism, festivals and holidays from abroad are labeled as fashionable, new and unique, while traditional ones are something out of date and old. Young people all over the world have regarded western life style especially the life depicted in Hollywood films as their ultimate goal of life. As a consequence it is no wonder that Chinese young people have much more passion on Christmas than China’s Spring Festival.

  We should think about the influence of such a social phenomenon carefully. As far as I am concerned, it is obvious that the wide spread and recognition of western holidays is definitely doing harm to our traditional value. If we don’t take some measures right now, some day in future, Chinese cultural heritage may be alien to our offspring. It is high time for the government and all people to take some action to protect our traditional culture.

中国英语作文 篇3

  Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors.

  Maybe you have heard about Shi Lin (stone forests). There are all kinds of strange stones. Some of the small stones look like graceful girls; and the big stones look like handsome men. Other stones look like cats, peafowls, double-edged swords, mice, elephants and so on. Of all the stones, the stone like a beautiful girl in a legend is the most famous .Its name is A Shima.

  I also went to Li Jiang. The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams. Any road in the city goes to the center of Li Jiang. A river runs through the whole city. If you go along the river, you'll never get lost. There are many ethnic minority people in Yunnan. They are very cordial. And they all like singing and dancing. We danced with them around the campfire that night. I really had a good time.

  I like the elephants and fruits there best. An elephant is even taller than me! I even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first. But the elephant seemed very friendly. I took some photos with it. The fruits there are very fresh and delicious. They are very good for our health.

  The trip to Yunnan impressed me greatly. I will never forget it.






中国英语作文 篇4























  Task 1:一般十句,复杂句约为3句。

  Task 2:15-17句,分支观点,点到为止,用开放式结尾,见好就收。复杂句5-7句即可。













中国英语作文 篇5

  I am afraid to mention this topic, in a news. One day in the classroom, the teacher in our class did an experiment, the impression is still very profound, probably it gave me far more than the usual theory. Is this: there is a president of nearly 40 years of well-known enterprises, do not say money and fame, his position, is the pursuit of many people. If you stand in the perspective of a college student, should you exchange identity with the president of the enterprise, including money, age, education?. Of course, this is just hypothetical. The premise is that today's employment situation is not optimistic, and this college students do not belong to the kind of "market demand" talent.

  Surprisingly, the presence of 40 more than students without the "don't exchange." Including me, of course. The experiment ended with laughter, but it triggered my thinking about "Chinese education". It is very intuitive to expose now the psychology of the students, all the students' thinking has been the "format". Of course, do not rule out some of the students "". When considering this question, I did not hesitate to choose not to exchange "". I think that a person's life lies in whether he had pursued. No matter what the result is, it's not important. I believe that most of these selected students have such a psychological. Because our thinking has been modeled. If the shape of a child's mind is pluralistic, it may be a star, possibly a rhombus, or a circle. Then, "quality education" is like a mold that has been measured, according to its established shape, all students' thinking into the same kind of shape. Perhaps the youth, has become the product.

  Mention Suiti, maybe people will say "and" I believe everyone may not be fair, but history is undeniable, he is in fact he let harass the people and waste money, so the end of the Sui Dynasty is a fact. But who can guarantee that he will not make a contribution? Isn't the Grande Canale a good example?. But most people think of the Grande Canale, can only say that Suiti is how the dictatorship. This is because we only conform to the historical development. Follow the "model" of education.

  May be a type of education is to give the definition of Chinese. But we must remember these "proposition" and make timely.

  Maybe there will be a lot of students, even teachers complain that this education system of China. Ten years of study, only for a graduation certificate. I think this is probably China education and western education the biggest difference. We focus on the theory and practice of their care. Chinese 5000 years of history, it seems from the very early days of this trend. Whether it is the establishment of the Sui Dynasty imperial examination system, or eight shares were held later. To a certain extent, it limits people's thinking and development, so that China's education will always be in the same state.

  I want to talk about my "nine year compulsory education" some opinions. The first is "duty", it is like a yoke, imprison our thinking. That must take learning as a mission to complete. This has become a burden, how can we learn from our own interests, and how much can we get? It is in the waste of the country's financial and material resources? Now most of the students had such a viewpoint, take one of my friends for example. It's just symbolic of wasting nine years of your life on study, which not only doesn't learn anything, but also aggravates the burden of the body and mind. Apart from the parents and the teacher's criticism does not say, your time is wasted. So China education system is not perfect, and even can be said to be not according to the reality and the development of. This kind of education leads to the students created a conflict psychology of learning. That so many years of learning, just for the sake of graduation certificate? But what happens if you get it? You can guarantee a foothold in society?

  The essence of education is that it can change some ideas in our minds, so that we can analyze the society more rationally and realistically. However, if education is like a chain, which directly locks our thinking, does it deviate from the original purpose of education? During the flourishing period of Tang Dynasty, Japan was just an island country which was all over the world. Why can Japan become a developed country now?. I think it's education system is inseparable. Japanese focus on education, but to encourage innovation. They learn history to see the future of the policy, and we? Lesson learned? Yikusitian? I want to say, since it has become history, we go into "why Sino Japanese war will fail? Why should it?" Doesn't it seem superfluous? I don't want to undermine China by trying to be ambitious, but I just want to give an opinion on education from an objective point of view. I do not appreciate Japanese education, their teacher-student relationship may be very stiff. Just from a certain point of view, Japan is still worthy of emulation.

  Overall, China education still has many drawbacks. Not want to what, a surface is very superficial may I see. I want to say is: give us more space, maybe there will be a miracle. Education is not to confine our thoughts, but to open up our.

中国英语作文 篇6



  范围:9个省,自治区(autonomous regions),一个直辖市(municipality)














  New Development for Central and Western China

  The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.

  This part of China includes 9 provinces and autonomous regions and one municipality, covering an area of 5.4 million square kilometers with a population of 285 million.

  The government will pay special attention to their transportation system. Some highways and railways will be built. To protect nature, farmers will return farmland to forest. Also, measures should be taken to prevent pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of. To meet the needs of the development, all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in.

中国英语作文 篇7

  Trees are very helpful and important for us. We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future. It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.

中国英语作文 篇8

  Chinese population policy Start

  China has a huge population, so the population of china will be very hard to control. Many specialists to solve this problem, but no one have a good

  way to solve. Now, the population of china have about 1.3 billion population, and land holdings per head average only 0.82 hectares, also the plough holdings per head average only 0.106 hectares. It take up 43% of the world, so that means the resource of our country is very less now, and didnt surpass the half percentage of the world.

  In this article, I will show you some information about the Chinese population policy.

  The history of Chinese policy

  Start with 1949, china was liberate. The leader of china Mao Zedong was make a policy which is encourage people to bear, because the Mao think a strong country need a huge population. So, in that time if a woman burn many children, then the woman will called “hero woman”.

  And many people were born, that is why the population of china were very huge new.

  In 1978, the family plan were start to use, because the population of china is too huge, and need some policy to control it. So Chinese government was start to use the family planning to control, that is the most useful way to control, they do many thing like welfare to the Chinese people.

  At that time, many of the population were like thispolicy, because they can get much benefit from this event.

  I have seen some poster of the family planning in 1978, and I think it is fool the common people in that time. So I always pity for all elderly Chinese

  people, and my parent tell me it was very cruel that time. When you born more than one child, you will have much and much punishment from the government, like to injure your house, increase your tax levy, but not cruel as kill you, so Chinese is very kind that time!

  Now, the government have been thinking the problem of the population, some peoplesay that we have been keeping the family planning, and other people think we have to stop the family, so it have two choose of family planning, each of it will have a big change in china.

  Family planning

  Family planning is a kind of population policy in the world which is very common, many country were use this policy to control the population, because it is very easy to use, and very convenient to manage the population. Also is very low-cost to use.

  But it have some bad way, like it will have a big problem called aging of population, it made the many young peoples burden very huge, very hard to care two parent or more.

  Conclude, family planning isnt the best way to control the population, and it can bring many problem to the country. But we cant find another way to control the population, so we just can use this policy.

  The policy of population now

  One Chinese leader of family planning department said that we have to keep going for family planning forever, and china need much and much strict family planning to control our population.

  Then many specialist to publish their own idea of family planning, all of

  ideas were talk about to weaken or stop the family planning, and give some advice of population. Here I would like introduce some specialist ideas.

  Chinese population is very large now, if we stop growing immediately, it will have a big problem call aging of population. If this problem happen, the young people will be very hard to provide their family.

  Population will be stop growing to 1.8 milliard if we dont do anything, so that is a good way to control the population and dont have much shortcoming. It can be a better way to control the population, isnt it

  If we still using the policy of family planning, it will have a large population decrease, and will have aneffect of many thing. Productivity of china will be less, and manpower resource will be less too.

  This is all my thinking


中国英语作文 篇9

  New Year's day, every family is jubilant, zhang lamp is decorated, our family is no exception.

  On the thirtieth day, I went to my grandma's house with my parents. In the morning, the streets are crowded with people, there are always "kuang", "ding" sound. I asked my sister curiously: "sister, what are so many people doing?" My sister smiled but did not speak, so I put my whole body into the crowd, and there was a pair of people dancing on the lantern. The uncles and aunts of the dragon lantern were dressed in neat white clothes and red trousers, and they caught the dragon lantern, the dragon lantern was swinging and rolling, and the drums and drums were accompanied by the dragon lantern. They are crossing every street to pray for peace. Then we followed the procession to the riverside, where they were praying for a prosperous ship. The dragon lamp was over, and we listened to the distant drums and drums, watching the faint figure.

  In the evening, our family sat on a stool and ate the reunion dinner. After dinner, we stood on the balcony upstairs watching the fireworks downstairs. First put the flower basket, flower basket is made up of six round hole, blows the basket ", "first spark, suddenly" bang "a fly in the sky, blown into many colorful spark, so the spray, the six like being blessed people! Sister feel good-looking, couldn't wait to picked up the butterfly king, sister quickly lit, grasp the in hand, 1 to "jump", fireworks upon a lightsome, butterfly dancing in the sky, the last 1 of "pa", is divided into many a spark, in the sky slowly, gently, falling to the ground. I took out another golden jade full hall, take it in hand, "bang", "bang", the sound of ten guns, reverberate the night sky, symbolizing our good luck, > happiness.

  The sky is getting dark, our whole family go to the room happily to watch the Spring Festival party, tell a smile, how happy Spring Festival!

中国英语作文 篇10

  The famous Chinese documentary television series, called “A bite of China” introduces the history and story behind food of various kinds in China.

  It quickly gained high ratings and widespread popularity.I speak highly of this documentary for it vividly promotes Chinese culture, which is supposed to be a successfully marketing case.

  Instead of simply boasting various kinds of cuisine, this one represents the production process behind food.

  What’s more, it matches up with the lives of local people, which triggers emotional connection.

  In addition, there are many beautiful natural sceneries, which attract many people’s attention.

  This food documentary reflects ecological civilization, showing the concept of sustainable development.

  For all of these aspects, it establishes a good image for our country.

  Therefore, it can be described as a successful food documentary.










